More Quotations on Funding
Darville (1992):
Literacy advocates generally know that multi-year core funding of programs is essential to allow them to consolidate and expand their work, and that project funding is also crucial to enable developmental activities to be undertaken. But they also know that, historically, programs have often been underfunded or sporadically funded. Temporary funding, and grants restricted to ‘innovative projects’ are a perennial problem. Practitioners in many contexts spend time on fund-raising that should be spent on the work itself; practitioners learn to do their jobs only to see their funding disappear; programs disappear by the time that learners decide to enter them, or begin to make progress. (p. 55)
Parker (1990):
As with other human resource programs, it is obvious that legislators are now concerned about ABE program accountability, performance, funding investments, and service to special at–risk populations. [. . .] Many programs claim an annual expenditure of $150 per student. Like a cheap pizza, ABE is typically broad and very thin. (p. 18)
Quigley (2001):
Situational ethics is occasionally used in your [adult basic education or literacy] program for the sake of survival. Your program administrator has tried to find other sources of income, such as trying to convince members of the corporate sector to help sponsor your program and fundraising campaigns. Humiliating as it may be, your program probably now has a charity number. (p. 56)
Sticht (1995):
Adult education, and particularly literacy education for present and potential parents, should occupy a central position in all governments’ educational planning. Four interrelated reasons for nations to support greater investments in adult education are summarized below:
1. Better educated adults are more productive for society. [. . .]
2. Better educated adults provide better communities for learning. [. . .]
3. Better educated adults demand and get better schooling for children. [. . .]
4. Better educated adults produce better educated children. [. . .]
[. . .] “double duty dollars” can be obtained through the intergenerational transfer of literacy that takes place in adult basic skills education programs. Governments and other sponsors of education programs should know that they can obtain multiplier effects for their investments in adult basic education. They should know that by investing in the education of adults, they can improve the education of children. (p. 24)
Darville, Richard (1992). Adult literacy work in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Association for Adult Education.
Parker, J. T. (1990). Modeling a future basic education. Adult Learning, 1(4), 16-18, 28.
Quigley, B. A. (2001). Living in the feudalism of adult basic and literacy education: Can we negotiate a literacy democracy? In C. A. Hansman & P. Sissel (Eds.), Understanding and negotiating the political landscape of adult education (pp. 55-62). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 91. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sticht, T. G. (1995). Adult education for family literacy. Adult Learning, 7(2), 23-24.