Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Recommendation Form

SECTION 1: To be completed by the applicant to the program:

Applicant’s name:______

Referee’s name: ______

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 gives you the right to request confidential or non-confidential submissions. Confidential means that you waive your right to see this form once it has been completed by the individual you have asked for a reference. The MALS program cannot show the letter to you or advise you of its contents. Non-confidential means that you retain your right to see the letter. The MALS program will provide an unofficial copy to you at your request. Once the MALS program receives the recommendation, you cannot change its confidential or non-confidential status.

I have read the above statement about my FERPA rights, and I elect that this letter of recommendation be given the following status:

[ ] Confidential[ ] Non-confidential


Applicant signatureDate

After completing Section 1, send the form to an individual who is in a position to assess your abilities.

SECTION 2: To the recommender: You are requested to provide a frank and open evaluation of the abilities of this candidate for admission to the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program at the University of Southern Indiana. This is an interdisciplinary graduate degree that requires students to think critically, express themselves fluently and correctly, and demonstrate adaptability.

  1. How long have you known the applicant? ______
  1. In what capacity have you known the applicant (check all that apply)

⃝ Teacher or professor⃝ Employer or job supervisor

⃝ Co-worker⃝ Other (specify)______

3. Based on your knowledge of the candidate, how would you rank him/her in comparison to others you have known in the same capacity (e.g. student, employee)?

⃝ Outstanding (top 5%)⃝ Competent (top 40%)

⃝ Excellent (top 10%) ⃝ Less than competent (lower 60%)

⃝ Superior (top 25 %)

4. Please rate the applicant on the following:

Criteria / Exceptional / Superior / Average / Below average / Unable to determine
General scholarly ability or potential
Proficiency in writing and communicating ideas and information
Ability to master complex ideas and information
Working independently on complex projects
Solving problems effectively
Adapting to new or unexpected situations
Intellectual curiosity
Effective time management
Responsibility and maturity

In the space below, please make any other comments you believe relevant to the applicant and his or her qualifications for successful completion of this graduate program. Feel free to attach additional pages or a separate letter of reference.

If this is a confidential letter, it should be sent directly to the program director by mail or as a signed PDF via email. Sealed letters with the referee’s signature across the flap may be returned to the applicant for submission, but such letters must be received by the MALS office unopened.


SignaturePrint name


Job Title and Institution/employer


Date Contact PhoneContact Email

Mail to: Dr. Tamara L. Hunt, Director

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies • University of Southern Indiana

8600 University Boulevard, Evansville, IN 47712-3596

Email: •Phone: (812) 465-1202