A. After determination of eligibility and the identification of rehabilitation needs, there will be an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) initiated. Services will be provided in accordance with the IPE and subsequent service changes. The IPE will be developed jointly by the Rehabilitation Counselor and the participant or the participant and their parent, guardian or authorized representative, including other suitable professionals and informed advisors and be mutually agreed upon.

B. In developing the IPE, the Rehabilitation Counselor provides or assists the participant in acquiring information necessary to make an informed choice about vocational goals, services and providers. This information must include cost, accessibility, duration of services, satisfaction with those services as available, the qualifications of potential service providers, the types of services offered by providers and the degree to which services are provided in integrated settings. The Rehabilitation Counselor may utilize:

1. Regional lists of services and service providers (i.e., telephone book.)

2. Periodic satisfaction surveys and reports.

3. Referrals to other participants, local participant groups, or disability advisory councils qualified to discuss the services or service providers; and,

4. Relevant information about qualifications of providers.

A copy of the current IPE will be provided to the participant or participant representative. The Rehabilitation Counselor will advise each participant or participant representative of procedures and requirements affecting the development and review of an IPE.

To the maximum extent possible, the IPE should be provided in the participant's or participant representative's native language or mode of communication or in accessible formats such as Braille, large print or audiotape.

C. The IPE must be initiated in a timely manner after documentation of eligibility, and signed by the Rehabilitation Counselor and participant or the participant representative. See Definitions for clarification on “timely manner.”

Any eligible participant who does not have an IPE within 6 months of eligibility determination requires written justification by the Rehabilitation Counselor. It is suggested that an Activity Due be entered at eligibility determination as a reminder to complete this task in a timely manner. Specific timelines for IPE development must be included in the justification. The justification must be submitted to the Rehabilitation Counselor’s supervisor for approval.

D. The IPE is the comprehensive, central document that delineates all planned services and their coordination. It will be reviewed when necessary but at least annually. Annual reviews are conducted to assess the advancement of the participant’s progress toward achievement of the identified employment outcome. This review, titled “Plan Review” in RAISON, includes an assessment of each planned service, and is reviewed with the participant or participant representative, as evidenced by their comments and signature. The Rehabilitation Counselor also signs this form. Each participant or participant representative will be given an opportunity to review the plan and, if necessary, jointly redevelop and agree to its terms.


Bureaus of Vocational Rehabilitation & Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired

Revised: 2006

Page 33

Modifications shall not take effect until agreed to & signed by the Rehabilitation Counselorand participant or participant representative. Goods and services cannot be authorized without these signatures.


Bureaus of Vocational Rehabilitation & Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired

Revised: 2006

Page 34