Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Handbook – Master’s Program –

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Masters of Education (M. Ed.) in Curriculum and Instruction (38 Semester Credits)

Emphases/Concentrations in Science Education for

Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program (RPDP)

Option A) Emphasis/Concentration in Secondary Science Education-RPDP (grades 7-12). Designed for science teachers who hold a secondary license. Total credits 38 semester hours.

I. Science Content– 16 credits (contact Dr. Richard Lee with questions/issues related to registration)

SCI 650 courses via RPDP with credit through UNLV’s College of Sciences

II. C&I Core - 9 credits

Research (choose one: 3 semester hours)

CIG 705 Teachers as Action Researcher (varies, check schedule)

EPY 702 Research Methods (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

EPY 703 Teachers as Consumers and Producers of Educational Research (varies, check schedule)

Foundations (choose one: 3 semester hours)

CIG 750 Multicultural Education (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

EPY 707 Adolescent Development (varies, check schedule)

EPY 711 Human Growth and Development (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

EPY 712 Foundations of Learning and Cognition (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

Curriculum and Instruction (choose one: 3 semester hours))

CIE 701 Effective Teaching Strategies (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

CIE 702 Improving Classroom Management in the Elementary School (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

CIE 703 Survey of Modern Elementary School Curriculum (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

CIG 702 Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction (varies, check schedule)

CIS 704 Secondary School Instruction (offered Fall, Summer)

CIS 705 Secondary Education Curriculum (offered Spring, Summer)

III. Concentration in Science Education- 12 credits

Choose one

CIS 708 Instructional Methods in the Secondary School: Life Science (Biology) (offered Fall)

CIS 708 IMSS: Physical Science (Chemistry & Physics) (offered Spring of even numbered year)

CIS 708 IMSS: Earth or Space Science (Earth & Space) (offered Spring of odd numbered years)


CIS 738 Applications of Technology in Secondary Science (offered Spring)

Choose two

CIG 717 Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Science Education (offered Spring)

CIS 707 Topics in the Teaching of Secondary Subjects: select from The Nature of Science, Conceptual Change or

other topics (varies, often cross-listed with CIE 730, offered Summer, check schedule)

CIS 709 Curriculum Development in Secondary Education: Science (offered Fall)

IV. Culminating Experience– 1 credit -Requires completion of 30 or more program of study credits. Details available at Web site. Student must consult advisor and meet application deadline.

CIG 715 Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience: Science Education (register during semester of intended graduation; offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

* The Culminating Experience involves the development of an e-portfolio. It is recommended that you keep copies of your work from all classes in your program in preparation for this course.

Contact Information

Science RPDP: ContactJeffrey S. Bostic <>, Bret Sibley <> or Doug Lombardi <> 799-3835

Registration: Contact Dr. Richard Lee, UNLV Educational Outreach <>, 895-2939

C&I Master's information: Contact C&I Graduate Studies <>, 895-1986

C&I Science Education Faculty: Dr. Janelle Bailey <>, Dr. Kent Crippen <>, Dr. Hasan Deniz <

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Masters of Education (M. Ed.) in Curriculum and Instruction (38 Semester Hours)

Emphases/Concentrations in Science Education for

Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program (RPDP)

Option B) Emphasis/Concentration in Middle School Science Education-RPDP (grades 5-8). Designed for K-8 licensed teachers earning a middle school endorsement in science. Total credits: 38 semester hours.

I. Science Content– 16 credits (contact Dr. Richard Lee with questions/issues related to registration)

SCI 630 courses via RPDP with credit through UNLV’s College of Sciences

II. C&I Core - 9 credits

Research (choose one: 3 semester hours)

CIG 705 Teachers as Action Researcher (varies, check schedule)

EPY 702 Research Methods (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

EPY 703 Teachers as Consumers and Producers of Educational Research (varies, check schedule)

Foundations (choose one: 3 semester hours)

CIG 750 Multicultural Education (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

EPY 707 Adolescent Development (varies, check schedule)

EPY 711 Human Growth and Development (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

EPY 712 Foundations of Learning and Cognition (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

Curriculum and Instruction (choose one: 3 semester hours))

CIE 701 Effective Teaching Strategies (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

CIE 702 Improving Classroom Management in the Elementary School (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

CIE 703 Survey of Modern Elementary School Curriculum (offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

CIG 702 Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction (varies, check schedule)

CIS 704 Secondary School Instruction (offered Fall, Summer)

CIS 705 Secondary Education Curriculum (offered Spring, Summer)

III. Concentration in Science Education- 12 credits


CIE 737 Technology in K-8 Science (offered Spring)

CIG 700 Curriculum and Instruction: Methods Middle School Science (offered Fall)

Choose two

CIG 717 Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Science Education (offered Spring)

CIS 707 Topics in the Teaching of Secondary Subjects: select from The Nature of Science, Conceptual Change or

other topics (varies, often cross-listed with CIE 730, offered Summer, check schedule)

CIS 709 Curriculum Development in Secondary Education: Science (offered Fall)

IV. Culminating Experience– 1 credit -Requires completion of 30 or more program of study credits. Details available at Web site. Student must consult advisor and meet application deadline.

CIG 715 Curriculum and Instruction Culminating Experience: Science Education (register during semester of intended graduation; offered Fall, Spring, Summer)

* The Culminating Experience involves the development of an e-portfolio. It is recommended that you keep copies of your work from all classes in your program in preparation for this course.

Contact Information

Science RPDP: ContactJeffrey S. Bostic <>, Bret Sibley <> or Doug Lombardi <> 799-3835

Registration: Contact Dr. Richard Lee, UNLV Educational Outreach <>, 895-2939

C&I Master's information: Contact C&I Graduate Studies <>, 895-1986

C&I Science Education Faculty: Dr. Janelle Bailey <>, Dr. Kent Crippen <>, Dr. Hasan Deniz <

Curriculum and Instruction DepartmentStudent must verify course

Effective Fall 2007prerequisites in the Graduate Catalog