Schemes of work The atmosphere (2 double lessons)

Lesson /

Lesson content

/ Resources / Homework
1 / CS A1 What’s in the air? pg. 63/4
CS A2 Screening the Sun pg. 64/5
CI 6.2 pg. 128-130 Radiation and matter / CS book
CI book / Assignment 1
Assignment 2+3
CI 6.2 calculations pg.131
2 / Activities A2.1 and A2.3 / Activity book / Activity A 2.2 only do the risk assessment
3 / CS A3 Ozone introduction pg.66-68
CI 6.3 pg. 132-134 Radiation and radicals / CS book
CI book / Assignment 4
CI calculations pg.134/5
4 / Activity A3.2 (practical skills)
RISK: bromine-toxic, corrosive, causes severe burns (Na2S2O3 should be used to treat spillages), conc. NH3 –corrosive; cyclohexane –flammable, gloves, goggles
FUME CUPBOARD / Activity book
Data sheets / Do Activity A3.1;
Revise CI 4.2;
Answer Qs for Activity 3.2
5 / CI 10.1 pg.221/2 Factors affecting reaction rate
CI 10.2 pg.223-226 Temperature and rate
Go over answers for Activities A3.1 & A3.2 / CI book / CI 10.1 pg.222 and CI 10.2 pg.226 calculations
Leson /

Lesson content

/ Resources / Homework
6 / Activity A3.3 (practical skills)

RISK: bromine- toxic, corrosive, causes severe burns (Na2S2O3 should be used to treat spillages); hexane- volatile, flammable; 0.2M NaOH- irritant; bromohexane- flammable, vapours harmful; phenolphtalein ind.- flammable; gloves, goggles, FUME CUPBOARD

/ Activity book / Answer Qs for Activity 3.3, evaluate results; do Assignments 5+6, pg. 68
7 / CI 10.5 pg.242/3 Catalyst and rate
Revise CI 10.4 Catalyst
Explain the open book paper. Give out the practice paper to do within 2 weeks / CI book
w/sheet: ‘Kinetics: The theory’
‘Catalysis’ / CI 10.5 calculations pg.243
Assignment 7
8 / CS A3 continue pg.68-71 from What is removing ozone? /

CS book

/ Assignments 7+8 pg. 69 / 71
9 / CI 13.1 pg.299-303 Halogenoalkanes
CS A4 CFCs pg.71-77
Write a risk assessment for Activity A4.1- H/W / CS book
CI book / Notes on stories in green boxes; Ass. 9&10; CI 13.1 calcs Pg.303
10 / Activity A4.1b (practical skills)
RISK: haloalkanes & ethanol- harmful, highly flammable, vapours are irritating (eyes) and armful –avoid inhalling FUME CUPBOARD / Activity booklet / Answer Qs for Activity 4.1b

Assignment 11

Lesson /

Lesson content

/ Resources / Homework
11 / Activity A4.2 (practical skills) up to purifying the product
RISK: 2-methylpropane-2-ol –highly flammable, harmful; conc. HCl –corrosive; vapours produced – harmful; well ventilated lab needed; gloves; goggles / Activity book / Answer Qs a-h for Activity A4.2
12 / Activity A4.2 continued fractional distillation part. The same risk assessment as above. / Activity book / Answer Qs i-n for Activity A4.2
13 /


Activity A4.3 (IT skills)
CS A5 How bad is the ozone crisis? pg.77-79
CS A6 Trouble in the troposphere pg.79-82 /

CS book

/ Finish Activity A4.3
Do Activity A5 (study skills)
Assignment 12+13; write notes CS A5;A6 pg.77-84
14 / CI 7.1 pg. 164-169 Dynamic equilibrium / CI book / CI 7.1 calculations pg.170
Activity A6 (study skills)
15 / CS A7 Keeping the window open pg.84-86
CS A8 Focus on carbon dioxide pg.86-89
Go over answers for Activity A6 / CS book / Assignments 14, 15, 16 pg.85,87 Write notes for CS A9 pg.89/90
Leson /

Lesson content

/ Resources / Homework
16 / Activity A8.1 (practical skills)
RISK:harmful: NH4Cl(s), K2CrO4(aq), KSCN(aq); corrosive: NaOH(aq); irritant: H2SO4(aq), K2CrO4(aq); goggles and gloves must be worn /

Activity book

/ Assigns 17+18 pg.88/9
Answer Qs for Activity A 8.1; Answer Qs a-c for Activity A9 (IT skills)
17 / Go over the answers for Activity A9 (IT skills)
Activity 8.2 (study skills) /

CI book

Activity book / Write notes for CS A 10; Activity A10 is revision for test
18 / END OF UNIT TEST / Test papers

Data sheets