Music Scholarship Application
2012-2013 / The Director of Music’s Office,
Streatham Drive,

Please return the completed application form by Email as an attachment to , or alternatively by post to the above address

First Names
Date of Birth
Year of Study as of Autumn 2012
(e.g. 1, 2, PG)
Student Number (if known)
Address (Home) / (University)
Home Telephone No.
Are you applying for a scholarship in
Instrument/Voice (complete Section a)
Composition (complete Section b)
Sound Engineering (complete Section c)
xAll candidates to complete Section d / You may apply for tuition in 2 areas, but you cannot be awarded more than one scholarship.
Details of A / AS / GCSE levels
in Music/Music Tech (if any)
Details of any theory exams taken / These examination details are for statistical purposes only, and will not affect your application.
Details of practical grade exams should be submitted in sections a, b or c.
Please return this form by Friday 7th September 2012, to
Auditions/Interviews to be held during the first few weeks of term
Continue on additional pages as required, but please put your name on each page.
You can post additional/supporting materials to the address at the top of this form, but of you do so,
please include details by email so that we can match them when they arrive.


Section a) Instrumentalists and Singers

Audition pieces.

When you audition you should choose something that shows the best of your technical ability, but please also include something you can perform easily which gives you a chance to demonstrate your musicality and ability to communicate. If you can’t think of one piece that shows both these characteristics, feel free to present extracts from two pieces, to a maximum duration of 7 minutes. You may wish to bear in mind when choosing your pieces that no accompaniment will be provided during auditions. There may also be a short piece of sight-reading (a little longer for pianists), but this will be more in the nature of a discussion about how you approach it.

The University Music Scholarships are intended to support and enhance the practical standard of music-making in the University. Therefore it is envisaged that the majority of instrumental or vocal scholarships will be spent on lessons with professional teachers. In the case that a candidate can demonstrate that they are already at a professional standard, or are receiving music lessons funded from another source, then the scholarship may be paid directly to the candidate if their expertise is contributing in a substantial way to the musical life of the University.

For both instrumentalists and singers, all styles and genres will be equally considered.

Section b) Composers

Composition in any genre will be considered.

At Audition/Interview you may wish to demonstrate your practical performance skills, improvisation or general musicality. You may prefer to do this if you are coming to composition from a performance background. In this case please prepare audition pieces on your preferred Instrument/Voice to a maximum of 5 minutes. Otherwise, discussion of your portfolio will be sufficient. Please come with some examples of your work (preferably submitted beforehand), ready to discuss the styles and areas you would most like to develop, as well as the ways in which you would like to contribute to music in the University. The scholarship is expected to fund composition lessons or experience in a relevant musical area.

All styles and genres will be equally considered.

Section c) Sound Engineers

The sound engineering scholarships exist to encourage those with existing sound engineering knowledge and expertise to put their talents to use in promoting and enhancing music at the University. The opportunity to record a great variety of ensembles in all sorts of locations should result in an excellent portfolio for both ensembles and scholarship students. The scholars’ responsibilities include encouraging those with interest but less experience to get involved, and sharing existing areas of expertise with each other. The scholarships will entitle the candidates to purchase, with the agreement of the Music Office, some equipment of their own. Such equipment could then be used in the course of the scholarship duties, but will ultimately remain the property of the candidate.


For any further queries please contact:

For more about University Music Activities visit:


Section a) Instrument/Voice Applicants

Instrument (s)/Voice for which you are applying to have lessons
Other instruments played currently or previously and standard attained
Previous ensemble and solo experience
Audition piece(s) of up to 7mins
To be performed unaccompanied - see guidance notes.
(Please include the title, composer and which instrument each piece is for.)

Section b) Composition Applicants

Please send at least one example of your work with your application, as a recording, score or Sibelius/Finale file

Instruments played currently or previously
Previous musical experience
Please list your compositions/arrangements to date, with approximate duration, instrumentation and a brief description if you wish.
Continue on separate sheets as necessary.
Do you want a performance audition as well as an interview?
If YES then…..
Audition piece(s) of up to 5mins
(please include the title, composer and which instrument for each piece)

Section c) Sound Engineering Applicants

Please send an example of a recording you have made if available.

Instruments played currently or previously if any
Previous musical experience if any
Sound engineering experience
Please include more details of at least one project you have worked on, and send a sound recording if available.

Section d) All Candidates

Please complete a short statement on the subject:

“How I wish to contribute to the Musical life of the University of Exeter”

Please return the completed application form by Email as an attachment to , or alternatively by post to the above address