Kent Pétanque League
Secretary: Mick Nash, 36 Billings Hill Shaw, Hartley, Kent. DA3 8EU.
Tel: 01474 703263 email:
To All Club Secretaries and Team Captains16thJanuary 2017
Happy New Year to you all. Once again it’s time to take our minds off the cold and turn our thoughts to playing petanque on warm (and dry) summer evenings!
Please find attached your Kent LeagueRegistration form which should be completed and returned to reach me as soon as possible but, in any event, no later than 28 February 2017.Only 6 weeks from now.
The website will again be the source of all contact details, fixtures and the league tables.
At the AGM in December three changes were made to the rules of our league.
- That the current playing format is adopted permanently. i.e. Each match consists of five games, two triples and three doubles.
- ‘In order to assist with time management, any home team which has the facility to play the three doubles games simultaneously should do so upon the request of the away team. For the avoidance of doubt, this will apply when one match is being played at any venue with three or more pitches; two matches are being played at a venue with six or more pitches; three matches are being played at a venue with nine or more pitches and so on. Any home team that fails to comply with this request may be penalised by having the third doubles game awarded 13-0 against them by the League Officers.
- The use of Electronic Cigarettes is banned while playing League Matches.
Additionally, there have been some changes made by the FIPJP which were adopted by the EPA and therefore are now part of our league rules. Please refer to the EPA website (or the document attached to this email which highlights the changes in blue) for full details.Below there are two of which I take this opportunity to remind you.
- Article 6: "The team winning the toss or the previous end will have one attempt to throw a valid jack. If this jack is not valid it is handed to the opponent who may place it at any valid position on the designated terrain."
- Article 39: “It's forbidden to smoke during play, including electronic cigarettes. It is also forbidden to use mobile phones during the games.”
The first of these was rejected at our AGM and the second was passed. As they are now part of EPA rules they will also be rules applied in our league.
The registration form should include the names of all your players. However, please do not delay returning the registration form to me; if necessary return the form to me without the names.You can then email the player names to me at any time up to March 15th 2017. Note the new email address .
With any new player throughout the season; provided their name is sent to me before a game, they can play.
If I can help in any way, or, if you have any queries, please contact me as soon as possible.
As in previous years, I am asking every club to supply me with details of any “local rules” which, if agreed, will be published on the website. If it isn’t on the website I cannot subsequently support it!
Thank you for your co-operation and good luck for the new season.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Nash
Secretary, Kent Petanque League
PS if you are no longer the secretary please pass this to your successor and advise me.
Kent Pétanque League
2017 League Registration Form
Secretary: Mick Nash, 36 Billings Hill Shaw, Hartley, Kent. DA3 8EU
Registration Fee: £25 per teamClosing Date for entries: 28/02/17
IMPORTANT NOTICE – Please read carefully
Notes: Every club must be registered with the EPA.
Every player must hold a current KPA licence.
Cheques payable to the KPA.
Club Name:Address of Playing Venue:
Post Code: Phone no
If entering more than one team, please state no. of home matches possible on one night
(NB possible not desirable):
Special Requests (will be considered where possible and practical)
Local Rules:
Correspondence Details
Tel No:
Team Name / Captain / Captain’s Tel No & email
Amount Enclosed: £Signed
Team / Player