Señor Silva Spanish 2A - Página 1
CHAMPS Charter High School 6842 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91405
(818) 994-7614 •
Course Syllabus: Spanish 2
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 2! I am excited to welcome all of you to a new school year and another year of Spanish. In this class, we will continue to immerse ourselves and build proficiency in the Spanish language through cultural context covering topics such as grammar, vocabulary, and culture. The class textbook is Realidades 2.
Please contact me through e-mail (), or in person. I also send out text message reminders. If you wish to receive these text reminders please text:
“@silvaspan2” to the number “81010.”
Please come to class prepared with the following materials every day: college ruled and writing tools(black/blue pen, pencil). There will be a class set of textbooks available; you do not need to bring your textbooks to class.
Behavior and Expectations
Please remember: RESPECT! Respect for yourself. Respect for others. Respect for the environment. Remember the Golden Rule!
For example: •Arrive to class on time. •Listen when others are speaking. •Support others instead of bringing them down. •Refrain from eating or chewing gum in the class. •Clean up after yourself. •Ask for Sr. Silva’s permission to leave the classroom.
Cellphone Policy
Unless otherwise stated by Mr. Silva for educational use, cellphone use is not allowed in class. Unapproved cellphone use in class will result 1) a verbal warning and behavior log note.Continued unapproved use will result in 2) the confiscation of the cellphone for the day. If there is repeated unapproved cellphone use in class, this will result in 3)referral to an administrator.
Any failure to show respect in my class will result in the following actions:
1) Verbal warning
2) Negative participation stamp & Behavior log entry (on Q)
3) One-on-One talk
4) Contact parent(s)
5) Referral to administrator
*Sr. Silva has the ability to skip certain actions depending on the situation.
All classwork and warm-ups will be written on paper and submitted as packets. Packets will be collected and graded for completeness every week for a total of 100 points. Homework will be checked daily at the beginning of class for completeness and recorded on the homework logs.
Homework & Classwork Marks
Homework Classwork☺ complete (100%) ✓+ complete (100%)
✓ incomplete (60% or more) ✓ incomplete (60% or more)
- missing (less than 60%) ✓- missing (less than 60%)
Posted Assignments
Homework and classwork will be posted and updated daily on the class Google Drive which can be accessed through Mr. Silva's page on the CHAMPS website. Reminders will also be sent via text messages.
Assignments (make up work and late work)
If you have an excused absence, you have the amount of time you were absent to turn in late work for full credit. You will be given 2 “excused passes” for any missing classwork packets. If you miss a test, quiz, or project you have one week, starting on the day you return, to make them up; it is your responsibility to talk to me about making them up.
Any subsequent or unexcused late homework or classwork will receive half credit.
Any late tests, quizzes, or projects will lose 10% for each day it is late, up to 50%.
The class grading categories are as follows:
Homework & Classwork = 20%
Tests & Projects = 25%
Quizzes = 20%
Participation = 15%
Cultural project = 10%
Final = 10%
Participation is an important part of learning languages! Positive participation in class includes attempting to answer questions, volunteering to write on the board or act out a skit, being on task, and following instructions.
Participation will be recorded on the participation grids and weekly participation grades.
I look forward to having a great year with all of you. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!
I have read and understand the information on both pages of the class syllabus.
Class period ______
Student’s name (printed) ______
Student’s signature ______Date ______
Parent’s name (printed) ______
Parent’s signature ______Date ______
*Please sign and return this page to Sr. Silva.