Second WFNS Rabat Reference Center-Mohammed V University

Course for African Neurosurgeons

Scientific program

Welcome message

Dear lecturers, dear trainees,

It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to the Second WFNS Rabat Reference Center-Mohammed V University Course for African Neurosurgeons organized in the framework of the co-operation agreement signed three years ago between Mohammed V University Soussi of Rabat, the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, and its foundation.

As the previous one, this second course includes two parts: one day workshop and three days clinical neurosurgery course. The topics chosen for both parts deal with a dominant pathology in our daily practice. The lecturers are asked to concentrate on this aspect and avoid the debate on high technology. The objective is to improve the management of our patients, taking into consideration our local conditions.

First of all, I would like to express my deep thanks to all of you, but especially to the lecturers who accepted to dedicate their time to the education of young African neurosurgeons.

My thanks and recognition also go to all the institutions which collaborate in the organization of this course, especially Mohammed V University Souissi and Hassan II Foundation for the Prevention and Cure of the Nervous System Diseases.

I wish you a good stay in Rabat and a great success to the course.

Abdeslam El Khamlichi, MD

Director of the course

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Second WFNS Rabat Reference Center-Mohammed V University

Course for African Neurosurgeons

Rabat June 12 – 15th, 2008

Program overview

Thursday, June 12, 2008:

09:00-18:30: Workshop, Medical School, Department of Anatomy and Experimental Medicine

Friday, June 13, 2008:

08:30- 18:15 : Clinical course, Hilton Hotel, Room Essaouira (Mezzanine floor)

18:30-19:30: Official opening of the course

20:00-23:00: Welcome reception with dinner at El Khamlichis’

Saturday, June 14, 2008:

08:30-18:30:Clinical course, Hilton Hotel, Room Essaouira (Mezzanine floor)

20:00-23:00: Gala dinner, Hilton Hotel, Room Maghreb (Ground floor)

Sunday, June 15, 2008:

08:30-15:30: Clinical course, Hilton Hotel, Room Essaouira (Mezzanine floor)

15:30-16:00: Closing of the course

16:00-18:00: Visit of the radiosurgery unit at Hopital des Specialites, Rabat

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RABAT, JUNE 12-15, 2008


DAY 1: June 12, 2008

Skull base surgery workshop

Venue: Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat


A. El Ouahabi (Rabat, Morocco) and S. Derraz (Rabat, Morocco)

09:00-13:00: Session 1:Fronto-lateral and pterional approaches. Chairman: A. El Ouahabi (Rabat, Morocco)

09:00-09:15: Surgical anatomy of frontal and anterior skull base fossa: B. El Mostarchid (Rabat, Morocco)

09:15-09:30: Fronto-lateral approach: technical description: A. El Khamlichi (Rabat, Morocco)

09:30-09:45: Surgical anatomy of temporal and middle skull base fossa: M.E. Chaoui (Fez, Morocco)

09:45-10:00: Pterional approach: technical description: M. El Azouzi (Rabat, Morocco)

10:00-10:30: Coffee break (30 minutes)

10:30-13:00: Hands-on training and demonstration on cadavers

13:30-14:00: Lunch

14:30-18:30: Session 2: Sub-occipital and trans-sphenoidal approaches. Chairman: S. Derraz (Rabat, Morocco)

14:30-14:45: Surgical anatomy of posterior fossa: J. Lrhezzioui (Rabat, Morocco)

14:45-15:00: Sub-occipital retrosigmoid approach: technical description: A. El Ouahabi (Rabat, Morocco)

15:00-15:15: Surgical anatomy of the nasal fossa and sphenoid sinus: L. Rifi (Rabat, Morocco)

15:15-15:30: Trans-sphenoidal approach: technical description: A. El Khamlichi (Rabat, Morocco)

15:30-16:00: Coffee break (30 minutes)

16:00-18:30: Hands-on training on cadavers

DAY 2: June 13, 2008

Clinical course

08:30-10:00: Session 3: Pediatric neurosurgery. Chairmen: B. Adada (Little Rock, USA), B. Abdennebi (Algiers, Algeria)

08:30-08:45: Management of spinal myelomeningoceles and meningoceles: M. El-Fiki (Alexandria, Egypt)

08:45-09:00: Surgical management of Chiari malformation: B. Abdennebi (Algiers, Algeria)

09:10-09:15: Our experience with neural tube defect: B. Shehu (Zaria, Nigeria)

09:15-09:30: Role of surgery in pediatric brain tumors: B. Adada (Little Rock, USA)

09:30-10:00: Discussion (30 minutes)

10:00-10:30: Coffee break (30 minutes)

10:30-11:30: Session 4:How I do it. Chairman: L. Aouidj (Tunis, Tunisia)

10:30-10:40: Piftalls in pituitary tumor surgery: M. El-Fiki (Alexandria, Egypt)

10:40-10:50: Transsylvian amygdalo hippocampectomy: B. Adada (Little Rock, USA)

10:50-11:00: Surgical management of kyphosis: M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

11:00-11:30: Discussion (30 minutes)

11:30-13:00: Session 5: TumorsI. Chairmen: A. Ammar (Dhahran, KSA), A. El Ouarzazi (Rabat, Morocco)

11:30-11:50: Surgical management of intracranial tumors: S. Ait Ben Ali (Marrakech, Morocco)

11:50-12:10: Surgery for cavernous angioma: A. Ammar (Dhahran, KSA)

12:10-12:30: Skull base surgery in children: B. Adada (Little Rock, USA)

12:30-13:00: Discussion (30 minutes)

13:00-14:00: Lunch

14:00-15:00: Session 6: Controversies in neurosurgery: management of TB spondylitis. Chairmen: Y. Bouzoubaâ (Casablanca, Morocco), M. Qureshi

14:00-14:05: Pott disease management: subject of debate: Y. Bouzoubaâ (Casablanca, Morocco)

14:05-14:15: Surgical management of spinal TB, anterior approach: S. Derraz (Rabat, Morocco)

14:15-14:25: Surgical management of spinal TB, posterior approach: B. Shehu (Zaria, Nigeria)

14:25-14:35: Pott disease: management without surgery: M. Qureshi

14:35-15:00: General discussion and conclusions (25 minutes)

15:00-16:00: Session 7: Infections. Chairpersons: T. Shokunbi (Ibadan, Nigeria), L. Rifi (Rabat, Morocco)

15:00-15:20: Post-infective hydrocephalus: T. Shokunbi (Ibadan, Nigeria)

15:20-15:40: Intracranial lesions in HIV: the role of surgical intervention: M. Qureshi

15:40-16:00: Discussion (20 minutes)

16:00-16:30: Coffee break (30 minutes)

16:30-17:30: Session 8: Training in neurosurgery. Chairmen: B. Shehu (Zaria, Nigeria), M. Jiddane (Rabat, Morocco)

16:30-16:50: Basic principles for successful neurosurgery and microsurgery: J. Ausman (USA)

16:50-17:10: Developing neurosurgical training programs in resource challenged regions in Africa: M. Qureshi

17:10-17:30: Discussion (20 minutes)

17:30-18:15: Session 9: Clinical case discussion: Pitfalls, complications and problem-solving of hydrocephalus secondary to posterior fossa lesions: A. El-Hakim (Cairo, Egypt)

18:30-19:30: Official opening of the course

20:00-23:00: Welcome reception with dinner at El Khamlichis’

DAY 3: June 14, 2008

08:30-11:30: Session 10 : Spinal trauma. Chairmen: F. Bellakhdar (Rabat, Morocco), M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

08:30-08:50: Comprehensive anatomy of the traumatic spine: P. Rabischong (Montpellier, France)

08:50-09:10: Thoraco-lumbar trauma surgical treatment: A. Sidi Said (Algeria)

09:10-09:30: Thoraco-lumbar injury: conservative therapy, anterior or posterior surgery: M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

09:30-10:00: Discussion (30 minutes)

10:00-10:30: Coffee break (30 minutes)

10:30-10:45: Upper cervical spine trauma surgical management: F. Bellakhdar (Rabat, Morocco)

10:45-11:00: Odontoid fractures: odontoid screw fixation: M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

11:00-11:15: Evaluation and management of head injuries: M.E. Chaoui (Fez, Morocco)

11:15-11:30: Discussion (15 minutes)

11:30-12:30: Session 11 : How I do it. Chairmen: S. Ait Ben Ali (Marrakech, Morocco), M. El-Fiki (Alexandria, Egypt)

11:30-11:40: Trigeminal neuralgia: retrogasserian thermolysis RF or alcohol injection: M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

11:40-11:50: Lumbar microdissectomy: J.G. Martin-Rodriguez (Madrid, Spain)

11:50-12:10: Discussion (20 minutes)

12:10-13:00: Session12: Clinical case discussion: Pitfalls, complications and problem-solving in lateral ventricle tumors: A. El-Hakim (Cairo, Egypt)

13:00-14:00: Lunch

14:30-15:30: Session 13: Tumors II. Chairmen: B. George (Paris, France), M. El Azouzi (Rabat, Morocco)

14:30-14:50: Surgical strategies for rare tumors in posterior fossa: M. Samii (Hannover, Germany)

14:50-15:10: Lateral approaches for foramen magnum tumors: B. George (Paris, France)

15:10-15:30: Discussion (20 minutes)

15:30-16:30: Session 13: Tumors III. Chairmen: M. Samii (Hannover, Germany), A. El Azhari (Casablanca, Morocco)

15:30-15:50: Intradural extramedullary tumors. Surgical tips: JG Martin-Rodriguez (Madrid, Spain)

15:50-16:10: Management of primary and metastatic spine tumors: M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

16:10-16:30: Discussion (20 minutes)

16:30-17:00: Coffee break (30 minutes)

17:00-18:30: Session 14: Controversies in neurosurgery: Cervical disk surgery.Chairmen: R. Assaker (Lille, France), S. Derraz (Rabat, Morocco)

17:00-17:05: Cervical disk surgery: subject of great debate: R. Assaker (Lille, France)

17:05-17:15: Cervical dissectomy without graft: S. Derraz (Rabat, Morocco)

17:15-17:25: Cervical dissectomy with bone graft: J. Lrhezzioui (Rabat, Morocco)

17:25-17:35: Cervical dissectomy with artificial disk: R. Assaker (Lille, France)

17:35-17:45: Cervical disk surgery by lateral approach: B. George (Paris, France)

17:45-17:55: Anterior or posterior surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: M. Zileli (Izmir, Turkey)

17:55: 18:30: Discussion and conclusions: R. Assaker (Lille, France)

20:00-23:00: Gala dinner

DAY 4: June 15, 2008

08:30-09:50: Session 15: Cerebrovascular malformations. Chairmen: J. Ausman (USA), M.E. Chaoui (Fez, Morocco)

08:30-08:50: Surgery for Moya Moyadisease : A. Ammar (Dhahran, KSA)

08:50-09:10: Management of intracerebral cavernoma: M. Samii (Hannover, Germany)

09:10-09:30: Management of cerebral AVMs: J. Ausman (USA)

09:30-09:50: Discussion (20 minutes)

09:50-10:15: Coffee break (25 minutes)

10:15-11:15: Session 16:Controversies in neurosurgery: Spontaneous intracerebral haematomas (SICH). Chairmen: A. El Ouahabi (Rabat, Morocco), A. Sidi Said (Algeria)

10:15-10:25: SICH: Subject of great debate: A. El Ouahabi (Rabat, Morocco)

10:25-10:40: SICH: Surgical management (arguments in favor, results): A. Ammar (Dhahran, KSA)

10:40-10:55: SICH: Medical management (arguments in favor, results): T. Shokunbi (Ibadan, Nigeria)

10:55-11:15: General discussion and conclusions

11:15-12:45: Session 17: Special lectures. Chairmen: P. Rabischong (Montpellier, France), B. El Mostarchid (Rabat, Morocco)

11:15-11:35: Management of syringomyelia: M. Samii (Hannover, Germany)

11:35-11:45: Discussion (10 minutes)

11:45-12:05: Treatment of pineal region masses: J. Ausman (USA)

12:05-12:15: Discussion (10 minutes)

12:15-12:35: Cerebello-pontine angle: P. Rabischong (Montpellier, France)

12:35-12:45: Discussion (10 minutes)

13:00-14:00: Lunch

14:00-15:30: Session 18: Radiosurgery. Chairmen: JG Martin-Rodriguez (Madrid, Spain), A. El Khamlichi (Rabat, Morocco)

14:00-14:20: Radiosurgery: Concept, technique, indications: C. Lindquist (United Kingdom)

14:20-14:40: Gamma Knife surgery for skull base tumors: C. Lindquist (United Kingdom)

14:40-15:00: Current and future limits between surgery and radiosurgery: M. Samii (Hannover, Germany)

15:00-15:30: Discussion (30 minutes)

15:30-16:00: Closing of the course

16:00-18:00: Visit of the radiosurgery unit at Hopital des Specialites, Rabat

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