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Section 59-2.01A. Use to describe bridge, soldier pile, and other structural steel painting requirements.

Insert bridge names and numbers. Copy rows in the tables as necessary if multiple bridges have the same work description.

Verify the work description and the coating system with the OSM&I Bridge Paint Program Advisor.

Add to section 59-2.01A:

1. Use for structures that are cleaned and painted. Delete rows in the table where work description does not apply. Edit as necessary to suit the work and include any nonstructural components such as steel grid deck, catwalks, walkways, and control houses that must be painted under the structural steel requirements.

Clean and paint the structures shown in the following table with the coating system specified:

Bridge name and number / Work description / Coating system
(clean and paint new bridge) / Clean, blast clean, and paint new steel bridge. / Zinc
(clean and paint new steel members of bridge widening) / Clean, spot blast clean, and paint at the locations for attaching new steel to the existing bridge.
Clean, blast clean, and paint new steel members. / Zinc
(clean and paint new and existing steel members of bridge widening) / Clean, spot blast clean, and paint at the locations for attaching new steel to existing members.
Clean, blast clean, and paint all new and existing steel surfaces of the bridge. / Zinc (undercoat for new steel)
State Specification PWB (undercoat for existing steel
finish coat for new and existing steel)
(100% blast cleaning, repaint with latex paint) / Clean, blast clean to bare metal, and paint all steel surfaces of the existing bridge. / State Specification PWB
(Spot blast clean and repaint portions of existing bridge) / Clean, spot blast clean, and paint portions of the existing bridge. / State Specification PWB
(Spot blast clean portions of existing bridge and repaint entire bridge) / Clean and spot blast clean portions of the existing bridge.
Clean and paint all steel surfaces of the existing bridge. / State Specification PWB
(100% blast cleaning, repaint with moisture-cured polyurethane) / Clean, blast clean to bare metal, and paint all steel surfaces of the existing bridge. / Moisture-cured polyurethane

2. Use for structures that are cleaned but not painted. Edit as necessary to suit work.

Clean the structures shown in the following table:

Bridge name and number / Work description
-- / Clean all interfaces between new bridge deck system and existing steel