March 4, 2015 PTA minutes

Attendees: Jen Ferguson, Deidre Rieppel, Sarah Stoddard, Jenny Fuerst, Nikki Hudson, Rose Shilling, Madeline Partlow, Tina Niven

Secretary's report:The February meeting minutes were approved.

Plant sale supplies:Rose Shilling requested up to $100 for supplies for the plant sale, such as water for the volunteers and labels for the sales packets. Nikki Hudson moved to approve, and Jen Ferguson seconded. None opposed.

President’s report:

Sandy Hook Promise:Nikki Hudson gave details about a meeting held at the school with Sandy Hook Promise, a group of parents from Sandy Hook who promote programs that focus on children’s safety and mental health. A small group of parents and leaders from some Worthington schools met with the group. Nikki said the group puts aside gun issues and shares information about low-cost programs, such as No One Play Alone to help ensure no student feels ostracized. Another program provides training for leaders to recognize the signs of mental health problems.Nikki said it was exciting to think that we could have a part in implementing some programs that could make some changes in the culture of our community.

There was discussion about whether the group had materials that could help parents with talking about the issues with kids. There was a suggestion to include some kind mental health component with the Walkathon to show mental and physical health go together.

End-of-year parties: Nikki said the PTA will discuss again next year whether to add a celebration at the end of the year. She noted there has been concern about changing traditions. There was discussion about not wanting to change the tradition of last day parties while still making them more manageable for parents, especially in the younger grades when the children need to be entertained more for that long period of time.

Members discussed whether room parents are getting enough money from parents to provide lunch on the last day. Dr. Partlow said no room parents should be paying large amounts for the party, and she encouraged them to talk to her if they do not receive enough contributions for lunch. Dr. Partlow also asked that room parents avoid asking for too much money for the party. Asking for $10 to $15 to make the party extra special is probably too much, and money should not be collected to pay for a band or music.

Parents pointed out that requiring packed lunches is an option. Deidre Rieppel suggested that the PTA could start a party fund that parents can pull money from.

Nikki planned to write to teachers to ask them to send room parents to the PTA or Dr. Partlow for help if they have trouble collecting enough money or lunch contributions. And she planned to askthe teachers in the younger grades to help keep the time of the parties manageable.

Dr. Partlow’s report: She said she appreciated everyone involvement in the activities over the last month, including the book fair and Lip Sync.

The school needs to put on math programming for parents as part of its title program. Our math program was scheduled for right after dismissal on the Friday before spring break.

Outdoor learning: She discussed a presentation the teachers heard from an outdoor education expert from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The teachers seemed really excited about ideas to incorporate the ravine and school grounds into the curriculum. The department offered a lot of great resources, such as field guides to use on nature walks. They heard information about grants that are available.

Art show: Nikki noted that the art show will be the evening of Thursday, April 30. She said the Rosado family will help make a banner for the show that will be reused annually.

Treasurer’s report:

Pastapalooza: Deidre Rieppel announced the PTA spent $1,700 on Pastapalooza and made $3,500. Nikki noted the majority of the expense was for food. House Wine is interested in possibly taking on part of the cost. Jenny Fuerst suggested putting the raffle winners online.

Deidre said the PTA has about $10,000 in its budget, minus about $500 set aside for music and some money designated for playground improvements.

New business:

Tutoring supplies request: Michele Spradlin and Amanda Walsh, intervention specialists, requested $75 to $100 for folders, snacks, and drinks for students in grades 3-6 who are being tutored once a week. Deidre Rieppel move to approve. Nikki Hudson seconded. None opposed.

Classroom book request: Cindy Keller requested $111.80 for multiple copies of class project book “My Side of the Mountain.” Nikki Hudson moved to approve, Jenny Fuerst seconded. None opposed.

School supply sale: Sarah Stoddard, chairperson of the sale, noted that about 60 families bought supplies through the program in its first year. The program is not a fundraiser. The PTA is simply trying to offer a convenience and possibly cost savings for families. The supplies come from a local company, Star Beacon. Many people said they thought the supplies were less expensive than ones purchased at a store. Sarah said she plans to get out a letter about the program earlier to give more people to time to sign up. Dr. Partlow said she would work on getting updated supply lists from teachers. She noted that the school took some items off the lists last year to make them optional so families don’t feel like they have to provide them – including tissues and wipes. She suggested adding an option on the bulk supplies order to allow parents to donate tissues or wipes. The school was running low on those items over the winter. Nikki said she will price the items at stores to figure out the least expensive option.

There was discussion of whether parents could choose earbuds or headphones. Sarah also said it would be possible to cover the cost of supplies for some families who need help.

Nominating committee: Jen Ferguson and Tina Niven volunteered to serve with Dr. Partlow on the committee to nominate a people for open PTA positions next year: treasurer, a PTA council delegate and an alternate. Nikki Hudson moved to approve the committee members. Deidre Rieppel seconded. None opposed.

Next PTA meeting: 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 7