
Goal Confirmation Letter/


Company Name

Address 1

Address 2

Contract No.DX#####

TIP No.: X-####

Federal Aid No.:XXX-####(#)

WBS Element:#####.#.#



Dear Sir:

Company Name has been awarded the contract for the above project based on the bid submitted on Letting Date in the amount of $Bid Amount. The bid proposal indicates adequate MBE/WBE participation to satisfy the advertised contract goals:

The advertised contract goal for the subject project was set at:

MBE = X.X%WBE = X.X%

Your bid proposal indicates a commitment to the following participation:

MBE = X.X% WBE = X.X%

The MBE Goal Commitment of X.X% and the WBE Goal Commitment of X.X% will be the Contract Goal Requirements.

Page 2

Although your firm was found in good faith, the Department does offer the following suggestion(s) for any future Good Faith Effort reports. Please act upon each one and document on your submission for future contracts.




On future Good Faith Effort reports the Department will consider this documentation in its review of your efforts and the determination of good faith findings.

In accordance with Article 102-16(J) of the NCDOT Standard Specifications, failure to satisfy the Disadvantage Business Enterprise requirements of the project Special Provisions may be cause to disqualify a Contractor from further bidding.

Based on your bid proposal, the Department has listed the following approved MBE/WBE subcontractors and dollar amounts to meet the Contract Goal Requirement. These firms are required to be utilized under the regulations in the Special Provisions, and any changes in the work affecting the MBE/WBE firms or replacement of an MBEWBE firm will need to follow these provisions.

Committed MBE/WBE Firms / Committed Amount
1. / Subcontractor #1 / $#,###.##
2. / Subcontractor #2 / $#,###.##
3. / Subcontractor #3 / $#,###.##
4. / Subcontractor #4 / $#,###.##
5. / Subcontractor #5 / $#,###.##
6. / Subcontractor #6 / $#,###.##

If you have any questions, please contact me at (828) 586-2141.


Jeffrey E. Alspaugh

Division Proposal Engineer

cc:E. A. Green, P.E., Division Engineer

Brian Burch, P.E., Division Construction Engineer

Ralph Cannady, P.E., Division Maintenance Engineer

Chris Lee, P.E., Division Bridge Superintendent

Josh Deyton, P.E., Division Bridge Program Manager

Steve Cannon, P.E., District Engineer; District 1

Aaron Powell, P.E. Resident Engineer, Horseshoe

Jonathan Woodard, P.E., District Engineer, District 2

Mitchell Bishop, P.E., Resident Engineer, Whittier

Wesley Grindstaff, P.E., District Engineer 3

Trent Anderson, Resident Engineer, Andrews

Lamar Sylvester, P.E., Roadway Construction Engineer

Ronald Allen, P.E., Manager of the Schedule Management Office (SMO)

Kevin G. Bowen, PE, Bridge Construction Engineer

Steve W. Abbott, Communications Supervisor

Schedule Management Office