Progress Notes: June 23, 2004, OAC, San Antonio, Texas. Cleon Dunham created a first outline of 17078-4. He removed unnecessary text.
September 3, 2004, Schlumberger, Houston, Texas. We updated the title of the document. We added a new clause to replace the original clause 5. We removed clauses 6 and 7.
September 8, 2004. OAC, San Antonio, Texas. Cleon Dunham updated the terms and definition, drafted Clause 4, organized the annexes, and added skeletons of new annexes where needed.
December 13, 2004. OAC, Nizhnevartovsk, Siberia. Cleon Dunham did some minor work on the format of the document.
February 5, 2005. OAC, Wimberley, Texas. Cleon Dunham did more work on the format of the document, added scope and disclaimer sections where appropriate, and removed the “example completed” templates on the suggestion of David McCalvin.
February 17, 2005. Schlumberger, Houston, Texas. David McCalvin, Wayne Mabry, and Cleon Dunham met with Work Group 4 as they reviewed ISO 17078-4.
February 18, 2005. Schlumberger, Houston, Texas. David McCalvin, Wayne Mabry, and Cleon Dunham met to perform some clean-up work on ISO 17078-4.
February 9-10, 2006. Schlumberger, Houston, Texas. The Task Group worked on the document --- mostly on the forms for the User/Purchaser and the Supplier/Manufacturer.
April 17, 2006. OAC, Austin, Texas. David McCalvin, Wayne Mabry, and Cleon Dunham met. We consolidated Annexes A, B and C into one and Annexes D, E, and F into one per the instructions from Work Group #4. This reduced the number of annexes from 19 to 15.
May 08-09, 2006. Schlumberger, Houston, Texas. The Task Group worked on the document. We consolidated the number of annexes from15 to 10. We worked on several of them.
August 23-24, 2006. Weatherford CPS, Houston, Texas. The Task Group worked on Annexes D, G, and I, and Clauses 2 and 3 of the document.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries— Down hole equipment— Part4: Practices for side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
Document type:International Standard
Document subtype:
Document stage:(20) Preparatory
Document language:E
C:\Cleon's Stuff\2004 Files\Gas-Lift --- ISO Work Group\ISO 17078-4 Document\ISO 17078-4 -- Draft - June 23, 2004.docSTD Version 1.0
Élément introductif— Élément central— Partie4: Titre de la partie
Error! AutoText entry not defined.
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2Terms and definitions
2.2Terms and definitions
2.2.2acceptance criteria
2.2.5critical length
2.2.6design verification grade
2.2.8dome charge, maximum/minimum
2.2.9dummy flow control device
2.2.10gas port
2.2.12injection pressure operated
2.2.15linear mass
2.2.16loading conditions
2.2.20operating environment
2.2.21operational parameters
2.2.23product functional testing
2.2.24quality control grade
2.2.25rated pressure
2.2.26rated temperature
2.2.28SI (Systeme Internationale - French)
2.2.29side-pocket mandrel
2.2.31technical specifications
2.2.32test pressure
2.2.33test temperature
3Symbols and abbreviated engineering terms
3.2Engineering terms
4Guidelines for application of side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
4.4User/Purchaser functional specification templates for side-pocket mandrels and related products
4.4.1Side-pocket mandrels
4.4.2Flow control devices
4.4.3Running, pulling, and kick-over tools, and latches
4.5Supplier/Manufacturer product data sheets for side-pocket mandrels and related products
4.5.1Side-pocket mandrels
4.5.2Flow control devices
4.5.3Running, pulling, and kick-over tools, and latches
4.6Guidelines for set-up/calibration of flow control devices
4.7Guidelines for test sites for flow control device performance testing
4.8Guidelines for reconditioning shop set-up and selection/training of shop personnel
4.9Guidelines for pre- and post-installation inspection, testing, and maintenance of side-pocket mandrels and related products
4.10Guidelines for reconditioning side-pocket mandrels and related products
4.11Guidelines for selecting and training User/Purchaser personnel
4.12Guidelines for understanding interface compatibility issues
4.13Engineering units conversions
Annex A (informative) User/Purchaser functional specification templates for side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
A.4Side-pocket mandrel functional specification template
A.5Flow control device functional specification template
A.6Running, pulling, and kick-over tool, and latch functional specification templates
Annex B (informative) Supplier/Manufacturer product data sheets for side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
B.4Side-pocket mandrel product data sheet template
B.5Flow control device product data sheet template
B.6Running, pulling, and kick-over tool, and latch product data sheet template
Annex C (informative) Guidelines for setting up and calibrating flow control devices
C.1General scope
C.3Flow control device set-up/calibration concepts
C.4Example procedure – 2.54 cm IPO flow control device
C.4.1Verify integrity
C.4.2Initial preparation
C.4.3Set required test rack opening/closing pressure
C.4.4First ageing sequence of the flow control device
C.4.5Stage 2 - set flow control device pressure
C.4.6Inspect/replace tail plug seals
C.4.7Re-age flow control device
C.4.8Fine tune pressure setting
C.4.9Final flow control device assembly and marking
Annex D (informative) Guidelines for test sites for flow control device performance testing
D.1General scope
D.3Test site recommendations
D.3.2General description
D.3.3Test specimen - wireline retrievable flow control devices
Test specimen - wireline retrievable flow control devices
D.3.4Test section
D.3.5Throttling control valves
D.3.6Pressure surge protection
D.3.7Flow measurement methods and accuracy
D.3.8Pressure taps
D.3.9Pressure measurement, accuracy, and reporting requirements
D.3.10Temperature taps, location, and orientation
D.3.11Temperature measurement, accuracy, and reporting requirements
D.3.12Equalizing valves
D.3.13Gas supply
Annex E (informative) Guidelines for setting up reconditioning shops and selecting shop personnel for side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
E.1General scope
E.3Set-up/repair shop principles
E.4Detailed recommendations for setup/repair shops
E.5Shop Procedures
E.6Shop personnel
E.6.1Competency overview
E.6.3Competency verification
Annex F (informative) Guidelines for pre- and post-installation inspection and testing of side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
F.1General scope
F.3Guidelines for pre-installation inspection and testing
F.3.1Inspections/tests conducted prior to wellsite
F.3.2Visual inspection
F.3.3Drift / outside diameter inspection
F.3.4Pressure testing
F.4Guidelines for post-installation inspection and testing
F.4.1Operations conducted when equipment is pulled
F.4.2Visual inspection in the shop
F.4.3Pressure testing
Annex G (informative) Guidelines for reconditioning side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
G.1General scope
G.3Reconditioning side-pocket mandrels
G.3.1General guidelines
G.3.2Product tracking
G.3.3Visual inspection of outer mandrel body
G.3.4ID drift evaluation
G.3.5Internal inspections
G.3.6Tubing connections
G.3.7Loading and testing
G.3.8Marking and identification
G.3.9Storage and shipping preparation
G.3.10Final documentation
G.4Reconditioning flow control devices
G.4.1Replacement component compatibility
G.4.2Material requirements
G.4.3Disassembly and assembly of used flow control devices
G.4.5Disassembly procedure
G.4.6Assembly procedure
G.4.7Testing reconditioned flow control devices
G.4.8Marking and identification
G.5Reconditioning running, pulling, and kick-over tools, and latches
G.5.1Replacement component compatibility
G.5.2Material requirements
G.5.3Disassembly and assembly of running, pulling, and kick-over tools, and latches
G.5.5Disassembly procedure
G.5.6Assembly procedure
G.5.7Testing reconditioned tools and latches
G.5.8Marking and identification
Annex H (informative) Guidelines for selecting and training gas-lift User/Purchaser personnel
H.3Competency overview
H.4Levels of competency
H.4.2Requirements for awareness level
H.4.3Requirements for knowledgeable level
H.4.4Requirements for skilled level
H.4.5Competency verification
Annex I (informative) Guidelines for understanding interface compatibility issues
I.3General description of overall process
I.4ISO standards
I.4.1The “ideal” case
I.4.2A “common” case
I.4.3The “worst” case
I.5Explanation of ISO approaches
I.5.1Support both integrated and specialty Suppliers/Manufacturers
I.5.3Assurance of use
I.5.4Degree of assurance by different design validation grades
Annex J (informative) Engineering units conversion
J.1Engineering units conversion - From SI to US customary
J.2Engineering units conversion - From US customary to SI
List of Figures and Forms
D.1Basic Flow Test System Schematic
D.2Test Specimen – Wireline Retrievable Flow Control Devices
D.3Example of Test Section
D.4Recommended Geometry of Pressure Tap
List of Forms
A.4Side-pocket mandrel function specification template
A.5Flow control device functional specification template
A.6Running, pulling, and kick-over tool, and latch functional specification template
B.4Side-pocket mandrel production data sheet template
B.5Flow control device product data sheet template
B.6Running, pulling, or kick-over tool, or latch product data sheet
D.1Demonstration of Compliance of Test Apparatus with Recommended Test Procedures
F.1Pre- and Post-Installation Inspection & Testing of Side-Pocket Mandrels & Related Equipment
J.1Engineering units conversion – From SI to US customary
J.2Engineering units conversion – From US customary to SI
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO17078 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO170784 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC67, Petroleum and natural gas industries, Subcommittee SC4, Down hole equipment.
ISO17078 consists of the following parts, under the general title Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries— Down hole equipment:
Part 1: Side pocket mandrels
Part2: Flow control devices for side-pocket mandrels
Part3: Running, pulling, and kick-over tools, and latches for side-pocket mandrels
Part 4: Guidelines for application of side-pocket mandrels and related equipment
This International Standard has been developed by users/purchasers and suppliers/manufacturers of subsurface side-pocket mandrels, flow control devices used in side-pocket mandrels (hereafter called flow control devices), and associated latches and installation tools that are used in conjunction with side-pocket mandrel flow control devices. This equipment is intended for use in the worldwide petroleum and natural gas industry. This International Standard is intended to provide supporting information, guidelines, and practices to all parties who are involved in the specification, selection, manufacture, testing, and use of side-pocket mandrels, flow control devices, and associated latches and installation tools
In addition to this standard, International Standard ISO 17078-1 provides requirements for side pocket mandrels used in the petroleum and natural gas industry. International Standard ISO 17078-2 provides requirements for flow control devices. And, International Standard ISO 17078-3 provides requirements for latches and installation tools that are used in conjunction with side-pocket mandrel flow control devices.
Note to WG #4. The ISO 17708-4 task group has developed and reviewed Clause 4.0 and Annexes A – F. Clauses A – C have been consolidated into a new Clause A. Clauses D – F have been consolidated into a new Clause B. The other clauses and annexes have not been reviewed since they were copied and/or imported from previous documents. We will need at least another two meetings – May and August, 2006 – to complete a first draft of this document.
© ISO 2000– All rights reserved / 1ISO/WD170784
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries— Down hole equipment— Part4: Practices for side-pocket mandrels and related equipment Guidelines for the use of side-pocket mandrel products
This International Standard(Technical Report) provides informative information to assist the user/purchaser and the supplier/manufacturer in specification, design, selection, testing, calibration, reconditioning, installation, and use of side-pocket mandrels, flow control devices, and associated latches and installation tools.
Several existing gas-lift application documents are being replaced by the ISO 17078 series on gas-lift:
- API 11V1
- API RP 11V2
- API RP 11V7
Other pertinent gas-lift application information can be found in:
- API RP 11V5
- API RP 11V6
- API RP 11V8
- API RP 11V9
- API RP 11V10
2Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this International Standard, the following definitions shall apply. For quality system related terms used in this International Standard and not defined below, see ISO 8402 for their definitions.
2.2Terms and definitions
flow control device component(s) and/or assembly(s) accepted for use.
2.2.2acceptance criteria
measures or conditions that shall be met for a test to be successful.
a pressure chamber used to externally pressure test a flow control device for a specified period of time and/or number of cycles.
application of a film of material on the surface of another material for different purposes.
2.2.5critical length
liner distance in a side-pocket mandrel between orienting sleeve no-go and face of pocket, measured perpendicular to face of pocket.
2.2.6design verification grade
levels of design requirements for side-pocket mandrels and associated equipment established in ISO 17078-1, ISO 17078-2, and ISO 17078-3.
chamber that contains an internal pressure that is applied to the responsive element which may be a bellows or piston.
2.2.8dome charge, maximum/minimum
supplier/manufacturer’s maximum or minimum recommended pressure charge in the dome, at recommended operating temperature.
2.2.9dummy flow control device
blank device that is installed in a side-pocket mandrel to prevent flow or pressure communication between the casing annulus and the tubing.
2.2.10gas port
holes in a side-pocket mandrel where gas enters the pocket of the mandrel.
information that is meant to enlighten the user/purchaser or supplier/manufacturer, without containing requirements.
2.2.12injection pressure operated
injected gas pressure operated flow control device.
retention mechanism for a flow control device that is installed in a side-pocket mandrel.
any escape of fluid during a test that can be observed.
2.2.15linear mass
mass per length of tubular product.
2.2.16loading conditions
loading conditions anticipated to be applied to the side-pocket mandrel, including but not limited to tensile loads, burst pressures, collapse pressures, bending stresses, etc.
process(es) and action(s) performed by an equipment supplier/manufacturer that are necessary to provide finished component(s), assemblies, and related documentation, that fulfil the requests of the user/purchaser, and to meet the standards of the supplier/manufacturer. Manufacturing begins when the supplier/manufacturer receives the order and is completed at the moment the component(s), assembly(ies), and related documentation are transferred to a transportation provider.
name and/or description of a device that has unique components and functional characteristics and that distinguishes it from other models of the same type.
information or procedures that shall be used by the user/purchaser or supplier/manufacturer as they comply with this International Standard.
2.2.20operating environment
operating environment is the set of environmental conditions that the product is exposed to during its service life, including, but not limited to, such environmental variables as: temperature, pressure, liquid composition and properties, gas composition and properties, solids, etc.
2.2.21operational parameters
operational parameters are the requirements and restrictions that the product is exposed to during its service life. These include such items as: operating environment, landing and retrieval of flow control devices, injection of various well treatment chemicals/fluids, etc.
engineering diagram showing the facilities, piping, flow control devices, and instrumentation of a system.
2.2.23product functional testing
the product functional testing process, method(s), and/or test(s) that are used by the Supplier/Manufacturer to demonstrate that a particular device has been manufactured to fully meet the functional and manufacturing requirements for that product as defined by the appropriate ISO specifications.
2.2.24quality control grade
process and/or method(s) used by the Supplier/Manufacturer to assure the quality of the materials, manufacturing process(es) and traceability as defined in the appropriate ISO specifications.
2.2.25rated pressure
specified pressure, at a specified temperature, for which the flow control device is designed to be subjected.
2.2.26rated temperature
specified temperature, at a specified pressure, for which the flow control device is designed to be subjected.
inspection, repair, and test of used products to establish a minimum level of assurance of performance to defined standards.
2.2.28SI (Systeme Internationale - French)
a system of units used by preference in the ISO International Standards documents.
2.2.29side-pocket mandrel
tubing-conveyed device that accepts a flow control or other device in a bore that is offset and essentially parallel with the through bore of the tubing product. This bore includes sealing surfaces and latching profiles.
company, organization, or entity that designs, manufactures, and/or markets flow control device products.
2.2.31technical specifications
parameters stating the operating limit(s) relating to the design, assembly, and testing of the component parts or assemblies.
2.2.32test pressure
maximum rated pressure at test temperature, as specified by the pertinent test procedure.
2.2.33test temperature
temperature at which the test is conducted, as specified by the pertinent test procedure.
company, organization, or entity that purchases, installs, and uses flow control devices.