Communist Revolution
Karl Marx
- Bourgeoisie V Proletariat
- ‘Communist Manifesto’ with Engels
- ‘the Proletariat have nothing to lose but their chains’
- ‘Workers of the world, unite!’
- ‘Das Kapital’
- Removal of profit
- Factors of production in state hands.
- Worldwide revolution in industrialised countries.
Lenin (early years)
- Alexander executed affected Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.
- Became a lawyer but exiled to Siberia for political activities.
- Moved to Switzerland and became editor of ‘Iskra’
- Engineered split between Bolsheviks (elitist) and Mensheviks (populist).
- Good speaker.
Lenin’s Russia
- 1917 led the October Revolution and became ruler of Soviet Russia
- 1917 Brest-Litovsk lost 1/3 of land and ½ of industry
- 1918 shot. Never fully recovered.
- 1918-21 led the Reds against the Whites in the Civil War.
- 1921 dropped War Communism in favour of the New Economic Policy.
- This meant:
- Stopped taking all food from peasants. Took 10% and allowed them to sell the rest.
- Small factories returned to their owners.
- The NEP improved things but food was still scarce and expensive.
- Many regarded as a betrayal of communist ideals.
- 1922 a stroke may explain failure to appoint a successor.
- 1924 died of a brain haemorrhage
- Millions died in war and starvation.
- Landlords gone
- Less exploitation by industrialists.
- Realistic in transitional approach.
- Showed the effectiveness of terror against opponents.
- Creation of elite made it possible for Stalin to come to power.
- In his ‘Political Will’ he warned of the danger of giving Stalin power.
Stalin Seizes Power
- Stalin, Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev in a power struggle.
- Other 3 turned against Trotsky who still favoured world revolution.
- Stalin proposed ‘Socialism in one country’
- 1927 Trotsky expelled from the Party, later banished from USSR and assassinated in 1940.
- 1927 Stalin turned on the other two, claiming they were too liberal and they were expelled from the Party and executed in the 1936 purge.
- Stalin was now addressed as ‘Vozhd’ (leader)
Stalin’s Economic Policies
- Stalin’s main aim was to turn USSR into an industrial and military power quickly.
- The state planning body, Gosplan, came up with 5 year plans.
- In order for these to succeed, rural workers had to be moved to the cities.
First 5 Year Plan 1928-32
- State took control of all aspects of the economy.
- It was a law setting targets rather than a plan.
- 250% increase in industrial production. 150% in agriculture.
- Infrastructure (power stations, mines, railways, canals and roads), industrial and agricultural machinery were given priority.
Second Plan 1933-38
- Focus on heavy industry and agricultural equipment continued.
- Stakhanov (15 times his quota) became a national hero
- Extra pay, holidays and prizes for great workers.
- Huge hours, accidents common, dreadful conditions. Unemployment not tolerated.
- Scale of projects (Magnitogorsk) was enormous
- The third Plan started to produce radios, bicycles and other household goods but war put an end to that.
- Great success economically.
- Human cost huge.
- Full employment did mean a better standard of living.
- Figures were often exaggerated.
- Quality of goods often poor.
- Big emphasis on education.
- Stalin believed peasants were hoarding grain and reducing production to push prices up.
- He also wanted 25 million workers for industry
- Collective farms (kolkhoz)
- Kulaks preferred to destroy their farms than give them up.
- Over 5 million were executed or deported.
- Agricultural production dropped as farmers did little on the collectives.
- 1932-33 about 10 million died of famine as a result of this and bad harvests.
- Eventually things improved but never reached targets
THE RED TERROR 1928-40: Repression Under Stalin
Stalin’s Paranoia
- ‘Class Enemies’ or ‘wreckers’. Engineers and industrial planners suffered.
- Stalin called for the ‘liquidation of the Kulaks as a class’. 1 million killed or deported.
- Half of the 35,000 officer class executed of jailed.
- Informers everywhere
The Gulag
- This was a prison system that was really a slave labour camp.
- Millions died
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Gulag Archipelago’
The Moscow Show Trials: Case Study
The Ryutin Platform
- Many were against forced collectivisation.
- Martemyan Ryutin was the most vocal.
- Stalin wanted him killed but it was 1932 and he was outvoted (1932).
- Sergei Kirov did most to save Ryutin (got 10 years and died in jail).
The ‘Kirov Flood’
- Kirov was very popular in the Party was murdered, probably on Stalin’s orders.
- Stalin used the murder as an excuse for the secret police (NKVD) to arrest all possible opponents, their families and friends.
- This included Kamenev and Zinoviev.
- A massive ‘cult of the leader’ propaganda campaign was in progress with an emphasis on the ‘enemies of the people’.
- Thousands were sentenced to death.
1936 The First Show Trial
- These trials were big media events in front of carefully chosen audience and foreign correspondents.
- Kamenev, Zinoviev and 14 others accused of killing Kirov, of plotting to kill Stalin’ of being wreckers and of being Trotskyites.
- All pleaded guilty and all executed within 24 hours.
- Their families and friends ‘disappeared’.
The 1937 Show Trial
- 17 pro Trotsky supporters ‘admitted’ that Trotsky had organised wrecking.
- 2 were spared because they implicated Bukharin, Rykov and Kretinsky who had been members of Lenin’s Politburo. They died in jail anyway.
The 1938 Show Trial
- Bukharin had wanted to continue with the NEP.
- Torture, interrogation and finally threatening his family forced him and the others to confess to sabotage and spying. They also implicated others.
- They were executed.
The Final Figures
- At least 7 million executed or died in the Gulag.
- 10 million from famine.
- Between 19 and 22 million in all excluding war victims.