Secondary Math 2A and 2B


Dear Parents/ Guardians and Students:

Welcome Royals! We hope you had a great summer. We are looking forward to be working with your high school students.

In creating the most positive learning environment, there are some requirements for your student:

1. Each student is required to have a binder that will be left in the classroom. We encourage your student to bring their own binder with the following supplies:spiral notebook, pencil pouch, pencil, highlighter, red pen, sticky notes, dry erase marker, lined paper, graph paper, 5 tab divider set and 2 clear protector sheets. If you are unable to purchase a binder with supplies, then one will be provided to you. We would be most grateful for any parent who is willing to donate any of the above supplies for students unable to purchase the necessary materials.

2. As long as the students work well in class and remain on task, there will be minimal homework assigned. We feel that it is important to do the majority of work in the class so that the students may have help in case of confusion. However, repetition is necessary to master math skills,so we also believe some out of classroom additional practice isnecessary.

3. The following class rules will be enforced in order to have a good learning experience and create a safe classroom for all students. We have designed our discipline plan to minimize classroom disturbances and maximize learning.

Classroom Rules

1. Follow all school wide rules and procedures.

2. Be Respectful: Remain quiet while the teacher is presenting. Speak kindly and appropriately to the teacher and other students. Respect each other’s space.

3. Be Responsible: Bring needed class materials with you and leave other items home or out of site. I’ll be happy to hold items that may be a distraction.

4. Be There and Be Ready: Arrive for class on time. Gather your class materials. Start the “Warm-Up”.

5. Follow Directions: Do what the teacher says immediately. This should eliminate wasted time, back talk or other disruptions.

We believe that the teacher has the right to teach, the student has the right to learn and nobody has the right to interfere with that process. Consequences will result when a student breaks the rules. Please make sure to read them carefully and review them with your child. I believe home/school cooperation is very important to promote classroom success.


Precision request

Time after class

Parental involvement

Administrative involvement

Severe disruption or immediate danger to anyone’s safety – Administrative involvement

We will be implementing various reward systems throughout the year to help encourage good behavior in class. We would appreciate parent support in promoting good behavior in the classroom as this will help us to not only have an enjoyable environment, but will increase your student’s success.

Royal R & R – School-Wide Program, Policy and Procedures:

Royal students—your academic success is very important to the teaching staff of Roy High! The ultimate goal is GRADUATION and college and career readiness!! We’ve created a program aimed at encouraging regular attendance, achievement, and responsible citizenship in each class, and expectations are high. Royal students, stay in the struggle, graduation is worth it!

Review & Reward: Throughout the week, students may earn the opportunity to leave class early during review & reward time. Students with a grade of C+ or higher will be given the option of leaving class, while students with a C grade or below will be required to use the time to review, make-up, or re-learn material. Students with a C+ or higher may choose to remain in class for review as well. All students who are tardy to class that day or who have lost attendance credit in the class will not be released during the review time. Students are required to use the review time effectively, so students who are current on all assignments for the class will be required to bring other course work, a book, or provide help/tutoring to other students reviewing material. Time spent as a “peer tutor” is viewed favorably on college scholarship and job applications!

Grades determining the release of students during Royal R & R time will be based on the current gradeposted on Friday of the previous week. A great “rule of thumb” is to attend each class regularly and stay current on class work and tests. Furthermore, students should take advantage of the extra time made available with each teacher, especially if they are struggling in the class. Occasionally, students will turn in large assignments such as portfolios and projects. These assignments require a longer period of time for grading and may not be included on the upcoming Friday grades determining a student’s release for review time. Late assignments will be used to update students’ grades, however, teachers will determine the timeline for assessing and including late work on the grades. Students should not expect late assignments to be given priority over current classwork.

Due to the rigor involved in our college-level courses (Advanced Placement & Concurrent Enrollment), students enrolled in these courses are strongly encouraged to utilize R&R in unique ways to ensure their academic success. Students should choose to remain in R&R in these classes to work on homework loads, obtain essential knowledge/skills, participate in review sessions, and/or take practice exams.

Enrichment: This year, Roy High will be offering several enrichment options for students on Fridays. Students are expected to take advantage of these college & career readiness opportunities, as well as those offered on a school-wide basis. Students who are off-line to graduate due to academic credit deficits and/or accrued attendance credit are required to use enrichment time to make-up credits needed to become online to graduate (via supervised APEX, credit recovery and school/community service projects). Students may also use enrichment time to make up larger assignments or get extra help from one of the Special Education teachers. Since most students will be allowed to choose the enrichment activity they attend, students should make sure to choose based on academic needs and interest level. Attendance is required for the Friday Enrichment activities. Attendance will be recorded by the student’s homeroom (1st or 5th period) teacher and absences/tardies will count against attendance credit for homeroom classes. Additionally, enrichment time may be used for assemblies, clubs & organizations activities, and a myriad of college & career readiness opportunities throughout the year.

*In our classes we require students to check to their portable BEFORE class and have written down the assignments they are missing or need support with. Students who are prepared for R&R will receive priority in regard to teacher assistance. ALL students will be required to be working during this time.

Our grading policy is as follows:

97 -100% = A+ / 93 – 96% = A / 90 – 92% = A-
87 - 89% = B+ / 83 – 86% = B / 80 – 82% = B-
77 – 79% = C+ / 73 – 76% = C / 70 – 72% = C-
67 – 69% = D+ / 63 – 66% = D / 60 – 62 % = D-
59% and below = F

ALL students will receive a paper progress report on IEP goals at the END of each quarter. If you do not receive this report please contact me ASAP to get an additional copy.

Students will achieve the above grades by completing the following requirements along with various other in-class assignments:

A. Bellwork: We will begin each lesson with a short review of earlier lessons. If yourstudent is late or absent to class, they will not be able to participate or receive credit for the assignment.

B. Daily Assignments: These assignments will be given in the form of book work, worksheets, life activities, hands-on-learning, etc. They will receive credit based on the completion/correctness of the assignments.

C. Assessments: Assessments will be given at the end of a chapter or unit of instruction. They can also be given if a needed arises for guidance with instructional needs.

*Assessments and quizzes will be worth a higher percentage of the total grade.

Extra Practice opportunities: From time to time there will be extra practice opportunities to do outside of the classroom. In order to take advantage of this, students must have all required assignments for the lesson turned in. This work counts as extra points beyond the regular required assignment points.

After School Tutoring: We are here to help after school if your child is struggling. Due to additional meetings required of Special Education Teachers we are not always available. We want your child to be successful so we encourage them to make an appointment after school ahead of time. This way they get our undivided attention and we are able to help them with their needs.

Photography/video: During the year we may take pictures of the students in the classroom for projects or to demonstrate procedures. Videos may be taken of my instruction during class time to inform me or other teachers on the practice of teaching. Names will not be included with these pictures or videos. If you, or your student, do not wish to be included in the photos or videos, please inform me on the signature section of this disclosure or by email. If we do not hear from you, we assume you consent to this.

I will allow your student every possibility to succeed; however, we do require the students to be an active part of the learning experience and take part in all assignments in order to receive appropriate academic grade. If you ever have any questions or concerns, we highly encourage parental/ guardian involvement, please feel free to call your student’s teacher at school at 476-3600 or send an email.

Thank you so much for your support in your child’s education.


Secondary 2A:

Barbera Blog:


Secondary 2B:

Amanda Koford


Toreceive class information via text message for Mrs. PoVey’s class, sign up for the Weber School District “my connect” system for your student’s class by following the instructions below:

Please sign, detach, and return.

Secondary Math 2A and 2B


Student Name: (please print) ______

STUDENTS: I have read this classroom disclosure and understand it and will honor it.

Signature:______Date: ______

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: My student has discussed the classroom disclosure with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature:______Date: ______

At times, students have the opportunity to watch short clips or internet videos. School district policy requires parent permission to show any PG-13 material. If this is acceptable to you, please sign below:

Parent Signature: ______