(Amended June 14, 2016)



Section 1. Name, Purpose and Nature of Organization

The name of the organization shall be the Wayne Baseball Association. Whenever the terms "WBA" or “Association” are used, they shall refer to and mean the Wayne Baseball Association. The WBA is a non profit organization. This organization exists exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Section 2. Teams

The Wayne Baseball Association is the governing body for the following Wayne teams: Senior Legion (Ages 17-18), Junior Legion (Ages 15-16), Pony League (Ages 13-14), Bronco League (Ages 11-12) and Didget League (Ages 9-10). All players will play on their age appropriate team which is determined by the American Legion or the league in which the team is participating in. Players will not be allowed to “play up”. The only exception is if a team is lacking players and younger players are needed. If a team is lacking players the coach is to contact the Wayne Baseball Association Board President.

Section 3. Fiscal Year

For financial purposes, the fiscal year for the Association shall be from October 1 to the following September 30.

Section 4. Funds received, Bills, Notes, Checks, Etc.

All funds received by WBA shall be used to promote baseball. The Board of Directors is to be aware of all financial matters of WBA. The Treasurer’s report is to include paperwork for each Board member showing all expenses and income since the last meeting. All bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of WBA shall be made in the name of WBA and shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer. Any negotiable instruments greater than $250 shall be first approved by the Board of Directors and countersigned by the President and Treasurer. The President and Treasurer are to have their names on the checking and savings account signature cards at the State Nebraska Bank & Trust.

Section 5. Amendments

These Bylaws may be altered, amended or added to by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors present at any monthly meeting or special meeting called for by the President. Any amendment, alteration or revision of these Bylaws must be requested in writing, prior to a regular meeting.

Section 6. Hiring of Coaches

All head coach applicants will need to fill out an application. A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required for an applicant to be hired as a head coach. Assistant coaches will be the responsibility of the head coach to recruit and recommend their assistant coach staff for approval from the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will have the right to decline a recommended assistant coach. Assistant coaches are expected to be active participants in practices and games. Parents of players will be eligible to be assistant coaches under these guidelines. Assistant coaches should be kept at a minimum to the number of players and needs at each level of play. The assistant coaches are an extension of the head coach. The head coach is responsible for the actions of their assistants.

Section 7. Disciplinary Action

All players will sign a form regarding discipline. The head coach is responsible for any disciplinary action if needed. The Board will get involved if needed.

Section 8. Dissolution

Upon dissolution of WBA, the organization shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all debts/liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the organization's remaining assets to the Wayne Vets Club. If the Vets Club is no longer in existence, the remaining assets will go to the City of Wayne Recreation Dept.



The mission of WBA is:

A. To operate a non-profit baseball association.

B. To ensure our youth have the opportunity to play baseball throughout their school years, subject to limitations of facilities and size and number of teams.

C. To encourage youth to develop good baseball skills to the best of their abilities and desires.

D. To promote fun and team spirit as well as good sportsmanship to all players, coaches, parents and fans.



Section 1. Governing Body

The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven voting members. There will be an Executive Board consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each member of the Board of Directors must attend at least 50% of the meetings during the time frame of October 1 to the following September 30 or that member will be removed from the Board and replaced.

The Board of Directors must consist of at least two parents / guardians from each of the teams represented by the Wayne Baseball Association (Didget League, Bronco League, Pony League, Junior Legion, and Senior Legion). Only one parent of a child may be a member of the Board of Directors. A member of the Board of Directors cannot be a Head Coach of any of the Wayne Baseball Association teams.

The Board of Directors of WBA shall accept and agree to abide by these Bylaws.

Section 2. Voting

Each member of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to one vote. In the event of a tie, a second vote will occur at the same meeting after more discussion. If there is still a tie, the Executive Board will discuss and make a decision. All issues shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board of Directors except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.

Section 3. Officers

The Board of Directors shall elect officers from the current Board of Director’s membership for a term of one year. Elections shall take place during the October meeting of the Board of Directors. The officer positions to be elected are President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The elected officers shall take their positions at the close of the Board of Directors meeting at which they are elected and their term shall expire at the conclusion of the following October meeting. Officers may be reelected. Election of officers will involve verbal nominations and a confidential vote on paper. In the event of a tie, the names of the individuals who are involved in the tie will be written on separate pieces of paper, placed in a hat and an officer will then draw one of those names out of the hat. The person drawn will become the newly elected officer.

Section 4. Duties of Officers


The President shall preside at all meetings held by the Wayne Baseball Association’s Board of Directors. The President can call for special meetings when circumstances should require one. The President shall have the ability to assign duties not otherwise assigned within the bylaws.

Vice President

The Vice President shall preside over any meeting that the president should not be able to attend. The Vice President shall assist the president with the performance of his/her duties.


The Secretary shall have custody of the By-Laws, and shall oversee the management and retention of Wayne Baseball Association’s board meeting records. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the Board of Directors meetings, and shall transmit all records and correspondence to any person selected to succeed him or her in that office. The Secretary will report to the Board and will perform his/her duties in a manner consistent with the By-Laws and current Board policy.


The Treasurer shall receive and distribute all funds with approval of the Executive Board of Directors; shall keep an accurate account of the funds received and disbursed for the Wayne Baseball Association, shall submit a financial report at meetings when requested to by the Executive Board; shall compile an annual report of Wayne Baseball Association finances: shall transfer all records to any person elected to succeed him/her in office. The Treasurer shall report to the Board and will perform his/her duties in a manner consistent with the By-Laws and current Board policy.

Section 5. Meetings

A minimum of 8 meetings is required each year. 1 meeting must be held in each quarter.

Section 7. Quorum

A quorum shall consist of greater than fifty percent of the current members of the Board of Directors. Special situations for absent voting will be considered.

Section 8. Minutes

The Secretary shall keep a written record (minutes) of the Board of Directors proceedings. In the absence of the Secretary, the President shall appoint a Board of Directors member present to fulfill this duty. These minutes shall be approved and made official at the following Board of Directors meeting.

Section 9. Resignation and/or Removal of Board of Director Members

A. A board member may resign at any time, either by giving an oral resignation at a Board of Directors meeting or by notifying the President.

B. A board member may be removed from the Board of Directors at any time, following the same procedure used in amending these bylaws. A board member removed by these means shall not be eligible for the Board of Directors for a period of one year.

C. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors,it will be announced at the next meeting thatthere is an opening on the Board of Directorsand that verbal nominations will be taken at the following meeting and votedupon. The Board of Directors and anyparent/guardian of a WBA team that is present at the meeting is eligible to vote. The vote will be a confidential vote on paper. The electedBoard member will assume her/his position immediately. In the event of a tie, the names of the individuals who are involved in the tie will be written on separate pieces of paper, placed in a hat and an officer will then draw one of those names out of the hat. The person drawn will become the newly elected Board Member.

These bylaws were amended June 14, 2016.


Signature of President Signature of Vice President


Signature of Treasurer Signature of Secretary