money shelf/wealth console
Citrine - merchant’s stone used to acquire and maintain wealth, align chakras, personal power, creativity, intellect, focus, endurance, elevated energy, emotional balance, calm fears, lightening one up, relationships, business, group cohesiveness, solutions, optimism, beginning,, excellence
Peridot magnify inner aspects, understanding changes, recognition of patterns, cleanses, openness, acceptance, regulate cycles, prevent outside influences, heal ego, lessen anger, happiness, assist in enlightenment, strengthen and regenerate body, release, help detach, move forward, understand purpose, self-forgiveness, take responsibility
Rubellite stimulates the heart and assists one in the attainment of ones ultimate values, stimulates ones loving and emotional side toward nurturing, bringing spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge and wealth, stone of nobility, promotes gentleness and success in communications and discourages clashes, supports one in reliquishing the need to martyr, distress or suffer
COPPER or TANGERINE AURA QUARTZ Self confidence, creativity, change, acceptance, to allow one to see his or her shadow side in order aid in self-growth and self-evolution, to aid in healing past-life trauma, to balance the emotions, and to enhance vitality, brings vision of your own unique gifts and talents, bringing creative talents and inspiration to the forefront, assist with releasing sexual blocks, excellent meditation tool, sexual issues organs or disease, psychological resilience
Emerald - successful love, domestic bliss, sensitivity, loyalty, memory, intelligence, discernment, open heart, quiet emotions, harmony, focus, positivity and positive actions, awareness, meditative breathing, maintain bliss, radiance, legal affairs, patience, inspiration, unity, partnership, friendship, recovery, enjoy life, clarity
Clear Quartz clarity, transformation, opens, manifestation, amplifies, prayer, connection to spirit and source, hold intention, generate energy, record keepers, any aspect, any chakra, any star sign, new ideas, organize, awareness, harmony, power, calm, emotional stability. restful sleep, self acceptance, self-love, communication with higher self, increases energy field, raise consciousness
Yellow Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. It is a Stone of Manifestation, promoting a humanitarian outlook and service to others. one of the purest crystals of the Yellow Ray, the vibration of mental clarity, strength of will and manifestation. It brings a sunny, spiritual energy to the aura, inspiring hope and passion for life, and instilling a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. A solar stone, Yellow Apatite assists both men and women in strengthening the male side of their personality by developing assertiveness and the courage to take risks. a stone of learning, enlarging one's capacity to take in and process new information, especially information that helps in manifesting one's dreams and desires. Apatite is the stone associated with animal conservation, because it is composed of the mineral phosphate that makes up the teeth and bones of all vertebrate animals, as well as their horns, antlers or tusks. enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching. combats listlessness and apathy, and provides an invigorating and lively, sociable attitude. It helps one be more outgoing and optimistic, and increases the drive to get things done. It provides the courage to take risks, and the clarity to know which risks are worth taking. As a note of caution for those with an overabundance of natural confidence, this stone may make one too assertive for the taste of others, especially in a work environment. However, this property can be advantageous in a competitive situation, from sports to corporate dealings. particularly useful in starting new ventures. It supports creative ideas and bringing them into reality, as well as developing the biz skill needed to put dreams into action
Herkimer diamonds harmony, awareness, spontaneity, self recognition, surrender, strength, rebirth, attunement, clairvoyance, clairaudience, calming, begin again, clear unconscious fears, realization, expansion. connects people telepathically, stores information, healing, well being
Pyrite - protective, see the purity of the universe while seeing behind facades, health, intellect, well-being, memories of love and friendship, recall, memory, action, attract wealth, logic, confident, access potential, vitality, power, see clearly
Ruby - selection and attainment of ultimate values, stimulates nurturing, spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge, wealth, concentration, amplifying energy, success in disputes, shielding, rise from martyrdom, resolutions, decisions, economic stability, protects, dream assistance, follow bliss, change one’s world, promote creativity, expansiveness in awareness, creativity, manifestation
opal (pink, brown, yellow/orange) a stone of inspiration which enhances the imagination and creativity as well. It helps one release inhibitions and enhances the memory. also said to be a very spiritual stone, and can help one be "invisible" in situations where they don't care to be noticed. It has been known to bring happy dreams, and also to ease the process of change. Opal is a silicate, containing water, correlating with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion). With this comes less inhibition, more spontaneity, free visualization, clearer imagination, and more vivid dreams. an enhancer of personal power, awakening the inner fire, as well as protection against danger. It is a symbol of hope, an energy amplifier, facilitating change and process. It supports through emotional turmoil, and is a wonderful stone in releasing and letting go of the past.
Hematite - helps to sort out things, mental attunement, memory, enhancement, original thinking, technical knowledge, development of mental and manual dexterity, calming atmosphere, encourages one to reach for the sun, helps one to realize limitations only exist within the mind, helping body remain cool, balance yin yang, balance meridians within body, stable equilibrium between nervous system and physical nervous system, focus of energy and emotions for balance between body mind and spirit, assists in disolution of negativity, transforming negativity to the purity of the universal light of love, facilitate attainment of peace, self-control and inner happiness, conductive to loving relationships, smooth grounding, tranquility, emotional clarity
Big Leaf Maple - spiritual strength, will power,is the tree of offering, giving of one's self so that others may benefit. sacred to Alban Elved (the Autumnal Equinox) because of its fiery red and orange colors as its leaves turn -- a bold celebration of the season and the cycle of death and rebirth. Poised on the equinox, it is linked to both Libra and Virgo, Hazel and Ash. Maple's sacred bird is the Great Horned Owl who is herald of the coming Feast of Samhuinn with its magick and mystery. The owl is a bird associated with wizards and wisdom, and the bearing of messages in the night. In North America, especially in its northern parts, the Maple is a dominant tree with many varieties, including the sugar maple from which maple syrup was made by the Native Americans. As such it is associated with the life-giving