Theatre and Music

Pantomime at Elgiva

Guitar and percussion workshops

Visiting theatre productions

Staff and student choir


School Productions

Energise County wide production at Wycombe Swan (moral themes)

SDS has got talent

Pupil speaking

Peter and the Wolf

The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas


School Activities/Events

Remembrance service

Assemblies/theme of week- e.g. compassion/beliefs/sustainability/love

Father’s day/Mother’s day PEBLES sale

Easter/Christmas church visit/assembly

Christmas whole school lunch celebration

Leavers celebration (service before self award)

Weekly Achievement and Celebration assemblies

World Book Day

Outdoor Education team building

SDS newsletter

Theme days- science and engineering etc…

Get Set Olympics and Paralympics support

Team building day

Skills for Change - self-esteem course

Student Led

School Voice

Student questionnaire

Student Buddy Support System

6th Form Council

6th Form newsletter

Science and Engineering days

(Down Hill Derby Copt Hill)

Covered in the SDSCurriculum

E-Safety Training, ZAC training, Lego therapy, bullying, values, morals, culture, citizenship, relationships, respect, war, holocaust (survivor), love, tolerance, justice, friendship, fair trade, traditional dress, festivals, global community, food traditions, religion, ethical use of ICT and business, music, environment, sustainability etc…

Trips and Travel

Globe Theatre workshop and tour

British Transport Museum

Travel Training classes

Outdoor Education trips (teamwork focus)

Imperial War Museum, Windsor Castle, Town Planning, Local History, Didcot Railway Centre, Marlow River Trip, Chelsea Army Museum, London Eye, HS2

Café Africa (Fair Trade focus)

Mosques and Churches

Rowing festival/Wembley/Phasals Wood/Westfield travel training

Sky Gardens/Heathrow Community Farm/BCA Reptile House/Rickmansworth Aquadrome/PGL/HOAC/Shortenills/Disability Sports competitions/London Aquarium/Fishing/Riverside Regetta. Waddeston Manor Art Trip/Golf taster trip/Hour of coding/Tring Museum/Amersham Swimming Pool

Student Led

School Voice

Student questionnaire

Student Buddy Support System

6th Form Council

6th Form Newsletter

Science and Engineering days

(Down Hill Derby Copt Hill)

Charity Work in School- Led by Students

Work Aid (local Charity)- student volunteering to help restore tools to send to Africa

Rotary Club (variety of activities)

Hearing Dogs for the Deaf- Sponsor Marley

Comic and Sport Relief

Children in Need

Meningitis Trust


Royal British Legion

Roast Dinners for the Community

UAS Wimbledon Tea for the Community

Hampton Court Horticulture Exhibition

Therapy Dogs

Community Involvement

Working with local schools Alfriston/Meadow High

Stony Dean PFA events and fund raising for the Gym, etc

Active Twitter account and training and advice videos

ERASMUS project

Army team building day

Sue Forster- local artist

Community volunteering- helping in the community

Work experience at De Vere Hotel/Entertainer

Radio Christmas

Literacy Day at Latimer House

Anti-Bullying Conference

The Croft (nursing home)

Gardening at Kings Church Amersham

Volunteering at Restore Hope Latimer

Police visits to support students - bullying and e-safety/phone marking

Addaction talks (drug education team)

Climate challenge conference

Horticulture competitions (Amersham in Bloom)

Amersham Town Council (Tree Planting, litter picking, etc)

Work placements/Ebay shop

Sex and relationships workshops

Outside Agencies

Amersham and Wycombe College (courses)

Astra Teaching Alliance

University of Reading placements for SaLTs

Dr Challoners volunteer students doing paired readers

UCL visiting professors and Masters students

CAMHS/Police/School Nurse

Addaction/Stonewall-homophobia/bullying conference

Bucks Disabilities/Bucks County Council

The Entertainer/Family Resilience/Talk Back

Latimer Restore Hope/Young Carers

Tesco community support fund

River Time Trust (bell boating)

Halton Tennis Centre/Snowability

Special Schools Bucks Sports Partnership

Bucks Youth



Promote Traditional British Values