Evaluation Checklist for State Birth Defects Surveillance
Your evaluation plan should answer these questions:
þ What will be evaluated?
þ What do key partners want or need to know about the program?
þ What do you intend to do with the evaluation information?
Several program planning tools have been developed to assist grantees. After constructing your program logic model, use the state grantee evaluation plan template to draft your evaluation plan. Next, use this checklist to review the steps involved in program evaluation.
Remember, the purpose of an evaluation is to gather information needed to measure progress toward achievement of the program goals and to identify opportunities for ongoing program improvement.
Step 1: Identify stakeholder evaluation needs
/ Define the purpose of the evaluation.
/ Who will use the evaluation findings?
/ How will the findings be used?
/ What do stakeholders need to learn from the evaluation?
/ When are the evaluation findings needed for ongoing program improvement decisions?
Step 2: Develop an evaluation plan
/ Prioritize evaluation questions (what you need answered).
/ Identify data sources (what will be collected).
/ Determine data collection methods.
/ Determine data analysis methods and tools.
/ Identify how the findings will be disseminated (email, workshops, conferences, partner meeting, website, etc.)
/ Establish an evaluation timeline.
/ Assign evaluation responsibilities to appropriate staff.
Step 3: Data collection, analysis, and reporting
/ Gather only data needed.
/ Analyze data.
/ Develop evaluation reports.
Step 4: Share findings
/ Disseminate timely evaluation reports.
/ Provide easy access to evaluation information.
/ Communicate findings in formats appropriate for the intended audience(s).
Step 5: Use findings
/ Engage partners to discuss evaluation findings and make necessary modifications to program activities.
/ Determine necessary modifications for program improvement.
/ Revise the program logic model to reflect changes.