The Trailblazing Terrier
Ridgely Elementary School
118 North Central Avenue
Ridgely, MD 21660
A School-wide TITLE I School
October, 2017
Lee Sutton Antonio Angeloni
Principal Assistant Principal
WAY TO GO RES - Helping Hurricane Relief Efforts!!
RES donated $891.00 to Operation USA Hurricane Relief through our recent Hats for Hurricane Fundraiser.
10/17Kindergarten field trip11/7Early Dismissal-Teacher In-service
Pre-kindergarten field trip11/8RES Math Night 6 - 7
10/19 3rd grade field trip11/9PTA 5th grade Party Planning Meeting
10/20No school for students/In-service5:30 - 6:30
10/264th grade field trip11/10Parent Visitation Day
10/301st grade field trip11/16Report Cards distributed
10/31Halloween Parade11/17No School - Conference Day
11/2Picture Make-up Day 11/212nd grade field trip 11/3 PTA meeting - 5:30 11/22 - 11/24 No School -
PTA Movie NIght - 6:30Thanksgiving Break
●Please be sure students wear tennis shoes on PE day so they may fully participate.
●Emergency Forms have been distributed and need to be completed, revised and returned as soon as possible.
●Be sure to provide a PARENT or Doctor’s note for every absence.
●ALL visitors must report to the front office and sign in using their driver’s license. If the visitor is going to a classroom or common area, they must wear a visitor’s badge at all times when they are in the building and sign out in the main office when they are leaving..
●Be sure to sign-up for SCHOOL WAY for text messages regarding upcoming events, late busses, weather delays, cancellations and other important information.
PBIS is a school-wide decision making framework that guides the selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavioral outcomes. Each year, the PBIS team meets to determine what changes need to be made to our framework to best support our students. The following are the changes for this year:
●BONE Behavior Chart
○All students will begin at 1 and work their way up to 5 bones throughout the day.
●Terrier Awards
○Given to all students that have not received a minor or major referral.
●Terrier Picnic
○All students will be invited to the park for an end of year PBIS picnic
●Golden Tray Award
○Given weekly to the classes that are good about cleaning up the messes at lunch.
●Golden Ball Award
○Given weekly to the class that cleans up and lines up quickly at recess.
●PTA Charleston Wrap Fundraiser: All students that sell a minimum of 5 items will be invited to attend the VIP Party. All orders are due November 2, 2017.
●PTA membership Drive: Class with the highest percentage will get to “pie” their choice of Mr. Sutton or Mr. Angeloni. This contest ends on October 31, 2017.
●Keep sending in those BOX TOPS!!! Box Top class contest ends October 19, 2017
Soda Tabs
We will be collecting Soda Tabs again this year to support the Ronald McDonald House. Soda Tabs will be collected in the classrooms.
Birthday Grams
This year Student Council sent home a paper for the Birthday Gram fundraiser. Birthday Grams are $2 each and you have the choice of sending a candy bar or bubble wand. Extra forms can be found in the front office or sent home per request. This fundraiser will be all year. Orders for summer birthdays will be fulfilled on the child's half birthday.
Wellness Center News
Welcome back! Here in the School Based Wellness Center at RES we are looking forward to a healthy 2017-2018 school year. As a reminder, we encourage all students to enroll in the Wellness Center to take advantage of the services we provide. Use us as you would an urgent care center. If your child becomes sick at school, and requires care beyond the scope of the school nurse, we can help. Mrs. Jessica Newton is a certified physician assistant and can diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication. The school nurse will obtain verbal permission from you, the parent or guardian, before your child is seen in Wellness. In most cases, you do not need to be physically present during the exam, but we always encourage it if possible. You will then receive a phone call after the visit with summary and plan of care from the provider. Prescriptions are sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice, and a written note summarizing the visit will be sent home with your child the same day. We bill the insurance company directly and no money is required at the time of visit.
We will also continue our free “Health Chats” on all students enrolled in Wellness every 1-2 years. These are short, informal sessions, with 2-3 students, which occur during their specials time. They are designed to be fun and informative for the children and focus on essential health topics such as healthy foods, exercise habits, bike safety, and good oral hygiene. Please contact us directly at 410-634-9153 with questions or to make an appointment. We are open Mondays and Thursdays at Ridgely, but all children enrolled in Wellness are able to use any of our School Based Wellness Centers in Caroline County Monday through Friday. Remember, healthy children are better learners!