Seaman Athletic Booster Club Minutes, April 13th, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Jenny Sodergrenin room E-14 at 6:30 PM Seaman High School.

Those present were: Traci Podlena, Kristin Garman, Jenny Sodergren, Jennifer Sauer, Kelly Greene, Mark Miller, Natalie Sykes, Janelle Henley, Jeff Cowan, Julie Heinrich, Susan Anderson, Becky True, Rod Garman

Call to Order/Welcome New Members

Review March Minutes. Minutes approved

Review Treasurer's Report--Treasurer's reportapproved.

Old Business

Auction-We have food for between 200 and 250. We are starting our day at 9 AM at the Optomist building. Kelly will meet Larry for the key on Friday at 6 PM to begin setting up.

SABC Spring Athlete Hotdog feed is April 14th. Be there at 4.

Camien/Welch Invitational is coming up April 29th. Kip will cook and Wrestling is running the concessions.

Website-New one is up and old one has finally been taken down.

Spring Programs/Pictures, Senior Posters-Almost completed. Waiting on last photo.

New Business

Fundraiser-Forest and Renee Durall-Discussed that cards will conflict with the teams trying to raise money. Great ideas to discuss at the beginning of the year with new officers.

Officers to Vote on: Natalie Sykes-President, Jeff Cowan-Vice President, Kristin Garman-Member at Large, Traci Podlena-Secretary, Still need a new Treasurer

Dietz's Report-

We need to pay for the Kitchen worker and cinnamon rolls. We have a bill from Barker Printing for $795.13.

This weekend there will be free hotdogs at the K.

May 10th is Senior Night for both Baseball and Soccer

The tennis courts were repaired and repainted. 60% off will be given to us to repaint the other courts. Some of the equipment was destroyed and the building was totaled. There was about $6,000.00 worth of damage to the building and the items in the building. Builders are submitting bids right now. They will be getting clips for the tennis court panels to help save them with the wind.

We are getting the turf field repaired. There was a manufacturing flaw, so HTK architects are pro-rating 2 years for the new carpet with an 8 year guarantee.

For the Relays the students are released at 2 and the meet begins at 3.