Office of Instruction
Seattle Central Community College
Contract and Requirements for an Incomplete Grade
Seattle Central Community College Policy on Incompletes:
A student who has performed at a passing level during the quarter but is unable to complete the course requirements may receive an Incomplete (or “I”) grade when requested by the student and approved by instructor (this request must occur during the term in which the “I” grade is being considered; once a course grade has been issued, an “I” grade option cannot be exercised). In order to obtain credit for the course, the student must complete the work as directed by the instructor. Incomplete grades must be made up within one quarter after the receipt of the Incomplete. (Coursework must be completed during the following quarter, excluding summer quarter.) An “I” grade is appropriate when the student:
* has already completed a majority of work for the course (as determined by the instructor),
* is unable to finish the remaining coursework by the end of the quarter due to extenuating circumstances, and
* is able to complete the coursework with no additional instruction or in-class attendance.
The student and instructor must draft and sign a Contract which delineates work to be completed and indicates what grade will be given if the contracted work is not completed. Once all parties have signed this form, it is to be submitted to the Division Dean for approval. The instructor submits a Change of Grade form once the contracted work is submitted and graded. A one-quarter extension may also be granted in certain unusual circumstances, at the instructor's discretion. Extenuating circumstances that change the contract deadline will require a revised Incomplete Contract to be signed. The revised Contract will be sent to Registration along with the Change of Grade form when the work is completed.
To obtain credit for the course, the student must convert an “I” grade into an appropriate grade by completing the requirements specified in the standard contract within the time limits specified therein, not to exceed one quarter from the quarter enrolled, not including summer quarter. Receiving an “I”/incomplete grade will impact financial aid status; students must discuss these impacts directly with the Financial Aid office. Other funding sources may also be impacted.
Office of Instruction
Seattle Central Community College
Contract and Requirements for an Incomplete Grade
Student’s Name: / SID:Course Title:
Course Code: / Course Section:
Instructor’s Name: / Yun Moh
Work to be completed by (date):
Special instructions (specify assignments to be completed by deadline listed above):
To complete an incomplete course, the student must complete and submit ALL assignments to the instructor by the deadline.
Collect all assignment lists and instructions from the course Web site before the quarter ends.
Your access to the course Web site ends at the end of the quarter, so be sure to get the assignment list before then.. The assignments could include textbook/weekly assignments, weekly discussion topics, and project(s).
Compile the assignment list in a Word documents, and submit it to the instructor along with this form.
Submit all assignments including the ones you have already submitted and been graded. Put all assignment files on a disk with a folder structure, e.g. a flash drive. For discussion assignments, put all topics and discussions in one Word file. For project(s), put the files in a separate folder.
Follow the detail instructions available at the instructor’s Web site (
Failure to follow the instructions above will cause the INCOMPLETE grade to remain unchanged or converted to 0.0.
Additional comments:
If the required work is not completed by the deadline designated above, the grade will default to (check one):
Grade student earned at end of quarter:
Remain as an “I” grade
Converted by the instructor to a “0.0” grade
Instructor’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Instructors: Please attach examinations or other materials to be completed as well as grading instructions (so a grade can be assigned in absence of the instructor). Submit the original version of this form with the grade change.
Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______
I have read and I understand the conditions specified for completing the work in the course so that a grade can be assigned.
Office Use Only:
Date Change of Grade form received by the Division Office: ______By: ______
Date Change of Grade form sent to Registration: ______By: ______