Evidence for a Nest Defense Pheromone in Bald-faced Hornets, Dolichovespula maculata, and Identification ofComponents

Sebastian Ibarra Jimenez · Regine Gries · Huimin Zhai · Nathan Derstine

· Sean McCann · Gerhard Gries

Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia,

V5A 1S6 Canada

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Supplementary Information Appendix II – Effects of Nest ID and Number of Replicates on the Number of Strikes by D. maculata Workers on Target Boxes

Both nest ID and replicate number affected the numbers of strikes on target boxes; however, the size effect for thetest stimulus variable wasmuchlarger than that observed for nest ID and replicate (Supplementary Table 1). Furthermore, the general trend interms of number of strikes on target boxes (Fig. 1a) prompted by a test stimuluswas similar for each nest, suggesting that even though nests responded significantly different in terms of number of strikes, they responded in similar ways to the various test stimuli (Supplementary Figure 1). Finally, the replicate effect reveals an overall decrease in the number of strikes recorded on target boxes as the number of replicates increased(Supplementary Figures 2-7). Despite this,there are still significant differences in the number of strikesprompted by the various test stimuli (Supplementary Table 1).

Supplementary Table 1. Generalized linear model main effects (test stimulus, replicate [ID], and nest ID) on (log) strikes recorded on targets. The model has normal distribution and log link. LogWorth has been added as a measure of the size effect for each of the variables, where LogWorth = [-log10(p-value)] (JMP® 12.0.1, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1989-2007).

Source / DF / L-R ChiSquare / Prob>ChiSq / LogWorth
Nest ID / 5 / 25.0239 / 0.001* / 3.861
Test stimulus / 4 / 231.3827 / <.001* / 48.177
rep[ID] / 81 / 161.0824 / <.001* / 6.517

SupplementaryFig. 1 Mean number of strikes [(log) ± SE] by Dolichovespula maculataworkersof nests # 1-6 on target boxes(Fig. 1a). Test stimuli were as follows: (VSE) venom sac extract; (a) dimethylaminoethanol, (b) dimethylamino ethyl acetate, (c) 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, (d) N-3-methylbutylacetamide, (e) 2-heptadecanone, (f) (Z)-8-heptadecen-2-one, (g) (Z)-10-nonadecen-2-one (see details in main manuscript).

Supplementary Fig. 2 Number of strikes (log) by Dolichovespula maculata workers of nest #1 on target boxesin relation to the replicate number, with linear regression per test stimulus and the confidence interval of the fit. Details of test stimuli are given in the caption of supplementary Figure 1.

Supplementary Fig. 3 Number of strikes (log) by Dolichovespula maculata workers of nest #2 on target boxes in relation to the replicate number, with linear regression per test stimulus and the confidence interval of the fit. Details of test stimuli are given in the caption of supplementary Figure 1.

Supplementary Fig. 4 Number of strikes (log) by Dolichovespula maculata workers of nest #3 on target boxes in relation to the replicate number, with linear regression per test stimulus and the confidence interval of the fit. Details of test stimuli are given in the caption of supplementary Figure 1.

Supplementary Fig. 5. Number of strikes (log) by Dolichovespula maculata workers of nest #4 on target boxes in relation to the replicate number, with linear regression per test stimulus and the confidence interval of the fit. Details of test stimuli are given in the caption of supplementary Figure 1.

Supplementary Fig.6.Number of strikes (log) by Dolichovespula maculata workers of nest #5 on target boxes in relation dates in August 2013, with linear regression and the confidence interval of the fit; VSE = venom sac extract.

Supplementary Fig. 7 Number of strikes (log) by Dolichovespula maculata workers of nest #6 on target boxes in relation to the replicate number, with linear regression per test stimulus and the confidence interval of the fit. Details of test stimuli are given in the caption of supplementary Figure 1.