Singular Optics / Optical Vortex 2003 References
(( optic* vort* )or( singul* optic* )or( phase singul* )or( laguerre gauss* mode* )or( wave dislocat* )or( vortex soliton* )or( polariz* singular* )or( phase disloca* )) and (PY:INSP = 2003)
TI: Transverse-mode beam splitter of a light beam and its application to quantum cryptography
AU: Sasada,-H.; Okamoto,-M.
SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. July 2003; 68(1): 12323-1-7
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Generation of singular beams in uniaxial crystals
AU: Volyar,-A.-V.; Fadeeva,-T.-A.
SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. Feb. 2003; 94(2): 235-44; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. Feb. 2003; 94(2): 264-74
PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: The optical singularities of birefringent dichroic chiral crystals
AU: Berry,-M.-V.; Dennis,-M.-R.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-Royal-Society-of-London,-Series-A-Mathematical,-Physical-and-Engineering-Sciences. 8 May 2003; 459(2033): 1261-92
PB: R. Soc. London
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Amplitude and phase evolution of optical fields inside periodic photonic structures
AU: Fluck,-E.; Hammer,-M.; Otter,-A.-M.; Korterik,-J.-P.; Kuipers,-L.; van-Hulst,-N.-F.
SO: Journal-of-Lightwave-Technology. May 2003; 21(5): 1384-93
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Singular points in the electromagnetic field-waveguide system
AU: Dzedolik,-I.-V.
SO: Technical-Physics-Letters. ; : 194-6; Original: Pis'ma-v-Zhurnal-Tekhnicheskoi-Fizika. March 2003; 29(3): 43-48
PB: MAIK Nauka
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optical vortex symmetry breakdown and decomposition of the orbital angular momentum of light beams
AU: Bekshaev,-A.-Ya.; Soskin,-M.-S.; Vasnetsov,-M.-V.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Aug. 2003; 20(8): 1635-43
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Measurement of superposition of orbit angular momentum states of photons by fork-like grating
AU: Ye-Fang-Wei; Li-Yong-Ping
SO: Acta-Physica-Sinica. 2003; 52(2): 328-31
PB: Chinese Phys. Soc
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Dynamics of optically generated vortices in a one-component ultracold fermionic gas
AU: Karpiuk,-T.; Brewczyk,-M.; Rzazewski,-K.
SO: Journal-of-Physics-B-Atomic,-Molecular-and-Optical-Physics. 14 Feb. 2003; 36(3): L69-75
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Paraxial modal analysis technique for optical vortex trajectories
AU: Roux,-F.-S.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. July 2003; 20(7): 1575-80
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Localized-mode evolution in a curved planar waveguide with combined Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
AU: Olendski,-O.; Mikhailovska,-L.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. May 2003; 67(5): 56625-1-11
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optical vortices in crystals: formation, annihilation, and decay of polarization ombilics
AU: Volyar,-A.-V.; Fadeeva,-T.-A.
SO: Technical-Physics-Letters. ; : 111-14; Original: Pis'ma-v-Zhurnal-Tekhnicheskoi-Fizika. Feb. 2003; 29(2): 58-64
PB: MAIK Nauka
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Composite optical vortices
AU: Maleev,-I.-D.; Swartzlander,-G.-A.-,-Jr.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. June 2003; 20(6): 1169-76
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Trajectory of an optical vortex: canonical vs. non-canonical
AU: Singh,-R.-P.; Chowdhury,-S.-R.
SO: Optics-Communications. 15 Jan. 2003; 215(4-6): 231-7
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Creation and annihilation of phase singularities near a sub-wavelength slit
AU: Schouten,-H.-F.; Visser,-T.-D.; Gbur,-G.; Lenstra,-D.; Blok,-H.
SO: Optics-Express. 24 Feb. 2003; 11(4):
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Observation of long-lived vortex aggregates in rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
AU: Engels,-P.; Coddington,-I.; Haljan,-P.-C.; Schweikhard,-V.; Cornell,-E.-A.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 2 May 2003; 90(17): 170405/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: We study the formation of large vortex aggregates in a rapidly rotating dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensate. When we remove atoms from the rotating condensate with a tightly focused, resonant laser, the density can be locally suppressed, while fast circulation of a ring-shaped superflow around the area of suppressed density is maintained. Thus a giant vortex core comprising 7 to 60 phase singularities is formed. The giant core is only metastable, and it will refill with distinguishable single vortices after many rotation cycles. The surprisingly long lifetime of the core can be attributed to the influence of strong Coriolis forces in the condensate. In addition we have been able to follow the precession of off-center giant vortices for more than 20 cycles.
TI: Free-space propagation of second harmonic beams carrying optical vortices
AU: Orlov,-S.; Regelskis,-K.; Smilgevicius,-V.; Stabinis,-A.
SO: Optics-Communications. 1 Jan. 2003; 215(1-3): 1-9
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Structure of optical vortices
AU: Curtis,-J.-E.; Grier,-D.-G.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 4 April 2003; 90(13): 133901/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
AB: Helical modes of light can be focused into toroidal optical traps known as optical vortices, which are capable of localizing and applying torques to small volumes of matter. Measurements of optical vortices created with the dynamic holographic optical tweezer technique reveal an unsuspected dependence of their structure and angular momentum flux on their helicity. These measurements also provide evidence for a novel optical ratchet potential in practical optical vortices.
TI: Observation of two-dimensional discrete solitons in optically induced nonlinear photonic lattices
AU: Fleischer,-J.-W.; Segev,-M.; Efremidis,-N.-K.; Christodoulldes,-D.-N.
SO: Nature-. 13 March 2003; 422(6928): 147-50
PB: Nature Publishing Group
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Light transmission through a subwavelength slit: waveguiding and optical vortices
AU: Schouten,-H.-F.; Visser,-T.-D.; Lenstra,-D.; Blok,-H.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. March 2003; 67(3): 36608-1-4
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Stable vortex and dipole vector solitons in a saturable nonlinear medium
AU: Jianke-Yang; Pelinovsky,-D.-E.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Jan. 2003; 67(1): 16608-1-12
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Noncanonical vortex transformation and propagation in a two-dimensional optical system
AU: Singh,-R.-P.; Chowdhury,-S.-R.
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. March 2003; 20(3): 573-6
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Effect of numerical aperture on the spectral splitting feature near phase singularities of focused waves
AU: Ganic,-D.; Chon,-J.-W.-M.; Min-Gu
SO: Applied-Physics-Letters. 10 March 2003; 82(10): 1527-8
RT: Journal-Paper
AB: We demonstrate that because of the depolarization effect associated with a high-numerical-aperture lens, the recently predicted spectral splitting phenomenon near phase singularities of focused waves [G. Gbur, T. D. Visser, and E. Wolf, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 013901 (2002)] disappears when the numerical aperture is higher than critical values that are different between the incident polarization direction and the axial direction.
TI: Observation of vector vortex lattices in polarization states of an isotropic microcavity laser
AU: Chen,-Y.-F.; Huang,-K.-F.; Lai,-H.-C.; Lan,-Y.-P.
SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 7 Feb. 2003; 90(5): 053904/1-4
RT: Journal-Paper
AB: We experimentally investigate the formation of a vector polarization pattern from an isotropic microcavity laser. It is found that the orthogonal components of the observed pattern are localized on the geometrical rays. The connection between eigenfunctions and geometrical rays is analytically constructed by using the SU(2) coherent states. With the analytical function form, the observed vector pattern is completely reconstructed and the vector vortex lattice is apparent.
TI: Propagation dynamics of optical vortices with anisotropic phase profiles
AU: Guang-Hoon-Kim; Lee,-H.-J.; Jong-Uk-Kim; Hyyong-Suk
SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. Feb. 2003; 20(2): 351-9
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Gaussian-beam analysis of a large adaptive reflector antenna (LAR) using a feed-reflector
AU: Mousavi,-P.; Shafai,-L.; Veidt,-B.; Daneshmand,-M.
SO: IEE-Proceedings-Microwaves,-Antennas-and-Propagation. Feb. 2003; 150(1): 43-8
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Efficient selection of high-order Laguerre-Gaussian modes in a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser
AU: Ishaaya,-A.-A.; Davidson,-N.; Machavariani,-G.; Hasman,-E.; Friesem,-A.-A.
SO: IEEE-Journal-of-Quantum-Electronics. Jan. 2003; 39(1): 74-82
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optical polarization singularities and elliptic stationary points
AU: Soskin,-M.-S.; Denisenko,-V.; Freund,-I.
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Aug. 2003; 28(16): 1475-7
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: Polarization singularities and elliptic stationary points (collectively, elliptic critical points) were measured experimentally via the complex Stokes field S/sub 1/+iS/sub 2/, where S/sub 1/ and S/sub 2/ are Stokes parameters. This new, easily implemented method yielded detailed, high-resolution experimental data for all elliptic critical points. These data confirm with high precision the elliptic-field topological sign rule, loop rules, and Stokes singularity relations introduced recently.
TI: Singular optics with polychromatic light: spectral anomalies in diffraction
AU: Ponomarenko,-S.-A.; Wolf,-E.
ED: Sawchuk,-A.-A.
SO: Quantum-Electronics-and-Laser-Science-QELS.-Postconference-Digest-IEEE-Cat-No.CH37420-TBR. 2003: 1 pp.
PB: Optical Soc. of America, Washington, DC, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 1557527490
TI: Effects of astigmatic aberration in holographic generation of Laguerre-Gaussian beam
AU: Wada,-A.; Miyamoto,-Y.; Ohtani,-T.; Nishihara,-N.; Takeda,-M.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2003; 5137(1): 177-80
PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng
RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper
TI: Beam shaping by a periodic structure of left-handed slabs
AU: Shadrivov,-I.-V.; Sukhorukov,-A.-A.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.
ED: Sawchuk,-A.-A.
SO: Quantum-Electronics-and-Laser-Science-QELS.-Postconference-Digest-IEEE-Cat-No.CH37420-TBR. 2003: 2 pp.
PB: Optical Soc. of America, Washington, DC, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 1557527490
TI: Vortices in the quantum stream of potential-well scattering
AU: Ming-Houng-Hsu; Keh-Ning-Huang
SO: CLEO/Pacific-Rim-2003.-The-5th-Pacific-Rim-Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.03TH8671. 2003: 238 Vol.1
PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780377664
TI: Semiconductor microcavity solitons
AU: Taranenko,-V.; Weiss,-C.-O.
SO: Proceedings-of-LFNM-2003.-5th-International-Workshop-on-Laser-and-Fiber-Optical-Networks-Modeling-Cat.-No.03TH8697. 2003: 1-2
PB: IEEE, Piscatawy, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780377095
TI: Local field of Poynting vector around a small particle
AU: Wang,-Z.-B.; Luk'yanchuk,-B.-S.; Hong,-M.-H.; Lin,-Y.; Chong,-T.-C.
SO: CLEO/Pacific-Rim-2003.-The-5th-Pacific-Rim-Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.03TH8671. 2003: 106 Vol.1
PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780377664
TI: Focusing of doughnut laser beams by a high numerical-aperture objective in free space
AU: Ganic,-D.; Xiaosong-Gan; Min-Gu
SO: Optics-Express. 20 Oct. 2003; 11(21):
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: X-ray vortex beams: a theoretical analysis
AU: Peele,-A.-G.; Nugent,-K.-A.
SO: Optics-Express. 22 Sept. 2003; 11(19):
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Decay and fusion of polarization umbilics in a singular beam passed through a crystal
AU: Volyar,-A.-V.; Fadeeva,-T.-A.
SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. Nov. 2003; 95(5): 792-9; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. Nov. 2003; 95(5): 846-54
PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
FTXT: OJPS Article, EBSCO Journal Service (EJS)
TI: Generation of vortex by light-induced phase mask in a V-type atomic system
AU: Jin-Ho-Jeon; Won-Shik-Choi; Myoung-Kyu-Oh; Kyungwon-An; Jai-Hyung-Lee
SO: CLEO/Pacific-Rim-2003.-The-5th-Pacific-Rim-Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.03TH8671. 2003: 520 vol.2
PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780377664
TI: Generation of lattices of optical vortices
AU: Dreischuh,-A.-A.; Chervenkov,-S.; Neshev,-D.; Paulus,-G.-G.; Walther,-H.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2003; 5226(1): 104-8
PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng
RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper
TI: Higher-order Gaussian beams: new achievements
AU: Traiche,-M.
SO: Proceedings-of-CAOL'2003.-1st-International-Conference-on-Advanced-Optoelectronics-and-Lasers.-Jontly-with-1st-Workshop-on-Precision-Oscillations-in-Electronics-and-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.03EX715. 2003: 54-62 vol.1
PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780379489
TI: Algebra and geometry of optical vortices: measuring of a mode spectrum in optical fibres
AU: Volyar,-A.-V.
SO: Proceedings-of-CAOL'2003.-1st-International-Conference-on-Advanced-Optoelectronics-and-Lasers.-Jontly-with-1st-Workshop-on-Precision-Oscillations-in-Electronics-and-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.03EX715. 2003: 30-5 vol.1
PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780379489
TI: Measuring the topological charge of optical vortices: from the orbital angular momentum of individual photons to the angular uncertainty principle
AU: Courtial,-J.; Padgett,-M.; Leach,-J.; Yao,-E.; Barnett,-S.; Franke-Arnold,-S.
SO: Proceedings-of-CAOL'2003.-1st-International-Conference-on-Advanced-Optoelectronics-and-Lasers.-Jontly-with-1st-Workshop-on-Precision-Oscillations-in-Electronics-and-Optics-IEEE-Cat.-No.03EX715. 2003: 24 vol.1
PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
RT: Conference-Paper
IB: 0780379489
TI: Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes for biophotonics and micromanipulation
AU: MacDonald,-M.-P.; Paterson,-L.; Armstrong,-G.; Arlt,-J.; Bryant,-P.; Sibbett,-W.; Dholakia,-K.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2003; 5147(1): 48-59
PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng
RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper
TI: Generation of nondiffracting Bessel beams by use of a spatial light modulator
AU: Chattrapiban,-N.; Rogers,-E.-A.; Cofield,-D.; Hill,-W.-T.-,-III; Roy,-R.
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Nov. 2003; 28(22): 2183-5
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: A laser beam with phase singularities is an interesting object to study in optics and may have important applications in guiding atoms and molecules. We explore the characteristics of a singularity in a nondiffracting Bessel beam experimentally by use of a programmable spatial light modulator with 64-level phase holograms. The diffraction efficiency with 64-level phase holograms is greatly improved in comparison with that obtained with a binary grating. The experiments show that the size and deflection angle of the beam can be controlled in real time. The observations are in agreement with scalar diffraction theory.
TI: Deterministic phase unwrapping in the presence of noise
AU: Volkov,-V.-V.; Yimei-Zhu
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Nov. 2003; 28(22): 2156-8
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: We present a new Fourier-based exact solution for deterministic phase unwrapping from experimental maps of wrapped phase in the presence of noise and phase vortices. This single-step approach has superior performance for images with high phase gradients or insufficient digital sampling approaching 2 pi /pixel and therefore performs as a fast and practical solution for the phase-unwrapping problem for experimental applications in applied optics, physics, and medicine.
TI: Polychromatic polarization singularities
AU: Freund,-I.
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Nov. 2003; 28(22): 2150-2
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: Elliptical polarization can appear in only monochromatic optical fields. In polychromatic vector fields the polarization is a Lissajous figure, but in only commensurate fields do the figures have well-defined shapes; in other fields the shapes are undefined. Nonetheless, I show that a given paraxial polychromatic vector field has a coherency ellipse field associated with it that contains polarization singularities and stationary points that are surrogates for the corresponding critical points of the parent optical field.
TI: Observation of the orbital angular momentum spectrum of a light beam
AU: Vasnetsov,-M.-V.; Torres,-J.-P.; Petrov,-D.-V.; Torner,-L.
SO: Optics-Letters. 1 Dec. 2003; 28(23): 2285-7
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: We demonstrate an experimental scheme that allows the elucidation of the orbital angular momentum discrete spectrum of an arbitrary light signal. The orbital angular momentum spectrum is represented in a Laguerre-Gaussian mode base, and the spectral components are resolved in the frequency domain by exploiting the Doppler frequency shift that is imparted to rotating light beams.
TI: Fundamental and vortex solitons in a two-dimensional optical lattice
AU: Jianki-Yang; Musslimani,-Z.-H.
SO: Optics-Letters. 1 Nov. 2003; 28(21): 2094-6
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: Fundamental and vortex solitons in a two-dimensional optically induced waveguide array are reported. In the strong localization regime the fundamental soliton is largely confined to one lattice site whereas the vortex state comprises four fundamental modes superimposed in a square configuration with a phase structure that is topologically equivalent to the conventional vortex. However, in the weak localization regime, both the fundamental and the vortex solitons spread over many lattice sites. We further show that fundamental and the vortex solitons are stable against small perturbations in the strong localization regime.
TI: Phase singularities and enhanced transmission at a subwavelength slit
AU: Schouten,-H.-F.; Visser,-T.-D.; Gbur,-G.; Lenstra,-D.; Blok,-H.
SO: Optics-&-Photonics-News. Dec. 2003; 14(12): 23
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Creation of light field by Gaussian and Bessel vortex beams
AU: Orlov,-S.; Stabinis,-A.
SO: Lithuanian-Journal-of-Physics. 2003; 43(2): 111-15
PB: Lithuanian Phys. Soc
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Evolution of singular optical pulses towards vortex solitons and filamentation in air
AU: Skarka,-V.; Aleksic,-N.-B.; Berezhiani,-V.-I.
SO: Physics-Letters-A. 8 Dec. 2003; 319(3-4): 317-24
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
FTXT: Crossref - ScienceDirect (tm), EBSCO Journal Service (EJS)
TI: Entangled double-helix phase
AU: Zhang,-D.-W.; Yuan,-X.--C.
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Oct. 2003; 28(20): 1864-6
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate confined by an optical lattice
AU: Kevrekidis,-P.-G.; Carretero-Gonzalez,-R.; Theocharis,-G.; Frantzeskakis,-D.-J.; Malomed,-B.-A.
SO: Journal-of-Physics-B-Atomic,-Molecular-and-Optical-Physics. 28 Aug. 2003; 36(16): 3467-76
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Experiments on partially coherent photorefractive solitons
AU: Zhigang-Chen; Segev,-M.; Christodoulides,-D.-N.
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Nov. 2003; 5(6): S389-97
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Optical phase singularities in detection of laser beam collimation
AU: Senthilkumaran,-P.
SO: Applied-Optics. 1 Nov. 2003; 42(31): 6314-20
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Interference of light vortical beams
AU: Pyragaite,-V.; Stabinis,-A.
SO: Lithuanian-Journal-of-Physics. 2003; 43(2): 99-103
PB: Lithuanian Phys. Soc
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: From Airy rings to the elliptic umbilic diffraction catastrophe
AU: Nye,-J.-F.
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Sept. 2003; 5(5): 503-10
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Evolution from a Fraunhofer to a Pearcey diffraction pattern
AU: Nye,-J.-F.
SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Sept. 2003; 5(5): 495-502
PB: IOP Publishing
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Stable spatiotemporal spinning solitons in a bimodal cubic-quintic medium.
AU: Mihalache,-D; Mazilu, -D.; Towers, -I.; Malomed,-B.-A.; Lederer, -F.
SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. 2003; 67: 056608/1-9.
PB: APS through AIP
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Lissajous singularities
AU: Kessler DA, Freund I
SO: Optics Letters 28 (2): 111-113 JAN 15 2003
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate confined by an optical lattice
AU: Kevrekidis PG, Carretero-Gonzalez R, Theocharis G, Frantzeskakis DJ and Malomed BA
SO: Journal of Physics B (Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics) 36, 3467-3476 (2003)
PB: Institute of Physics, UK
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Deflection of quadratic solitons at edge dislocations
AU: Petrov,-D.-V.; Carrasco,-S.; Molina-Terriza,-G.; Torner,-L.
SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Aug. 2003; 28(16): 1439-41
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
ABSTRACT: We report the observation of deflection of optical solitons generated in the frequency doubling of light beams containing edgelike topological amplitude and phase dislocations. The angular deflection of the solitons was found to be controllable through the position of the dislocation. The experiments were conducted near phase matching in a bulk potassium titanyl phosphate crystal pumped with picosecond light pulses at 1064 nm.
TI: Ring light beam deflector: theory
AU: Okayama,-H.
SO: Optical-Review. July-Aug. 2003; 10(4): 283-6
PB: Opt. Soc. Japan
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Multidimensional solitons in periodic potentials
AU: Baizakov,-B.-B.; Malomed,-B.-A.; Salerno,-M.
SO: Europhysics-Letters. 1 Sept. 2003; 63(5): 642-8
PB: Eur. Phys. Soc. by EDP Sciences and Soc. Italiana Fisica
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Applicability of the singular-optics concept for diagnostics of random and fractal rough surfaces
AU: Angelsky,-O.-V.; Burkovets,-D.-N.; Maksimyak,-P.-P.; Hanson,-S.-G.
SO: Applied-Optics. 1 Aug. 2003; 42(22): 4529-40
PB: Opt. Soc. America
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Two-dimensional soliton-induced refractive index change in photorefractive crystals
AU: Calvo,-G.-F.; Agullo-Lopez,-F.; Carrascosa,-M.; Belic,-M.-R.; Vujic,-D.
SO: Optics-Communications. 1 Nov. 2003; 227(1-3): 193-202
PB: Elsevier
RT: Journal-Paper
TI: Polarization critical points in polychromatic optical fields