Chapter 25, Resources
Section 25-3 Alert Resource Management
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Alert Resource Management
Updated by Major Janet Altschuler, September 2002
AUTHORITY: ANGI 10-203, ANG Alert Resources Management (28 Sept 01)
Certain ANG units are designated to assume a continuous and uninterrupted strategic alert posture. Location, aircraft number, and type and mission parameters are established by the MAJCOMs in coordination with NGB. Authority has been delegated to the various states to order volunteer ANG members to active duty in support of alert missions under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 12301(d). AGR personnel performing duty under 32 U.S.C. 502 (f) will have their orders amended to 10 U.S.C. 12301(d) when performing alert duty. Members are subject to the UCMJ while in such status.
The following definitions should be kept in mind when dealing with alert resource management:
1. “Alert Duty” is a specific form of training. Individuals are voluntarily ordered to active duty under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 12301(d) for a specific period of time and for the sole purpose of supporting alert missions to include executing the alert tasking, mission planning, alert briefings/debriefings, travel to/from detached alert sites (“Dets”), or any administrative or supervisory requirements for the assumption or completion of alert duties.
2. An “Alert Workday” is a special training workday allocated by ANG/DOX for performance of the alert mission. An alert workday is 1 calendar day of active duty pay and allowances. If alert workdays are supplied by the active duty force, they will be referred to as MPA man-days.
3. A “Stand-By Alert Workday” is an alert workday earned during alert duty. The individual is not required to be on duty but must be available for recall at any duty location within 12 hours.
4. “Hard Alert” is an alert mission which requires an immediate response and the aircrew must reside at the alert duty location to meet mission timing. Actual timing is based upon specific mission requirements.
5. “Soft Alert” is an alert mission which does not require an immediate response or the alert crew is not required to remain at the alert duty location (pager/telephone alert). Also know as modified alert.
6 “ Detached Alert” is duty performed at a designated alert site, which is geographically separated from the unit’s main operating base. The government must fund transportation to the alert site.
The minimum duration of an alert workday is 8 hours. The maximum duration of alert duty will be determined by the unit commander, based upon alert crew availability and mission requirements.
Personnel cannot be scheduled for alert in an inactive duty (UTA/AFTP/PT) status. Personnel in inactive duty status may be used for substitution/temporary alert. AGR personnel may perform alert duty but must revert to 10 U.S.C. 1201(d) status when performing such duty. They may not perform alert duty in Title 32 U.S.C. 503(f) status. Military Technicians may be scheduled for alert duty in technician status. Upon launching on an alert mission, technicians must do so in 10 U.S.C 12301(d) duty status.
Operational control of ANG personnel and resources directly participating in designated alert missions is vested in the command and control system of the agency controlling the alert mission, i.e. TACC, NORAD, USSTRATCOM, etc.
Alert workday resources are to be used to support alert requirements only. Alert workdays will be allocated to units based on a 24-hour alert duty day. Units performing hard alert at home station will be allocated 3.25 alert workdays per alert crew member per alert duty day and units performing hard alert at detached alert sites will be allocated 3.50 alert days. Units performing soft alert at home station will be allocated 2.25 alert workdays and units performing soft alert at detached sites will be allocated 2.50 alert workdays.
KWIK-NOTE: ANG members on Title 10 alert status are subject to the UCMJ.
Status of National Guard Members 11-7
Air National Guard Commander’s Legal Deskbook