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Section 12-4.02C(3)(a). Use for miscellaneous closure requirements.
1. Use for a high-volume freeway with enough lanes to allow closure of the lane adjacent to the lane where the work is being performed.
Add to the list in the 1st paragraph of section 12-4.02C(3)(a):
3.Work is on the traveled way but within 6 feet of the adjacent traffic lane
2. Use for District 7 projects to exclude the installation, maintenance, or removal of Category 3 devices except for impact attenuator vehicles from the listed items of work not requiring a closure.
Replace items 2 and 3 in the list in the 2nd paragraph of section 12-4.02C(3)(a) with:
2.Installation, maintenance, or removal of Category 1 and Category 2 traffic control devices and impact attenuator vehicles
Add to the end of section 12-4.02C(3)(a):
3. Use for constructionactivities where equipment can be operated up to the edge of the lane using the 2-foot offset of the cones for separation between the work and the traffic. Edit for the type of activity.
If you use an impactattenuator vehicle as a shadow vehicle, you are not required to close the adjacent traffic lane for the following activities:
3.Sawcutting of concrete slabs
4.Installing loop detectors
4. Use if Standard Plan T10 is included for a freeway or expressway.
If work vehicles or equipment are parked on the shoulder within 6 feet of a traffic lane of a freeway or expressway, close the shoulder area as shown.
5. Use if there are routes where Standard Plan T10 does not apply. Insert the routes.
If work vehicles or equipment are parked on the shoulder within 6 feet of a traffic lane at ______, close the shoulder area with fluorescent-orange traffic cones or portable delineators. Place the cones or delineators on a taper in advance of the parked vehicles or equipment and along the edge of the traveled way at 25-foot intervals to a point not less than 25 feet past the last vehicle or piece of equipment. Use at least 9 cones or delineators for the taper. Place advance warning signs as specified in section 12-4.02C(8).
6. Use for multilane highways and undivided highways if lane requirement charts are not required because closures are allowed without restriction. Insert the traffic lane width. A lane width less than 10 feet must be justified. Delete paved if traffic is allowed to travel on an unpaved surface.
Keep a minimum of 1 paved traffic lane at least _____ feet wide open for traffic in each direction of travel.
7. Use for 2-lane, two-way highways and undivided highways if one-way-reversing traffic control is allowed and lane requirement charts are not required. Insert the traffic lane width. A lane width less than 10 feet must be justified. Delete paved if traffic is allowed to travel on an unpaved surface.
Keep a minimum of 1 paved traffic lane at least _____ feet wide open for traffic.
8. Use only for landscape, electrical, or striping and pavement marker projects.
If a connector closure is required within the limits of a freeway lane closure, first complete the work on the connector and the freeway traveled way necessary for the safe passage of traffic between the connector and the open freeway lanes.
9–11. Use for miscellaneous clauses for District 7 lane requirement charts.
9. Use if work is possibleduring daylight hours, but the lane requirement charts do not allow work where visible to freeway traffic.
Verify with the project engineer if any freeway curve radii within the project limits are less than 2,000 feet.
Use the entire paragraph if the project limits include curve radii less than 2,000 feet.Insert the chart numbers. Edit or delete the 2nd sentence if the project limits do not include curve radii less than 2,000 feet.
You may perform construction activitiesduring the hours designated as No work is allowed on charts nos. _____–_____ if you install temporary traffic screens on top of the Type K temporary railings. Traffic screens are not allowed on the right side of traffic within the limits of a right horizontal curve with a radius of less than 2,000 feet as viewed in the direction of travel or on the left side of traffic within the limits of a left horizontal curve with a radius of less than 2,000 feet as viewed in the direction of travel.The Department does not pay for furnishing, installing, maintaining, or removing temporary traffic screens that you elect to install on top of the Type K temporary railings.
10. Use for a concrete pavement rehabilitation project. Delete and approach slab if none are on the project. Insert the table number and reference the chart number that may include connectors and ramps.
Schedule your concrete pavement and approach slab removal and replacement activities to comply with the hours and requirements shown in tables _____– _____ instead of charts nos. _____–_____. If complete freeway closures are required for removing and replacing concrete pavement and approach slabs, you must not have more than 1 complete freeway closure in each direction of travel at a time. Work at 1 location in each direction of travel at a time.
11. Use if an extended ramp or connector closure over the weekend is required, typically for constructing a concrete terminal section at an off-ramp or a short section of a roadway structural section. In the 1st sentence, insert the name of the ramp or the connector, the construction activities (e.g., constructing the PCC terminal section, installing pipe, etc.), the beginning and ending times, and the chart numbers. In the 2nd sentence, insert the name of the ramp to be displayed in the message.
You may close the ______ramp or ______connector for ______for an extended period of time beginning at ______Friday through ______the following Monday instead of the hours shown in charts nos. _____–_____. When the ramp or connector is closed, place a PCMS for the duration of the closure at least 1,500 feet in advance of the off-ramp upstream from the ramp being closed with the message: ______/ Exit / Closed.Place a PCMS at a location on the ramp or connector for 7 days before the date of the planned closure with the message shown in the following table:
Message type / MessageWeekend / Ramp / Will Be / Closed – Next / Weekend
Weekday / Ramp / Will Be / Closed – This / Weekend
"/" separates each line of text on the PCMS display.
"–" denotes where the PCMS display flashes the next line of text.