Strategy for Adult Education in Rural Areas (SAERA)
Reference No. of the Financial Agreement: 90601-CP-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1
Q1. Which is your opinion regarding the improving or worsening of the living conditions in your commune in the last 10 years?
1) Better / 2) Worse / 3) The same Q2. In what type of geographical region do you live?
1) Hill / depresion / 2) Plateau / 3) Mountains / 4) Plain Q3. How many hosueholds are there in your commune?
Q4. How many people live in your commune?
Q5. Which is the age average in your commune?
Q6. / Which is the predominant ethnic in your commune? / 1. Romanian / 3. German / 5. Roma people 2. Hungarian / 4. Serbian / 6. Other
Q7. / Which is the majority religion in your commune? / 1. Orthodox / 4. Protestant
(Calvinist, reformats, Lutherans) / 7. Without religious affiliation
2. Greek-catholic / 5. Neo-protestant
(Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist)
3. Catholic / 6. Other:
Q8. Do you have a public phone in your commune? /
- NO
Q9. Do you have a grocer’s shop in your commune? /
- NO
Q10. Do you have a restaurant in your commune? /
- NO
Q11. Do you have a police station in your commune? /
- NO
Q12. Does our commune have a cultural patrimonial center? /
- NO
Q13. Does your commune have any historical monuments? /
- NO
Q14. Do you have any tourist attractions? /
- NO
Q15. Do you have a library in your commune? /
- NO
Q16. Do you have a Cultural Center in your commune? /
- NO
Q17. Which are the main occupations in your commune? (please note the first six in order of their importance)
1. 3. 5.
2. 4. 6.
Q18. Please indicate which is the most common way of communication used by adults in your commune?
- Radio
- Televizion
- Written press
- Other:
Q19. Which is the main information sourse regarding health issues?
1) Doctors / 3) Medical center / 5) Educational brochures / 7) Other: 2) Radio / 4) Televizion / 6) Traditional healer
Q20. Which is the main information source regarding agriculture activities?
1) Televizion / 3) Written press / 5) Town hall / 7) Other: 2) Radio / 4) Agronomist / 6) Customs / tradtions
Q21. Which do you believe should be the main topics regarding adult education in rural areas? (please indicate the first five options in order of their importance)
1. Agriculture / 8. Economics / 15. Cultural activities2. Zootechny / 9. Tourism / 16. Legislation
3. Medicine / Health / 10. Transportation / 17. Communication / media
4. Alphabetization / 11. Construction / 18. Individual / collective rights
5. Social assistance / 12. Information technology / 19. Marketing / Management
6. Public administration / 13. Environment protection / 20. Pshicological couselling
7. Politics / 14. Assurance / 21. Other:
Q22. What activities do you consider should be undertaken in a Rural Center for Adult Education?
Q23. What equipment should be necessary for a Rural Center for Adult Education?
Q24. What type of courses do you consider as necessary for adults coming from rural areas?
Q25. How often should these courses be held?
1. Several times a year / 3. Twice or there times a month / 5. Twice or there times a week 2. Once a month / 4. Once a week / 6. Every day
Q26. When do you consider these courses should be held?
1. Spring / 2. Summer / 3. Autumn / 4. Winter / 4. No matter the season Q27. Which do you consider should be the main motivations to get the adults from the rural areas to participate at education activities?
Q28. Which do you think are the main adult age groups interested in education activities?
- years
- years
- years
Q29. Which adult category would be more interested in education activities?
- Men
- Women
- There are no differences
Q30. Which institutions from the rural areas do you think should be involved in adult education?
1. 3. 5.
2. 4. 6.
Q31. Do you have any suggestions regarding the adult education in rural areas?
In order to process the data obtain from your responses please complete: (only one answer please)
Q32. / Sex: / 1. Masculine / 2. Feminine / Q33. Age: / ………… YearsQ34. / Marital status: / 1. Married / 3. Divorced / 5. Concubine
2. Not married / 4. Widow / 6. Separated
Q35. / Nationality: / 1. Romanian / 3. German / 5. Roma people
2. Hungarian / 4. Serbian / 6. Other
Q36. / Studies: / 1. High school uncompleted / 4. Secondary school / 7. University degree
2. 8 classes / 5. 13 classes / 8. Post university degree
3. 10 classes or professional school / 6. Foreman school / 9. Other:
Q37. Ocupation:
1. Mayor / 3. School director / 5. Agronomist / 7. Tradesman 2. Priest / 4. Doctor / 6.Vetenerian / 8.Other:
Q38. / Which is your religious affiliation? / 1. Orthodox / 4. Protestant
(Calvinist, reformats, Lutherans) / 7. Without religious affiliation
2. Greek-catholic / 5. Neo-protestant
(Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist) / 8. Doesn’t respond
3. Catholic / 6. Other:
- What is your age?
0 – 20 21 – 35 36 – 50 above 51 - What is your sex?
male female - Number of inhabitants in place of residence:
0 -1000 1000 – 3000 above 3000 - Distance to administrative district town:
up to 15 kmabove 15 km - What is your marital status?
married not married - Do you have any children?
yesno - If yes, how many?
0 – 2 3 – 4 5 or more - If they are adults, what was their education?
elementary / vocational / secondary / university
- What is your social background?
farmerworkerintellectual - What is your family financial situation?
low medium high - What are your living conditions?
bad medium goodvery good - Are you employed?
yesno - How long have you been in employment?
employment time ...... unemployment time ...... - What is your education?
elementaryvocationalsecondaryuniversity - How did you obtain your education?
in day school in another way - Have you attended any adult courses?
yes no - Do you know any foreign language?
yesno - Do you have any computer skills?
nonelow medium good - Do you have a computer at home?
yes no - Have you ever used the Internet?
yesno - How do you rate your communication skills?
low medium good - How do you rate your organisational skills?
low medium good - Do you have entreprenural skills?
yesno - Do you have any hobby?
yesno - If yes, what kind?
...... - Would you like to take part in any course?
yes no - If yes, in what subject?
...... - Why do you want to participate in the course?
to get skills to get knowledgeto find a new job other - Do you know where the courses are organised?
yes no - How much money a month, would you spend on a course?
up to 50 zl50 – 100 zl above 100 zl - What do you want to achieve in your life?
...... - How would you achieve that?
...... - What is the most important thing in your life?
1. Age: _____ years
2. Sex: male / female
3. a) Marital status: ______
b) Number of children: ______
4. Type of residence: (please mark if appropriate)
Flat owned by the local government;
Rented flat/house;
Privately owned house/flat;
Rented apartment;
Other: ______
5. Comfort level of residence: (please mark if appropriate)
With all modern conveniences + central heating
With all modern conveniences without central heating
With some modern conveniences;
Without modern conveniences;
6. How many people are living in the flat / house? ______
7. Please list, how many of them has income from the above listed activities:
Employed:female: ______male: ______
Maternity benefit:female: ______male: ______
Self-employed:female: ______male: ______
Unemployed: female: ______male: ______
Disability benefit:female: ______male: ______
Student in elementary
/ High school:female: ______male: ______
Student in higher education: female: ______male: ______
Dependant: female: ______male: ______
Other: female: ______male: ______
8. Did your living standards have changed in the last year?
decreased / / Rather decreased / / constant / / Rather increased / / Increased / 9. Do you have financial problems before salary day?
No / / Sometimes / / Frequently / / In each moth / 10. Can you make savings from your income?
No / / Sometimes / / Frequently / / In each moth / 11. How did your family’s income have changed since last year?
decreased / / Rather decreased / / constant / / Rather increased / / Increased / 12. Please list your qualifications!
Illiterate / Uncompleted elementary school studies / Elementary school / Professional school / Industrial school / Graduated / Higher education degree13. Are you studying in correspondence course and/or evening school? If yes, in what field?
Elementary schoolHigh school
Higher education
14. Do you have qualification obtained in an adult education school system?
15. Are you participating in an adult education course?
16. If yes, what are you studying, and where?
17. Why did you wanted to participate in the course?
18. Do you speak any foreign languages?
one two more
19. Do you have an official language exam?
NoFrom one language From two languages From more
20. Do you have any hobby, or preferred free-time activity? If yes, what is it?
21. a) Are you employed? Yes/ No
b) If not, since when? ______
c) If not, do you have any kind of work? ______
Type of work / Hours / week / Occasionally / regularly22. Please describe your employment history!
Since - to / Position fulfilled / Type of workplace (eg. enterprise, factory)23. Please summarize your plans for the next 5 years!
24. Would you like participate in the near future in any kind of education? Please describe the type of course!
25. What motivates you in obtaining a course?
26. What kind of skills would you like to develop?
27. Please list the three things you consider as most important in life!
29. Please fill the chart, list your current skills and qualifications, and those you would like to acquire. Please list your estimated future needs. The areas in the chart are only examples; please feel free to add any!
Identified needs:Actual needs: / Estimated future needs:
Actual level of knowledge / abilities
1 - none
2 – low
3 – medium
4 – high
5 - professional / Area of knowledge / abilities which presents interest for you: / Level of request:
1 – not interested
2 – low
3 – medium
4 – high
5 - critical / Level of interest:
+ Growing
- Decreasing
= Staying the same
X disappearing / Observations, comments:
Areas (e.g.):
Professional knowledge
Computer skills
Modern technology (e.g. Internet use)
Organizational skills
Foreign languages
Personal skills, qualities:
Communication skills:
Entrepreneurial skills:
Thank you for the answers!