Registration Form for TMTA and MT2NW Joint Conference
September 29-30, 2017
University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN

Registration begins Friday afternoon at 3:00, sessions begin at 4:00, and the banquet begins at 6:15. Registration Fees include: access to sessions Friday and Saturday, a ticket for the Friday evening banquet, continental breakfast Saturday morning, lunch Saturday, and membership to TMTA and your regional affiliate. Additional banquet tickets may be purchased for $30 each.

Seating at the banquet is limited and tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis.

Early registration rates are available for those who pay and have their registration postmarked by

September 9, 2017. No exceptions!

Please complete the following carefully. Please print legibly.
One registration is required for each participant. Duplicate this form as necessary.
Name / Preferred Phone
Email Address**
Preferred mailing address
City, State, Zip
School Name

Primary grade level interest: elementary middle high college other

Choose ONE affiliate for membership (included in registration). Additional affiliates may be joined for $10 per affiliate.



I prefer vegetarian meals. I prefer gluten-free meals.

**A confirmation email will be sent to you within 2 weeks of receipt of your registration.

Please see for conference program, other conference information, and for websites of the affiliate organizations, annual contest information, and other pertinent information.
Registrations postmarked by September 9 will receive one banquet ticket. Additional banquet tickets are available for a fee. Banquet tickets for late registrations are subject to availability.
Regular Registration (Postmarked by September 9)
$80.00 / Pre-Service Teacher Registration (Postmarked by September 9)
$45.00 / Late Fee (Postmarked AFTER September 9)
$10.00 / Additional Banquet Tickets
______x $30 / TOTAL ENCLOSED:
Indicate college attending:
Early registration MUST be postmarked by September 9, 2017. Registration forms must be accompanied with payment. Make checks payable to TMTA. See the attached page for more information regarding payment.
Send to: Stephanie Kolitsch, c/o UT Martin SACS Accreditation, 309 Admin Bldg., Martin, TN 38238.
Registration questions? Email or call 731.881.7477.

Tennessee Mathematics Teachers’ Association is supported by eight regional affiliate organizations:

CAMTA Chattanooga Area Mathematics Teachers’ Association

MAC-O-TOM Memphis Area Council of Teachers of Mathematics

(MT)2 Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers

MT2nw Mathematics Teachers of Tennessee Northwest

SM2EA Smokey Mountain Mathematics Educators Association

TMATYC Tennessee Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges

UETCTM Upper East Tennessee Council of Teachers of Mathematics

TAMTE Tennessee Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

Our parent organization is the

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

TMTA website:


Payment must accompany the registration form and can be in the form of a check, money order, or cash. TMTA does not accept credit card payments. If your school system is planning to pay for your registration, you may send a purchase order in lieu of payment. Make sure your purchase order has the name and contact information of someone who can be contacted to answer any questions about payment. An invoice will be mailed or emailed to this person for payment.

If your check is returned, it may be re-presented in an electronic manner. You hereby authorize service charges and processing fees, as permitted by law, to be debited from the same account by paper or electronically at our option. Your payment by check shall be recognized as acceptance of our electronic check recovery system.