Second Introductory Day on the UnicefRights-RespectingSchool Award
12th February 2008 – KingstonMaurwardCollege – 9.00am until 3.00pm
(For one Senior Leader and two pupil representatives from each DASP school)
- To extend participants’ awareness of the characteristic features of Rights-Respecting Schools and expectations regarding the Unicef award
- To give participants practical ideas as to how their school can develop as a RRS
- To provide opportunities for participants to meet experienced practitioners from accredited RRS across the full pupil age-range
- To share ideas on how to continue the process of developing DASP as a RRS schools partnership
- Peter Barton, Unicef Education Officer for Southern England
- Simon Fraiz-Brown and Shani Bancroft, Democracy and Participation Workers, DorsetCounty Youth Service
- Fiona Brady, RRS Leader, St Mary’s RC Combined School, Poole
- Wendy Collins, Headteacher, RanvillesInfant School, Fareham, Hampshire
- Alec Roberts, Deputy Headteacher, PortchesterSchool, Portchester, Hampshire
- Year 10 ‘Rights Educators’ from ThomasHardyeSchool
9.00 / Arrival – Adults to Pengelly Room; Pupils to Conference HallAdults / Pupils
9.15 / Introduction to the day - Peter Barton
Short presentations from DASP schools on aspects of their progress
Auditing and Action Planning to achieve RRS status – an example from a Primary School / Session led by Year 10 Students from ThomasHardyeSchool with Simon Fraiz-Brown and Shani Bancroft from the Dorset Youth Service
Getting to know each other
Agreeing ground rules for the day
‘Refresher’ activity on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - matching Rights with Responsibilities
10.00 Discussions with a teacher from a Rights-RespectingSchool
10.45 / Break for refreshments
11.10 / Three Case Studies from RRSA -accredited schools:
PortchesterSchool –Alec Roberts
RanvillesInfantsSchool – Wendy Collins
St Mary’s Combined School – Fiona Brady / Sharing what we have learned from the discussions before break – ‘Rights-Respecting Schools are schools where . . .’
Activity to identify which Articles of the UNCRC are most important for schools
Discussing how pupils can play a leading part in helping their own school become a RRS
12.40 / Lunch
13.30 / All in the Conference Hall
What has been learned from the morning about RRS and what the next steps might be for your school?
Pupils and adults in single school groups discuss the question
Pair up with another school and share your thoughts and ideas
Plenary Session to gather and respond to emerging issues and agree future development needs
14.30 / Adults - Pengelly Room
Some brief examples from other accredited Rights-Respecting Schools
Final Questions and ideas for further development
Reviewing the day / Pupils – Conference Hall
Reviewing the day
What are the three most important things we hope will happen in our own school after today?
15.00 / Finish