Jennifer’s Experience:
Jennifer Klein has been in worship leadership for nearly 20 years through choral singing, conducting, and as a featured soloist in traditional, contemporary, and contemplative (Taizé-style) faith-based music. An Elder in the Presbyterian church, Jennifer has traveled in Florida, Georgia, and throughout Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, where she has been blessed to lead congregations in worship and music and to consult and instruct other congregations about contemplative and contemporary worship styles. Jennifer’s experience includes designing and leading workshops, worship, and music for the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Centennial Worship Service, the Southwestern Texas Senior High Synod Youth Gathering (a Lutheran youth summit), various conferences at Mo Ranch Conference Center (including programs designed for college students, women, and senior adults), providing music for a video prepared for Texas United Methodist Women’s Legislative Event presented by Texas Impact, and numerous concertsthroughout several states. A published choralcomposer, Jennifer also has /
Jennifer Klein
released two compact discs of original music on an independent label, and her music is featured on the highly-acclaimed “Hearts on Pilgrimage” devotional series.

Jennifer’s Story:

Jeremiah tells us that God knew us before we were formed in the womb and that God consecrated us before we were born. (Jeremiah 1:5) Jeremiah describes how difficult it became for him to ignore God’s plan for him, saying that inside of him, he felt something like a burning fire shut up in his bones. He said, “I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.” (20:9).

And so it goes with me. My last few years have been ones of introspection as I tried to discern what God knows me to be and calls me to be. And as I spent a week in the desert in silent retreat, I grew frustrated; for it seemed that the more I tried to lose the distractions and take on a stance of contemplation, the more distinctive the music in my head became – a continuous, relentless loop of song. I shouted at God, “Please, stop the noise in my head so that I can hear you!” To which God replied, “I’m singing as loud as I can!” And then I heard it. I saw it. I felt it. Like a burning fire shut up in my bones.

While in the desert, I committed myself to God’s calling and stepped out in unconditional faith. I am overcome with a passion for worship music that compels me to leave the practice of law to pursue it with all that I am. I feel that God wants to use me to spread His word and His promise for renewed life through song and ministry to His people in a way that is different from the path of worship leadership I have walked the past 18 years. I have a story to tell, and I’ll gladly share it with all who are curious, doubtful, intrigued, lost, found.

My desire is to visit churches, retreats, conferences, Bible study gatherings, worship services – wherever God leads – to share my journey of faith with others, both in sung and spoken word.It is my hope that my story and original songs will inspire those who hear to engage whole-heartedly into their own “desert experience”,by which they may come to know the transforming love, abounding joy,and mystifying peace of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Eine Kleine Worship MusicPost Office Box 1177, Galveston, Texas77553  