Seán Mc Conville: Summary Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Law and Public Policy,
Department of Law,
Queen Mary, University of London,
London E1 4NS
EDUCATION:University of Bath: B.Sc.,
University of Cambridge, Ph.D.
University of Cambridge, LL.D.
1979/80Visiting Fellow, Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford.
1982/84Senior International Fellow, Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, The Johns Hopkins University.
1983/84Guest Scholar, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
1987Beto Professor, College of Criminal Justice, SamHoustonStateUniversity, Huntsville, Texas.
1988/89Senior Fellow, Institute for the Humanities, University of Illinois at Chicago.
1989/92University Scholar, University of Illinois.
1993/94Harry Frank Guggenheim Visiting Fellow, Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford.
2009/11Research Associate, Centre for Modern Irish History, Trinity College Dublin
2010/13Director, The Peace Process: Layers of Meaning (Funded by EU Peace III)
(A) Articles
1974/Reviews and articles on a variety of criminal justice, law and penal policy and administration topics in The Annals, American Historical Review, British Journal of Criminology, Contemporary Psychology, Contemporary Sociology, Criminal Justice Review, The Economist, Economic Journal, The Guardian, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, International Journal of Criminology and Penology, The Irish Press, Journal of Legal History, Journal of British Studies, Journal of Social Policy, Justice of the Peace, Los Angeles Times, The Observer,Prison Service Journal, Sociology, Sunday Times, The Times Higher Education Supplement, The Times Literary Supplement, Victorian Studies.
1974"The History of Prison and Penal Practices", in Martin Wright (ed.), Use of Criminology Literature, London: Butterworths.
1975"Future Prospects of Imprisonment in Britain", in Seán McConville (ed.), The Use of Imprisonment, London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
1977"Punishment", Joy of Knowledge Encyclopaedia, London: Mitchell Beazely.
1978"Why the Prisons were Nationalised", in Prison Service Journal, (31), July.
1979"Prison Language", in Leonard Michaels and Christopher Ricks (eds.), The State of the Language, Berkeley, CA and London: University of California Press.
1980"Unfinished Business", inPrison Service Journal, (38), April.
1981"What Fit Punishment?" in Brian Taylor (ed.), Perspectives on Paedophilia, London: Batsford.
"Committees of Inquiry and Penal Policy in England", in Stats Vetenskaplig Tidskrift (Swedish Journal of Political Science, 1, 21.
1987"Aid from Industry? Private Corrections and Prison Crowding", in Stephen D. Gottfredson and Seán McConville (eds.), America's Correctional Crisis: Prison Populations and Public Policy, Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger.
"Some observations on English Prison Management", in American Correctional Association, International Corrections: An Overview, College Park, MD: American Correctional Association.
1989"Legislators, Judges and Jurors: Bureaucratic Processes and Law in Late Victorian England," Law in Context, 7 (1).
"A View from Abroad", in Punishment, Custody and the Community: Reflections and Comments on the Green Paper, Huw Rees and Eryl Hall Williams (eds.), London: Sticerd/LSE.
1990"Frustrated Executives: A Lost Opportunity of the English Magistracy", Victorian Studies, 33, 4 (Summer).
"The Privatisation of Punishment", Collected Studies in Criminological Research, Vol. XXVII, Strasbourg: The Council of Europe.
1995"The Jail" in Norval Morris and David J. Rothman (eds.) Oxford History of the Prison, O.U.P.
"Imprisonment in England 1865-1965", in Norval Morris and David J. Rothman (eds.) Oxford History of the Prison, O.U.P.
1999"Penal Philosophy" in Leslie Fairweather and Seán McConville (eds.),Penal Ideas and Prison Architecture, London, Architectural Press
2002“Gentlemen Convicts, Dynamitards and Paramilitaries: the Limits of Criminal Justice”, in Anthony Bottoms and Michael Tonry (eds.), Ideology, Crime and Criminal Justice, Willan Publishing
2003“Listening Not Hearing: Political Prisoners and Penal Policy 1906-1920”, in Lucia Zedner and Andrew Ashworth (eds.) The Criminological Foundations of Penal Policy: Essays in Honour ofRoger Hood, Oxford University Press
2012“Engels and Fenianism: Reflections upon Alchemy”, in Marx-Engels Yearbook 2011, Berlin, Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe.
(B) CollectionsEdited
1975The Use of Imprisonment, London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
1978Penal Philosophy and Prison Architecture, Chichester and London: Barry Rose (with Peter Dickens).
1985Our Crowded Prisons (Vol. 478 of The Annals of the AmericanAcademy of Political and Social Science), BeverleyHills, CA: Sage.
1987America's Correctional Crisis, Westport, CT: Greenwood. (with Stephen D. Gottfredson).
1999Penal Ideas and Prison Architecture, Architectural Press (with Leslie Fairweather)
2003The Use of Punishment, Cullompton: Willan
(C) JointPublications
1978"Design for Containment", (with Peter Dickens) in Peter Dickens and Seán McConville (eds.) Penal Philosophy and Prison Architecture, Chichester and London: Barry Rose.
1985Crime and Punishment: A Radical Rethink, London: The Tawney Society (with Eryl Hall Williams).
1987"The English Response to the Penal Crisis", in Stephen D. Gottfredson and Seán McConville (eds.), America's Correctional Crisis: Prison Populations and Public Policy, Westport, CT: Greenwood (with Eryl Hall Williams).
1988Islamic Criminal Law and Procedure:An Introduction, Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger (with Matthew Lippman and Mordechai Yershalmi).
1991"Corrections and Criminalistics: Pragmatism, Principles and Policy", Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36, 5 (September) 1416 (with David A. Stoney and David J. Klug).
2010“Observations on Criminal Justice in Accession States: Greece andIreland”, in Maria Galanou (ed.) Essays in Honour of Professor CD Spinellis, Athens, N. Sakkoulas, 2010 (with Anna Bryson)
2013Routledge Guide to Interviewing, London and New York, Routledge, 2013 (with Anna Bryson)
(D) Monograph
1986A Review of Correctional Policies of the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C.: The German Marshall Fund of the United States. (Pp. 338 & iii).
(E) ParliamentaryReports Prepared
1978Fifteenth Report from the Expenditure Committee: The Reduction of Pressure on the Prison System, London: HMSO, pp. 711 & lxxxviii. (Prepared jointly with Eryl Hall Williams).
1979"Women and the Penal System", pp. 120. ( Unpublished because of dissolution of Parliament).
1980Fifth Report from the Home Affairs Committee: The Law Relating to Public Order, London: HMSO, pp. 125 & xxvi.
1981Fourth Report from the Home Affairs Committee: The Prison Service, London: HMSO, pp. 282 & xxiii.
(G) Books: Sole Author
1981A History of English Prison Administration: Vol. 1: 1750-1877, London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul Pp. xvii & 535.
1995English Local Prisons 1860-1900: Next Only to Death, London and New York: Routledge (Pp. xiii & 819). (Vol. 2 of series).
2003Irish Political Prisoners 1848-1922: Theatres of War, London and New York: Routledge (Pp.xii & 820). (Vol 3 of series).
2013Irish Political Prisoners 1920-1966: Pilgrimage of Desolation, London and New York: Routledge (Pp. xxvii & 1122) (vol. 4 of series)
(H) Current Interests
Completion ofIrish Political Prisoners trilogy; Peace Process Project (see link on School of Law Webpage); research ethics; penal policy, law and sentencing, judicial independence.
October 2013