Monday 6 JUNE 1994 Morning 30 minutes
Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.
Write your school number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page.
Attempt ALL questions using the spaces provided on the booklet. Where short answers are required, complete sentences are not necessary, but you should give all relevant information.
If you are attempting the Reading Core Level only, you have 30 minutes to answer the questions in this booklet, after which it will be collected.
If you are also attempting the Extended Level Reading, you must first complete this Core Level paper. As soon as you have done so, you can go on to the Extended Level.
The number of marks available for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ] at the end of each question.
ForExaminer's UseSection 1
Section 2
Section 3
Look at the following signs and answer questions 1 to 6 by putting a tick in the appropriate box.
1.When you arrive at the airport in Mexico City you clear immigration. As you
approach Customs you remember that you have nothing to declare. Which
sign would you approach?
2.While in Mexico, you go into a convenience store to get some soap. You go
down the aisles looking at labels. Which label are you looking for?
3.You go into a clothing store to look around for a swimsuit. Which stand
would you examine more closely?
4.At a fruit and vegetable stand you decide to buy some onions. To which of
these labels would your attention be drawn?
5.Your family has rented a car, and by the second day its radiator needs water.
Your father pulls into a service station and looks for:
Total marks [6]
6.As you pass through a smaller city in Mexico, you decide to reconfirm your
ticket for your return flight. The town square has several buildings with
various signs. Where would you go?
7. The little piece from a magazine catches your attention.
(a) What was the occupation of the inventor of the zipper?
(b) What was his nationality?
8.Your little brother is getting restless while your family is on a Latin Amerian
holiday. You see this billboard while touring the outskirts of Santo Domingo.
Give, in English, THREE activities of the camp that might interest him.
______[1] ______[1] ______[1]
9.You see this advertisement in a Spanish language newspaper in Florida:
(a) Name THREE symptoms for which treatment is available.
______[1] ______[1] ______[1]
(b) Name TWO services which are included in the fee on your first visit.
______[1] ______[1]
10. Your hosts have left a list of emergency telephone numbers. Somebody tried to make a "short list" in English, but left it to you to complete.
MurciaBombero ...... 080 y 256080
Guardia Civil ...... 251100
Comisaría Policía ...... 217616/17/18/19
Policía Municipal ...... 266600
ídem Urgencias ...... 092
Hospital Provincial...... 256900
Casa de Socorro ...... 231166
Urgencias Seguridad Social...... 237550
Residencia Sanitaria ...... 841500
Teléfono de la Esperanza ...... 241112
Alcohólicos Anónimos ...... 268026
Cruz Roja-Emergencias...... 222222
Telephone / Service(a) / Fire Brigade / [1]
(b) / 266600 / [1]
(c) / 256900 / [1]
(d) / Red Cross / [1]
(e) / 268026 / [1]
11. You are in Spain and you decide to eat out. The closest restaurant to your hotel is the Roció. However, this notice appears in the newspapers:
(a) What happens between July 28 and August 20?
(b) What will happen on August 21?
Total marks [17]
12. Your aunt has received a letter in Spanish from a Dominican family who were once guests in her house in Nassau, and are now resident in the U.S.A. She wants to know what the letter says, so she shows it to you, and asks the questions that follow.
(a) Why has this family not written to her in a while?
(b) The writer of the letter mentions two causes for concern in the city of Los Angeles. Name them.
______[1] ______[1] (c) Where is Fátima (the writer) working?
(d) What does Brian do on weekends?
(e) How did Sabina finish her school year?
(f) How often does Sabina's music teacher come in?
13. While shopping in Miami, you read this article in a Spanish language newspaper. You are thinking of sharing it with your History class. How would you answer the questions that follow?
El mango fue cultivado por primera vez en la India hace más de 4,000 años. Se cree que llegó a África alrededor del año 1000 A.C. Barcos portugueses lo llevaron al Brasil en los 1700, y se introdujo a la Florida en 1833.
Hay cerca de 1,000 variedades de mangos en el mundo. Por lo menos 100 de ellas tuvieron su origen en la Florida. Ahora bien, hay dos especies populares en Dade - el Tommy Atkins, que es amarillo con un cierto tono de rojo carmín; y el Keitt, que es grande y verde con una tonalidad amarilla. En conjunto, constituyen el 80 por ciento de la cosecha de Dade.
Como promedio, un mango tiene unas 100 calorías sin grasa y está lleno de potasio y de las vitaminas C y A.
La celebración de Día del Mango en el Charles Derring Estate comienza hoy a las 10 de la mañana y durará hasta las 5:00 de la tarde. Los miembros del Club Homemakers estarán vendiendo pasteles de mango, panes, galletas, dulces, mermelada, jalea y salsas.
La entrada para la celebración, que se llevará a cabo en el 16701 del SW y la 72 Ave., cuesta $2 para los adultos y $1 para los niños.
Para más información puede llamar al 235-1668.
(a) Where was the mango first grown?
(b) Give TWO words used to describe the "Keitt" mango.
______[1] ______[1]
(c) What nutritional information is given about the mango?
______[1] ______[1]
(d) Name FOUR mango products to be sold at the Mango Day celebration.
______[1] -______[1] ______[1] ______[1]
(e) Why would you use the telephone number 235-1668?
Total marks [17]