Plato Town Hall, Plato Center, IL

October 20, 2016, 7:00pm


Supervisor Crocetti called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


Present: Supervisor Mitch Crocetti; Trustees:Ron Straub and Heather Wallace;Assessor Janet Roush, Highway Commissioner Larry Trainor; Township Clerk Beth Gehrke. Absent: Trustees Rick Karl and Jim Cartee.


Supervisor Crocetti led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Joe Hulke reported that there was another light out at the park.


A motion to approve the minutes of the September15, 2016, regular board meeting was made by Wallace, seconded by Straub. Motion carried.


Financial Reports, Warrants, & Pay Bills

Supervisor Crocetti provided the board with balance sheets, warrants, statements of income and expenses, paychecks, and working budget detail for the township and the township road district.

Total Assets: Plato Township$356,214.04

Road District$279,037.45

A motion to approve the warrants and financial reportssubject to audit was made by Straub, seconded by Wallace. Motion carried.


Commissioner Trainor reported that roads were being patched and the cracks filled. They are getting the trucks ready for inspection.


Assessor Roush reported on the progress of the appeal hearings.


There was nothing to report.


Solid Waste District

Jeff Holmgren, from the Plato Township Solid Waste Board,reported their next meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2016.

Plato Park Electronic Gate

The needed parts for the gate are still on order.

Parking Lot Paving

The lot has been paved with the crack sealed by the Highway Department. The entire lot will be seal coated in the spring.


Elected Officials Salaries for 2017-2021

Board members were provided with the current salaries of the Plato Township Officials and also with the results of the 2016 Township Salary Survey conducted by Township Officials of Illinois. The last day the salaries for 2017- 2021 may be set is November 16, 2016.

A motion to table the setting of the Plato Township elected officials salaries for 2017-2021 was made by Straub, seconded by Wallace. Motion carried.

The November 17 regular township board meeting date will be moved to accommodate the setting of the salaries by the required date. Crocetti will send out an email with possible dates.

Assessor Roush requested the board consider offering health insurance for the assessor position. Crocetti replied that the board previously passed a resolution which states a monthly stipend be paid instead of insurance. In order to pay insurance a different resolution would need to be passed. Roush stated that the assessor position has become a full time job which should when deliberating salary and benefits.

Levy Findings

Board members were provided with Levy Findings for Plato Township, Plato Township Road District, and Plato Township Cemetery District; as well as Levy Findings Work Sheets for Plato Township, Plato Township Road District, and Plato Township Cemetery District. The current assessed value is $288,592,590; which is up about $35 million from last year, approximately $14 million of which is from new construction. There was a question as to whether there are any impact fees which the township can procure, which had no definitive answer.

A motion to accept the levy findings as presented was made by Wallace, seconded by Straub. Motion carried.

CDBL Issues

Jim Johnson, president of CDBL, was present. Wallace explained concerns which the township has over the use and misuse of the park property by CDBL. Issues mentioned included scheduling dates and games at the park outside of contracted dates, signs being put on the fences without permission, foods being sold at the concession stand which were not permitted by health code, no managers being present at the closing of the concession stand, and youth transporting monies; all things which were violations of the contract. Johnson explained that they were trying to recoup costs for the fences and concession stand, and collect money for youth who could not afford the league fees. He asked how much the board wanted. Crocetti explained that the township wants someone from CDBL be present at the board meetings and that all things that happen at the park need to come before the board first for approval. He also explained that for the board to vote on an item, it needs first to be on the agenda. Johnson said they would be open to whatever it takes to make the board happy. Johnson also said that when he explained to the board things that they wanted to do in regards to construction at the diamonds, he wrongly assumed that the contract allowed that to happen. He asked what the board wanted for the signs, and it was explained that the primary issue at hand was jurisdictional, that CDBL must gain permission from the board before construction or putting up signs at the park. No decisions regarding the signs could be made at this meeting, it will be put on the agenda next month. Johnson said he is fine waiting and they will act in accordance with the board's wishes. Johnson also stated, "For the record, we are not looking to make a conflict with the township. The league is half of what it is without the fields the township provides. In return, we are fairly good tenants, we keep our 2 fields in near perfect condition, I hope the township recognizes the effort and the monetary contribution we make to the park. If we weren't on there, those fields wouldn't look the way they do."

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:50pm by Straub, seconded by Wallace. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,


Beth Gehrke

Plato Township Clerk

Approved by:


Mitch Crocetti, SupervisorJim Cartee, TrusteeRon Straub, Trustee


Rick Karl, TrusteeHeather Wallace, Trustee

Plato Township Board Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2016

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