Department of [name of Department]
Request for Proposal (RFP) for:[description of goods or services]
Reference number:[RFP number]
Issue Date:[date the RFP was issued]
Place for lodgement:[details of where to lodge Respondent’s responses]
Document Contents
Part A – Invitation and Bid Rules
Part B – Requirements and Specification
Part C – Contract Terms and Conditions
Part D – Response Schedule
Version 2.31October 2014
Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to the insert Government party (“Principal”) in accordance with the instructions for the insert subject matter (“Project Requirements”).
Insert a statement about the Principal, background information, a description of the project requirements, the objectives of the project and any other relevant information
The following information is provided for respondents’ assistance:
insert information
The only person authorised by the Principal to communicate with respondents is the Contact Person. Therefore, respondents cannot rely on communications with any other person. Any communication with the Contact Person should be in writing and addressed to the Contact Person.
The Contact Person is
Respondents must nominate a contact person for the proposal at the time of submitting the proposal.
Instruction – if pre proposal briefings / meetings or site visits are offered or required select the relevant clause (DELETE THIS TEXT)
Respondents are invited to have a representative attend a pre-proposal meeting to be held at insert location on insert date and time.
A condition of submitting a proposal is attendance of insert details briefings, site visits to be held at insert location on insert date and time.
A condition of submitting a proposal is that the Principal representative undertakes a site visit at the premises of respondents.
Respondents are requested to prepare the proposal as stated in the bid rules in addition to the following:
- state any requirements as to form eg, submit a certain number of copies of the tender, on A4 size paper, stapled together, on disk (give details of the compatibility and format);
- insert any other format requirements.
Instruction – for the proposal lodgement requirements select the relevant clause(s) (DELETE THIS TEXT)
The Closing Time for submitting a proposal is insert date at insert time.
The proposal should be prominently endorsed with the nominated reference number and the nominated closing date, enclosed in a sealed envelope prominently marked “Proposal for insert description of tender and posted or delivered to the proposal submission delivery address by the required closing time.
All proposal responses must:
be submitted electronically at ,
be sent in a sealed envelope or package by Registered Post, or delivered by hand to:
“Tender Box”
Principal’s Address: insert address details
All electronic copies must be virus checked before electronic lodgement.
Where a proposal response is received via electronic lodgement, each response to a request for proposal will be regarded as full and complete. If respondents need to modify any part of a group of documents that constitute a request for proposal response, then the whole proposal must be re-submitted.
Respondents planning to lodge their proposal electronically are encouraged to do so at least two hours before the proposal closing time.
Where paper copies are lodged, respondents must include an electronic copy of the proposal on CD-ROM, together with an Original and two (2) unbound duplicates of the response. Paper copies must be numbered “Original”, “Copy No. 1”, “Copy No. 2”.
If there are parts of the document that respondents do not understand, respondents should contact the nominated Contact Officer detailed in the bid document prior to the last queries date.
The Last Queries Date is insert date.
Instruction – select the relevant response documents to enable an appropriate evaluation of the proposal and delete the headings not required (DELETE THIS TEXT)
This Request for Proposal (“proposal”) consists of four parts and insert number schedules:
Part A Invitation and Bid Rules
This part contains:
- Invitation - a brief background and general information concerning the request for proposal process (“the process”).
- Bid rules
- Agency specific amendments to contract terms and conditions
Part B Requirements and Specifications
Part C Contract Terms and Conditions
Instruction – select one of the standard contracts (DELETE THIS TEXT).
This part contains the contract requirements including a draft copy of the indicative terms of any contract that may ultimately be entered into for the project requirements.
For this proposal the (insert one of the options) standard contract will be used.
Part D Response Schedule
list any other schedules
Instruction – it is useful to potential respondents to provide them with information on the evaluation criteria. It is therefore recommended that at a minimum the general criteria below are included in the request for proposal. (DELETE THIS TEXT)
Proposals will be evaluated for full compliance with any mandatory requirements identified in the Invitation and Bid Rules and Statement of Requirement and/or Specifications.
Respondents are reminded that any requirements identified as mandatory are considered to be of fundamental importance to the satisfactory delivery of the goods and/or service, and a fully compliant response is required.
10.1Industry Participation Policy
The South Australian Industry Participation Policy applies to all “responsible government agencies” (declared ‘public authorities’ and ‘prescribed public authorities’ under the State Procurement Act 2004) when spending more than $22,000 on the following:
- Government of South Australia procurement of goods and services including infrastructure and construction.
- Public Private Partnership projects.
- Federally-funded infrastructure and construction projects managed by the Government of South Australia.
It is also applicable to private sector projects receiving significant Government of South Australia support, (over $2.5 million cash and in-kind).
The IPP establishes requirements that the potential tenderer and respondents must comply with in applying for government contracts. The requirements are given different weighting in the evaluation process, depending on the value of the contract. Greater weighting applies for responses for contracts in the following “Key Sectors”:
- heavy and civil engineering construction
- professional, scientific and technical services
- non-residential building construction
- electrical equipment manufacturing
Contract Value / South Australian Industry Participation Policy (IPP) Requirement / Weight in Evaluation process
All contracts
Proposal value is between $22,000and $220,000 / Economic Contribution Test (ECT) is mandatory / No specified weighting but the ECT will be used to determine a winner if more than one response represents good value
Metropolitan Contracts
Proposal value is between $220,001and up to $4 million
Regional Contracts
Proposal value is between $220,001and up to $1 million / ECT is mandatory / 5% (minimum)
Metro contracts
Proposalvalue is between $4 million and up to $10 million
Regional contracts
Proposal value is between $1 million and $10 million / Completion of IPP Plan is voluntary but failure to submit results in zero score for weighted criteria / Non-key sectors - 5% (minimum)
Key sectors - 10 % (minimum)
All contracts
Proposal valuebetween $10 million and up to $50 million / Completion of IPP (Standard) Plan is mandatory / Non-key sectors - 5% (minimum)
Key sectors - 10% (minimum)
All contracts
Proposal value over $50 million
Strategic Project Contracts / Completion of IPP Plan (Tailored) is mandatory
A contract is determined to be regional or metropolitan by the location where the majority of the work is carried out or the goods or services supplied. The Principal has determined this tender is Metropolitan / regional [principal agency to complete] for the purposes of the IPP.
If the Statement of Requirement and/or Specifications do not refer to the South Australian Industry Participation Policy, respondents are advised that the South Australian Industry Participation Policy will still apply and that all requirements within the policy must be met.
If a respondent fails to comply with a requirement set out in the South Australian Industry Participation Policy the Policy requires that the proposalmay not be accepted. The Principal is bound by the Policy.
Respondents are expected to inform themselves about the specific requirements of the South Australian Industry Participation Policy that apply to their proposals. The Policy and the required templates are available at:
The Office of the Industry Advocate (OIA) is available to assist respondents to identify the IPP requirements that apply to their proposals and where relevant to assist respondents to prepare IPP Plans.
Contact details for the OIA are:
Office of the Industry Advocate
Level 13, 99 Gawler Place
Tel: (08) 8226 8956 Email:
Aspects of the proposal relating to the South Australian Industry Participation Policy will be evaluated with the assistance of the OIA.
10.2Proposal shortlist process
The Principal reserves the right to short-list a limited number of respondents, based on its initial value-for-money assessment, and continue detailed evaluation of this smaller group of respondents to the exclusion of all others.
If the Principal chooses to include a shortlisting stage in its evaluation process, the Principal is not, at any time required to notify respondents or any other person or organisation interested in submitting a proposal.
10.3Secondary evaluation process
There are occasions when a secondary evaluation process is required. The Principal may request presentations by respondents, where appropriate, of the bid but need not make the same request of all respondents. This may occur as a part of the original plan or be necessary to differentiate between short listed submissions.
A secondary process may include, but not be limited to:
- Presentation of the intended project / methodology;
- Clarification of particular aspects of the submission;
- Additional information on some aspect of the proposal;
- Responses to additional requirements; or
- Negotiations on personnel, project delivery, milestones and price.
Short listed suppliers will be notified of the secondary process.
Respondents will be evaluated against the following general criteria:
- Prior performance
- Demonstrated experience in this requirement
- Level of compliance with specification and statement of requirements
- Management approach, capability and capacity (including quality systems, risk management approach, methodology, customer service, innovation, proposed work plan, availability of resources)
- Price/cost
- Level of agreement with draft contract
- Level of compliance with government policies (environmental, Industry Participation Policies, Work Health and Safety etc)
Respondents shall provide supporting information to enable these criteria to be assessed, by completing every section of the request for proposal response.
South Australian Government policies on industry participation and other matters apply to all South Australian Government procurement and related transactions.
Version 2.31October 2014