Call for Proposals- Breakout Session Presentations

26th Annual Conference on Literature

for Children and Young Adults

Cultural and Critical Themesin Young Adult and Children's Literature

March 20-21, 2017

March 20- Young Adult Day Laurie Halse Anderson, Ashley Hope Perez

March 21- Children's Day Deborah Wiles, Carole Boston Weatherford

Proposals for breakout sessions must relate to the conference theme and address aspects of literacy as they relate to using young adult and children's literature in the classroom. All proposals will undergo a blind, peer review process. All proposals will be reviewed, but accepted proposals will not be considered for inclusion in the conference program without an accompanying registration.

Breakout sessions are 50 minutes in length and are held in both the mornings and afternoons. If accepted, you may be asked to present at one or both sessions. You will be contacted via email regarding receipt of your proposal and again if the proposal is accepted. Once your proposal is accepted, if you have not yet registered, you will need to do so within 24 hours in order to be included in the program. You will also need to contact any co-presenters of your proposal’s acceptance.

Important: The KSU Conference on Literature for Children and Young Adults is a not-for-profit organization, therefore, the financial viability of our annual conference depends upon the support of everyone who attends.Invited presenters are required to register for the conference before final proposal acceptance will be granted.

Proposals must be receivedon or before February 1, 2017.

Proposalscanbe scanned and e-mailed or mailed to Dr. Natasha Thornton at:

Dr. Natasha Thornton:

Natasha A. Thornton, Ph.D.

Kennesaw State University

1000 Chastain Road MD. #0121

Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591

If you aremailinga check, please include the proposal form with the check.

Proposal Submission Form

Please print legibly

Indicate which day you wish to present:

Young Adult Day- March 20____

Children's Day- March 21____

Primary Presenter Information

Dr. Mr.  Ms. ______

Occupation ______

School/University/Library: ______

School District/Library System:______

School/Library Address: ______

City: ______State: _____Zip: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Indicate Which Day(s) You Plan on Attending (check appropriate spaces below)

Registration Fees KSU Students/Employees

___Single Day$99.00 ___Single Day $45.00

___Both Days $169.00 ___ Both Days $70.00

Method ofpayment



___I am paying online through Marketplace by February 1, 2017.



Brief Title of Session (no more than 15 words):



Abstract for Program (no more than 50 words):







Description of Your Session (please address each of the following points):

  • proposed session’s focus
  • connection to children's and/or young adult literatureand literacy
  • connection to conference theme
  • what you plan to share in your session
  • the relevance of your topic to elementary schoolteachers and/or librarians








Audio-Visual Equipment:

Each presentation room will contain LCD projectors, DVD players, and VCRs. You will need to bring your own laptop or flash drive.

Does your presentation require computer access  YES NO

Complete the following for each additional presenter

Presenter 2

Dr. Mr.  Ms. ______

Occupation ______

School/University/Library: ______

School District/Library System:______

School/Library Address: ______

City: ______State: _____Zip: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Indicate Which Day(s) You Plan on Attending (check appropriate spaces below)

Registration Fees KSU Students/Employees

___Single Day$99.00 ___Single Day $45.00

___Both Days $169.00 ___ Both Days $70.00

Method ofpayment



___I am paying online through Marketplace by February 1, 2017.


Presenter 3

Dr. Mr.  Ms. ______

Occupation ______

School/University/Library: ______

School District/Library System:______

School/Library Address: ______

City: ______State: _____Zip: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Indicate Which Day(s) You Plan on Attending (check appropriate spaces below)

Registration Fees KSU Students/Employees

___Single Day$99.00 ___Single Day $45.00

___Both Days $169.00 ___ Both Days $70.00

Method ofpayment



___I am paying online through Marketplace by February 1, 2017.


Presenter 4

Dr. Mr.  Ms. ______

Occupation ______

School/University/Library: ______

School District/Library System:______

School/Library Address: ______

City: ______State: _____Zip: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Indicate Which Day(s) You Plan on Attending (check appropriate spaces below)

Registration Fees KSU Students/Employees

___Single Day$99.00 ___Single Day $45.00

___Both Days $169.00 ___ Both Days $70.00

Method ofpayment



___I am paying online through Marketplace by February 1, 2017.
