2011- 2012
BLOCK AOrganisational details
All sections of Block A must be completed satisfactorily for the application to be considered for funding.

Section 1

Name of your Organisation:

Section 2

Contact Name and Address: / Tel:

Section 3 – Details of your Organisation

Please provide a brief description of your organisation. Maximum 150 words.
Number of staff employed by organisation / Number of volunteers in organisation
Does your organisation have a voluntary management committee? / Has your organisation been inspected by Ofsted either directly or indirectly?
Does your organisation have or working towards PQASSO? / Does your organisation have a constitution and bank account?
Is your organisation due to receive funding from the Adult and Community Learning Fund? (If not yet known have you submitted a bid?)
Safety of learners and staff
All sections of Block B must be completed satisfactorily for the application to be considered for funding.
Section 4: Health and Safety
Please list the venues you intend to use in your delivery:
Do you have a health and safety policy and do the venues you intend to use have this?
Have risk assessments of the venues you intend to use been carried out?
How do you and/or your venues manage accidents, incidents and first aid?
How will you ensure that all learners are made aware of health and safety?
What equipment will be used in the delivery of the courses you are proposing and how are these tested for their effectiveness?
What steps will be taken in the venue to ensure that there are adequate safeguards in the case of a fire or other emergency?
What will be done to ensure your beneficiaries can participate in a safe environment?
Do the venues you propose to use have public liability insurance? Please give the number of the policy and the expiry date?
Section 5: Safeguarding
Please name you safeguarding lead and the training they have received:
Please state which staff have a CRB and if this is enhanced
Do you have a list of CRB checks on staff including expiry dates?
Please list any training taken place for staff or planned (including date if planned):
Do you have a safeguarding policy in place that can be viewed by Salford Learning and Skills staff?
Will IT facilities be available to the beneficiaries of your project? If so does your Safeguarding policy include a section on electronic learning and safety (e-learning such as web based facilities) providing details of how learners will be kept safe? Are measures in place to ensure your IT facilities are used appropriately?
If any of the above is not in place and you feel that the programme should still be funded please explain why this is the case:
Funding streams
Section 6: Please indicate the funding streams you wish to apply for and, if you intend to apply for more than one how these will complement and support each other? Please see the prospectus for more information on each of these funding streams
Total funding requested through NLDC:
Total guided learning hours planned through PCDL:
(please see appendix C of the prospectus for more information on the way PCDL is funded)
If you have requested more than one please write here how the funds will be kept distinct in delivery and financial management? How will they be used to complement each other (if appropriate):
Targeting of need- geography and communities

All funding for NLDC will be used for priority 1 areas (see appendix B of the prospectus)

PDCL will focus predominantly upon deprived communities.

Section 7: Geography targeting Please indicate here how you will focus upon the most deprive communities in Salford by targeting upon priority 1 areas. You will need to explain through location of provision and marketing how you will attract residents from these areas.
Section 8 Non-geographical target groups: Some disadvantaged communities are not necessarily geographically focused. These may from the groups below. Indicate the percentage of participants from each of the groups below who will be targeted. Indicate why you think the activity will be appropriate for them and how it will make a difference to them and the local area. Identify clearly and gaps, problems or issues that the project will address
Workless residents in receipt of Incapacity Benefit or Sickness Disability Benefit or Employment Support Allowance:
Workless members of BME communities:
Carers who wish to return to work:
Lone parents in receipt of Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance:
Workless people over 50 who wish to return to work:
Workless people with no qualifications:
Learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities:
Proposed Activity
Section 9a (NLDC only): IAG / tailored support for learners
Please give details of the IAG or tailored support that you will be providing for potential and existing learners. Please include in your description
-  the model of delivery (for example group or individual delivery and what you will be providing)
-  the number of Salford residents who will be accessing this support
-  an average number of hours each beneficiary will access
-  a description of why this needs to be provided and how it will ensure residents access courses, stay on courses and move on at the end of courses
-  how you will ensure the quality of what you will provide, for example matrix accreditation for IAG, staff qualifications and expertise and monitoring of session outcomes
Section 9b: Courses Please indicate the courses you propose to run and the funding streams you will utilise. Please note that you cannot use both PCDL and NLDC for the same course, they must be kept distinct.
Course title (and level of course where appropriate) / Location including postcode (provisional) / Will provision be accredited? (NLDC only) / Number of learner on each course and length of course in hours / Funding stream (PCDL or NLDC) and amount of funding
Section 10: Experience and track record of the organisation
Give a brief description of your experience and track record of working with the groups that you have selected and how you will improve the skills and employability. You may find it helpful to include recent success and progression rates to support your application. The questions below may help you to respond to this section. Maximum 750 words.
i.  Who is the activity for and how will you locate and engage them?
ii.  What previous experience would a learner need for this activity?
iii.  What will they learn?
iv.  How will they learn?
v.  Where and when will they receive IAG? / vi.  What qualifications will they gain?
vii.  What support will be provided to help them achieve?
viii.  What else will this activity offer them?
ix.  What equipment or materials will they need to provide?
x.  What could this activity lead to, what arrangements have you put in place to ensure learners progress to either a further learning opportunity or employment support programme?
Section 11: Learner/beneficiary hours and quality
Please indicate average numbers of learner per class/cohort/session:
Maximum numbers per cohort:
Target retention:
Target percentage of learners completing and qualifying or completing non-accredited goals:
Target of percentage of learners progressing to an accredited course?
Target percentage of learner progressing to a non-accredited course of a higher level?
Target percentage progressing to paid employment or volunteer work
Section 12: Quality for learners and satisfaction: please give a description of how you will ensure the quality of your project. Include details on how you will ensure the teaching and learning activities are of a high quality and that learner satisfaction is measured and used to improve the learner experiences. Maximum 300 words.
Section 13: Progression: All learners/beneficiaries should have progression opportunities built into their courses or sessions. Please indicate for each proposed course the progression opportunities that will be available. Progression need not be within your own organisation solely; it may be delivered at by and alternative provider. It is preferable, although not essential, that progression is made available to accredited provision, and however in some cases this will not be appropriate. Please explain if this is the case with the courses you hope to run. Include in the section any information on progression routes to employment/ volunteer work. Also include in this section any comments on Skills for Jobs.
Section 14- Wider impact

Indicate any other wider impacts that your project may achieve that are not included in Section 8. Maximum 300 words.

Section 15- Partnership-consortia arrangements
1) If you plan to work with other partners in delivering or managing this project outline who they are and what their role will be. Where bidding jointly with partners, explain who will be accountable for each aspect of managing and delivering the project, including quality improvement, supporting the learner journey and project monitoring; or
2) If you do not plan to work with partners please explain how you will ensure that your project has a comprehensive service and support offer that will ensure that you can meet all of your clients learning and development needs. Please also explain how you will create sufficient progression opportunities for your learners to meet your progression targets. Maximum 300 words
Section 16 Timescale
Describe when your project will achieve the aims described in Section 9a and b, i.e. what the project will achieve from 1st September 2011 to 31 July 2012. Maximum 400 words.
Proposed project start date:
Proposed project end date:
Section 17- Professional qualifications
Confirm your teaching and/or IAG staff are suitably qualified by listing posts and qualifications. Refer to the Excellence Gateway for information on post-16 teaching and community learning and development sector skill requirements. Maximum 400 words.
Section 18- Project management
Provide details of how you will manage and deliver the project, outlining the systems that you have in place to ensure the accurate reporting of expenditure and outputs.
Section 19- Evaluation
Describe how (and when) you will evaluate the impact and success of your project approach and delivery. Include details of how you will ensure that IAG activities are maintained and improved. Maximum 300 words.
Section 20- Expenditure profile (for NLDC)
Using Appendix 1, itemise the overall costs for your project. Identify any other funding sources that you will be pooling/aligning to the delivery of this project or any additional information which you feel is appropriate to your application.
Section 21- Proportionate funding
Can the courses you propose running be reduced by a percentage or is it necessary for it to be funded in full or not at all? Please indicate percentage by which it can be reduced and still be viable. Your answer will not prejudice you gaining full or near full funding requested
Section 22- Proposed performance indicators (for NLDC)
Using Appendix 2, identify the performance indicators that apply to your project and enter the volumes you expect to deliver in each month. Please ensure that they are realistic and appropriate outcomes for your chosen target group(s).
Section 23 - Do you currently hold a Contract with SFA Greater Manchester or Salford City Council?
Yes No
Funding Source/Project Name:
Contract Value:
Contract Start and End Dates:

Applications will be graded in the following way:

-  Applications will be immediately rejected if Blocks A or B are not fully completed.

-  All bids will be graded as A, B, C and D. Bids that are awarded grades A and B are most likely to be funded.

Grade awarded / An application form receiving this grade will have
A – an outstanding application / - clear and thorough evidence in all parts of the application form
- a strong rationale for the target group and delivery of the project
- a robust plan for monitoring the quality of delivery
- an appropriate budget and set of performance indicators for the project
- an element of IAG/tailored support for beneficiaries included in the project plan (NLDC only)
B – a good application / - comprehensive evidence throughout the application
- evidence for why the project is needed for this target group
- sound details for checking quality and monitoring the project
C – a satisfactory application / - all parts of the application form completed but without strong evidence of why this particular programme is needed for Salford residents
D – the application form is rejected / - incomplete information
- no clear evidence that this project is needed or is appropriate in Salford
- an idea that is not appropriate for these funding streams

Please be aware that NLDC funds are usually oversubscribed and even if you are write an outstanding application you may not be funded to the full amount requested.

Declaration: (To be completed by Applicant Organisation)

I certify that the information contained in this proposal is correct and that this project will be carried out as described in this application.

I certify that the activities described in this proposal are not in receipt of other sources of funding.