White Tiger Name

Second Night Page 37-78 Date Per.

  1. What does Mr. Ashok look like?
  1. How does murdering a man change your relationship with him according to the narrator?
  1. Why does Balram feel he should protect Mr. Ashok’s good name?
  1. Why is there no hospital in Laxmangarh?
  1. Describe the government hospital.
  1. What statement is the author making about government medical superintendent’s post?
  1. What did the girl’s family have to pay Balram’s family for Kishans’ wedding?
  1. How does Balram describe the men working in tea shops?
  1. What do the truck drivers look for in day laborers?
  1. What does Granny ask in return for paying for Balram’s driving lessons?
  1. What statement is the author making about the caste system in India?
  2. Why does Balram kiss the Stork’s feet?
  1. What effect do you think begging has on a person?
  1. What does Balram’s last name, Halwais mean?
  1. What are the two destinies left in India according to Balram?
  1. Why did the Buffalo massacre the servant’s family?
  1. What was the Stork’s special use for driver number 2?
  1. Describe Mukesh Sir.
  1. How does Mr. Ashok differ from his brother?
  1. What does Belram’s bedroom in Mr. Ashok’s house look like?
  1. How do you know that Mr. Ashok has a pang of guilt when he enters Belram’s bedroom?
  1. Why does Mr. Ashok decide to go to his birthplace?
  1. What does Pinky accuse Mr. Ashok of?
  1. When Belram goes to visit his family, what does he notice about his brother Kisham?
  1. Why does Belram imagine himself spitting at God?
  1. How is Mr. Ashok’s regard for Belram’s piety comical?
  1. Why do you think “The Great Socialist Party” would find some support among most Indians?
  1. What role do you think religion plays in the lives of the poor?
  1. How are the class differences in India similar to the class differences in the U.S.
  1. How do the poor act toward the rich in India?