IPMDSS Seasonplan and CropScale System Documentation

By Ole Qvist Bøjer and Per Rydahl, DIAS, 13.08.2003

This document is the structural and technical documentation of SeasonPlan and CropScale

Seasonplan is used for an overview of specific tasks to perform during the crop protection season. (A guide to the best way to enter data is found in a document by Per Rydahl)

Cropscale is an application to show the growth stages including pictures in each crop.

Ole Qvist Bøjer is the contact person regarding installation and technical issues.

Per Rydahl is the contact person regarding data and agronomical issues. Once the application has been installed, most problems are due to misssing and erroneous data.

1. Operating system and software

The Season applications are compatible to Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP (Professional and Server versions). The webserver is Internet Information Server (IIS 5) and Jscript version installed with Internet Explorer 5.5 or later (Important!!). The database server used is SQL Server 2000.

2. Installation

Unzip SeasonPlan.zip in a website directory and follow instructions in 3, 4, and 5.

3. Databases and Installation

Seasonplan and Cropscale tables are included in the cpCommon database and should be installed already.

4. Webpages and Installation

The following files are included in the SeasonPlan.zip file


SeasonPlan/Plan.asp / SeasonPlan/CropScale.asp
Optional parameters (ex.) / Optional parameters (ex.)
Language=en / Language=en
CropID=10 / CropID=10

Unzip SeasonPlan.zip in a website folder, e.g. ‘SeasonPlan’

Edit the’ seasonplan/include/config.asp’ so that
ServerName = "999.999.999.999"; // replace with the IP number of your database server
UserID = "xxx"; // replace with the ‘webuser’ of SQL Server as described elsewhere
Password = "xxxx"; // replace with the password of ‘webuser’
Language = en; // set the default language. Language codes are defined in table, LanguageDefinitions
LoginMode = false; // When true, log the website user in table Wds_LogUser. P.t. only used in Denmark.

URL’s to problems, growth stages and products web pages can also be changed in config.asp.

5. Data

Copy English data from the Excel spreadsheet DBInstall\Data\TblData.xls into Com_Text and Com_SeasonPlan

Try the URL’s to seasonplan and cropscale in your web browser (Internet Explorer). Use the URL: http://www.yourdomain.xx/seasonplan/plan.asp and http://www.yourdomain.xx/seasonplan/cropscale.asp. If the page does not show, ask for support in DIAS or try to solve the problem yourself..


Make the constant labels of the web pages local to your country by copying the English records in the spredsheet, replace ‘en’ with your language code, translate the English text fields and copy the table from the spreadsheet into the table, Com_Text an d Com_SeasonPlan. After making your own translated records, you can change the default language variable in ‘include/config.asp’ from Language=en to e.g. Language=lv (Lookup the language codes in the table, LanguageDefinitions)

Switching between different languages can be done using the standard URL with a parameter, e.g. http://www.yourdomain.xx/weed/parameters.asp?language=en

6. Documentation


The tables used:

SeasonPlan / CropScale
Com_SeasonPlan / Com_Text
Com_Text / Com_Crop
Com_Crop_Translate / Com_Crop_Translate
Com_ProblemGroup_Translate / Com_Scale
Com_Crop / Com_Scale_Item
Com_Scale / Com_Scale_Item_Translate
Com_Scale_Translate / Com_Scale_Translate


Relation between form elements and stored procedures