Transforming Primary Care in North Kirklees
North Kirklees CCG is committed to continuously improving the healthcare available to all the people living in our area.
Increasing demand for GP services, a shortfall in trained GPs in some areas of the county, and patient feedback about access to appointments means that the NHS must now look at more innovative ways of organising these services.
To help us agree our approach across North Kirklees, the CCG is calling for local patients to give their views about GP services and possible new ways of working.
To give you the opportunity to share your views with us, we are holding an event on
Wednesday 8 July at 2.00pm – 4.00pm at Batley Town Hall.
You can book online at or contact Alison Waterhouse Tel: 01924 504938 or email:
We appreciate that not everyone will be able to attend so we have developed a short survey, which is attached. You can also complete the survey online at
Please return questionnaires to the following address by Monday 27th July 2015:
Engagement Team
NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group
Empire House
Wakefield Road
Dewsbury WF12 8DJ

Section 1: When you feel you need to be seen on the same day

This section is about when you have an URGENT problem and you feel you need an appointment on the same day.

  1. When I have an URGENT problem that I feel needs to be seen on the same day … For each of the statements below, please tick the box that most closely matches your views.

Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
I only want to see my GP because they know me best
I only want to see a GP in my practice, but it doesn’t have to be my doctor
I would be happy to see a nurse or other trained health professional who is able to access my records and prescribe medicine
I would be happy to attend another GP practice in North Kirklees to guarantee a same day appointment.
I would prefer to attend a walk-in service, rather than arrange an appointment
  1. If you had an URGENT problem, would you be happy for a member of staff to assess your condition and decide how quickly you need to be seen?

Don’t know
  1. If you were offered an appointment for an URGENT condition at another practice (ie not your usual practice), how far would you be prepared to travel? Please tick one box that most closely matches your views

I would not be able to travel
I would not be prepared to travel
Less than one mile
Between two and five miles
More than five miles

Section 2 - When you need routine advice or care

This section is about when you need an appointment for routine advice or care but don't feel you need to be seen on the same day.

  1. If you need a routine appointment what do you think is a reasonable time to wait before you are seen? Please tick one box that most closely matches your views

24 hours
48 hours
one - three days
four - seven days
eight days or more
  1. How far in advance should you be able to book a routine appointment? Please tick one box that most closely matches your views

one day in advance
three days in advance
three – five days in advance
one - two weeks in advance
three weeks or more in advance
  1. For each of the statements below, please tick the box that most closely matches your views.

When I make a ROUTINE appointment … / Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
I only want to see my GP because they know me best
I only want to see a GP in my practice but it doesn’t have to be my doctor
I would be happy to see a nurse or other trained health professional who is able to access my records and prescribe medicines
I would be happy to attend another GP practice in North Kirklees in order to get an appointment at a time to suit my needs
I would prefer to attend a walk-in service, rather than arrange an appointment
  1. If you had a ROUTINE problem, would you be happy for a member of staff to assess your condition before offering an appointment? Please tick one box that most closely matches your views

Don’t know
  1. If you were offered an appointment for a ROUTINE condition at another practice (ie not your usual practice), how far would you be prepared to travel? Please tick one box that most closely matches your views

I would not be able to travel
I would not be prepared to travel
Less than one mile
Between two and five miles
More than five miles

Section 3: How and when you are seen

  1. Would you be happy to access appointments in a different way, if appropriate to your condition? For each of the statements below, please tick the box that most closely matches your views.

I would be happy to have an appointment … / Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
by telephone rather than visit the GP practice
By email rather than visit the GP practice
By Skype or similar online tool where the GP is able to see me, rather than visit the GP practice
  1. Should GP practices in North Kirklees offer longer opening hours?

Yes, they should offer appointments in the evening
Yes, they should offer appointments at the weekend
Yes, they should offer evening and weekend appointments
Don’t know
  1. For each of the statements below, please tick the box that most closely matches your views

Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
Weekend appointments should only be available for URGENT problems.
Weekend appointments should be available for all problems.
I would travel to another GP practice to access an appointment at the weekend
  1. Would you like your GP practice to provide a wider range of services e.g. hospital outpatient appointments, diagnostic tests, counselling, therapies?

No / /
Don’t know / /
  1. Are there any other things GP practices could do to help improve appointment waiting times or the service they provide?

Equality Monitoring - OPTIONAL
We collect the following information so that we can assess whether our surveys represent the views of a wide range of people.
  • Please only answer questions with which you are comfortable
  • All data will be held in confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act
  • At no point will the information you provide be shared in a way that would allow you to be personally identified

Please tell us the first part of your postcode (e.g. HX1, HD3, WF13, WF3, BD2, LS9)
Please enter here / Prefer not to say
What sex are you?
Female / Male / Prefer not to say
Is your gender identity different to the sex you were assumed to be at birth?
Yes / No / Prefer not to say
What is your age?
Under 16 / 16 - 25 / 26 - 35 / 36 - 45 / 46 – 55 / 56 - 65
66 - 75 / 76 - 85 / 86 + / Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation?
Bisexual (both sexes) / Lesbian
(same sex) / Gay man
(same sex) / Heterosexual/
Straight (opposite sex)
Other: / Please specify / Prefer not to say
What is your ethnic background?
Asian, or Asian British / Black, or Black British / Mixed / multiple ethnic group / White / Other
Chinese / African / Asian & White / British / Arab
Indian / Caribbean / Black African & White / Gypsy/Traveller
Pakistani / Black Caribbean & White / Irish
Other Asian background / Other Black background / Other Mixed / multiple ethnic background / Other White background
Prefer not to say / Other: / Please specify any other ethnic group here
Do you consider yourself to belong to any religion?
Buddhism / Christianity / Hinduism
Islam / Judaism / Sikhism
No religion / Prefer not to say / Other: / Please specify
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if: ‘a person has a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’
Yes / No / Prefer not to say
If yes above, what type of disability do you have? (Tick all that apply)
Learning disability/difficulty / Long-standing illness or health condition / Mental Health condition
Physical or mobility / Hearing / Visual
Prefer not to say / Other: / Please specify
Do you provide care for someone?
Such as family, friends, neighbours or others who are ill, disabled or who need support because they are older.
Yes / No / Prefer not to say

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Please return to: (No stamp is required)


Engagement Team

NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group

Empire House

Wakefield Road

Dewsbury WF12 8DJ

Please return this form no later than Monday 27th July 2015. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any responses after this date.