Methodological explanation
Environment is an aggregate of natural environment, natural-antropogenic objects, as well as antropogenic objects. Atmospheric air, water, land, flora and fauna is also components of the environment.
Harmful impact on the environment – changing of the different quantitative and qualitative components of the ecological system, chemical and biological imbalance of ecology, irrational use of natural resources and etc.
Area under construction and meant for construction is an area with residental buildings, sports equipments, grass plot and premises for short-time rest as well as area for its placement in future.
Area covering with forest isactually occupied with tree types, forming plantings.
Reforestation comprises activities aimed at restoration of forests on cutting areas, burnt out areas, waste grounds, glades and other former forestlands.
Afforest comprisesseedling, nurseling, cutting and other planting.
Forest sowing comprises tree seeds sowing in forest plants areas regardless of sowing methods (hand, mechanical, air).
Cutting of trees for sanitation is implemented due to cutting and removing of trees infected and injured by pests.
Lands of protected area - lands, where natural complexes and objects which have environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and improving value and which are withdrawn by decisions of public authorities in completely or partly from standpoint of economic use and for which special protection is established.
Specially protected areas include state nature reserves, national parks and state nature preserves.
Reserves are unique and typical areas of geographic zones withdrawn from economic use for maintenance of natural complex and study of it within or out of boundaries of reserve for comparison with ecological situation.
National parks are the area of special ecological, historical, aesthetic importance where the natural complexes are located andused fornature protection, educative activities, scientific and other purposes and having status of nature protection and scientific research departments. Recreation of people in national parks is permitted.
State nature preserves – land is organized in land areas of owners, users and renters ina manner defined by the legislation without deprival of lands. There could be carried out several farming activities in preserves.
Fishery – is the system of biological, biotechnical, technological and organizational measures directed to reproduction,replacement, breeding, use, protection and improvement of benefits of fishes, other aquatic animals and plants in water reservoirs.
Fish reproduction – is the studying ofartificial reproduction and replacement, breeding of several types of fishes in water reservoirs, as well as biological basis of fish breeding technology.
Fish breeding – is the intensive breeding and feeding of young fishes before they gets sale weight in artificial lakes and ponds.
Fish resources – absolute mass of types of fish of all age structure, used or could be used, other aquatic animals and plantsinhabited in water reservoirs.
Hunting – is the type of activity on tracking, catching and killing of animals constantly, temporarily and nomadic inhabiting in water and dry in free and semi-free conditions as well as aquatic animals and terrestrials, fur animals, reptiles, birds and mammals bred by economic subjects and set free for hunting.
Hunting industry – is the protected economic subject organized for the purpose of protection and reproduction, as well as breeding and setting free in hunting areas of the separate types of wild animals inhabiting or breeding in natural free and semi-free conditions.
Water sources consumption (use) - volume of consumed water removed from water fund for different purposes (surface and underground waters, boundary water objects, section of Caspian Sea refers to the Republic of Azerbaijan). This indicator does not include volume of water used for maintenance of navigation depth,lockage, and hydropower industry and etc.
Recycled and consequently used water refers to amounts of fresh water saved due to application of recycled and consequent water supply systems, including use of waste and sewage water. Recycling water use does not include consumption in industrial and communal heating systems.
The rate of recycled and consequently used water in total amount of industrial water consumption is calculated as the ratio of recycled and consequently used water to the total volume of this water and water consumption for industrial needs (excluding consumption of water for agricultural needs).
Waste water discharge into surface water objects divides into 3 categories: polluted (untreated water),effluents treated to standard quality and completely treated to standard quality.
Waste water – water which is of no further immediate value to the purpose for which it was used or in the pursuit of which it was produced because of its quality, quantity or time of occurrence. Rain water is not included.
Harmful substances and pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by stationary sources include total amount of all contaminants emitted to the air basin and harmful for human health and environment. There are 2 sources – stationary and mobile. Stationary sources divide into 2 groups: organized and non-organized.
Industrial waste - solid, semi-solid, liquid, or gaseous, unwanted or residualmaterials (not including hazardous or biodegradablewastes) from an industrialoperation.
Investments to environment protection and rational use of natural resources are volume of investments for construction, reconstruction, expanding and technical re-equipment of concrete ecological and resource protecting capacities.