Mike Huhn

Drew Gross

8th Grade Techlab

Encore 2

Our iMovie

When we decided we wanted to make a movie, we decided we wanted to do it on Muhammad Ali. The first thing we did was look up a biography and got facts such as his birthday, fight record, and some other facts so we would know some more things about him. Next, we brainstormed how we were going to do it. After that, we got on the Internet and found pictures of him when he’s not fighting, and when he is fighting, there is 37 total. After we got our pictures, we made our title and ending slides. After this we figured out what order we were going to put the pictures in. After this was figured out, we put them into our movie. The way we put them in was not fighting pictures first, then pictures of when he’s in action next. When all the pictures were in our movie, we added some effects and transitions to the pictures. After transitions and effects, we put our songs to the movie. The 2 songs are “Eye Of The Tiger” and “Gonna Fly Now.” The last thing that we did was watch the movie to make sure that it looked the way we intended it to look. This is how we made our movie on Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali was born January 18th, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. His real name is Cassius Clay. He decided to change it when he decided to become a Muslim. His Boxing career began in 1959 when he won the National Golden Gloves Middleweight Championship. His Professional boxing career began in 1960. He won the Heavyweight Title for the 1st time in 1964 when he defeated Sonny Liston. He was a heavy underdog. During his prime, he weighed in at 21o pounds. In 1978, he retired. He woulc come out of retirement though, in 1980 for a Championship fight against Larry Holmes. He was Ko’d in the 11th round. He retired for good after losing to Trevor Berbick in 1981.

Link to Muhammad Ali Biography we used. http://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/alimuham.shtml

Link to lesson plan.


Link to Mr. Spicer’s Webpage.


Link to Google Images, Where we found all of our pictures.
