2009 & 2010

(CS-13, CS-14, CS-15)





Course Code / Assignment No. / Maximum Marks / Last Date of Submission / Page No.
CS-13 / MCA (6)-13/TMA/FINAL / 10 Marks / 15st October (for July session)
15th April (for January session)
MCA (6)-13/Project/FINAL / 15 Marks / 31st October (for July session)
30th April (for January session)
CS-14 / MCA (6)-14/TMA/FINAL / 10 Marks / 15st October (for July session)
15th April (for January session)
MCA (6)-14/Project/FINAL / 15 Marks / 31st October (for July session)
30th April (for January session)
CS-15 / MCA(6)-15/TMA/FINAL / 10 Marks / 15th October (For July session)
15th April (for January session)
MCA (6)-15/Project/FINAL / 15 Marks / 31st October (for July session)
30th April (for January session)

Course Code : CS-13

Course Title : Operating Systems

Assignment Number : MCA (6)-13/TMA/FINAL

Maximum Marks : 10

Last Dates for Submission : 15th October (for July session)

15th April (for January)

This is a Tutor Marked Assignment. There are four questions in this Assignment. Answer all the questions. Each question carries equal weightage. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments.

Question 1: A time sharing system is to be designed to support a large number of users. List all the considerations which influence the choice of the time slice. Justify each consideration.

Question 2: List the conditions under which memory allocation decisions can delay the initiation or scheduling of a program.

Question 3: Discuss whether there are any advantages of using a multitasking operating system, as opposed to a serial-processing one in a computer system dedicated to serving the needs of a single user. Explain the tradeoffs involved, and describe some representative applications that support your arguments.

Question 4: Discuss in detailed the features, memory management, process management, file management, security and protection mechanism in WINDOWS VISTA Operating System.

Course Code : CS-13

Course Title : Operating Systems

Assignment Number : MCA (6)-13/Project/FINAL

Maximum Marks : 15

Last Dates for Submission : 31st October (for July session)

30th April (for January Session)

This is a Project assignment. There are four questions. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments.

Question 1: Study and implement the Dining Philosopher’s problem using C/C++ programming language.

(4 Marks)

Question 2: Study and implement the Dekker’s solution to mutual exclusion using C/C++ programming language.

(4 Marks)

Question 3: Explain the operation and give examples of routing in multistage switch-

based systems.

(3 Marks)

Question 4: Develop a procedural design (algorithms nearer to C-language code) for any encryption/decryption algorithm of your choice given in the book. Define all appropriate data structures in the design representation

(4 Marks)

Course Code : CS-14

Course Title : Intelligent Systems

Assignment Number : MCA (6)-14/TMA/FINAL

Maximum Marks : 10

Last Date of Submission : 15th October (for July session)

15th April (for January)

This is a Tutor Marked Assignment. There are three questions in this assignment. Answer all questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines given in the Programme Guide regarding assignments.

Question 1: (a) Identify the following variables as nominal, ordinal, binary or


(i)  Population

(ii)  Sex

(iii)  Temperature

(iv)  Wavelength

(v)  University class

(vi)  Intelligence

(b) For the sentence given below, develop propositional tree using the same label links as those used in Human Associative Memory (HAM):

The birds were singing in the park.

(c) Write an efficient algorithm that determines whether a string S2 consisting of m characters, occurs as a substring somewhere in a string S1 of n characters, m £ n.

(4 Marks)

Question 2: Write an efficient algorithm that determines whether a string S2 consisting of m characters, occurs as a substring somewhere in string S1 of n characters, mn. (3 Marks)

Question 3: Identify valid and invalid strings:-

a)  “this is a string”

b)  this is a string

c)  “please enter your roll no.

d)  “a b c d efg #$%@!”

e)  my roll no. is 123456” (3 Marks)

Course Code : CS-14

Course Title : Intelligent Systems

Assignment Number : MCA (6)-14/Project/FINAL

Maximum Marks : 15

Last Date of Submission : 31st October (for July session)

30th April (for January)

This is a Project Assignment. There are five questions in this project assignment. Answer all questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanation.

Question 1:

(a) Explain the following concepts in context of objected-oriented representations:

(i)  Inheritance

(ii)  Class

(iii)  Message

(iv)  Polymorphism

Include at least one example for each, in your explanation.

(2 Marks)

(b) Express the following sentences as conceptual dependency structures:

(i)  Dr. Prasad is an Assistant Professor in I. I. T. Delhi

(ii)  Meena ate rice

(iii) Sabina borrowed a book from Zarina (3 Marks)

Question 2: Transform the following sentence in clausal form:

(3 Marks)

Question 3: Write the value of each of the following LISP expression:

a)  ’(+ 15 61 17)

b)  (member ’f ’(a b c d ) )

c)  ( Lessp 13 19 12 )

d) ( cdr ’( (a b ) (c d e ) ) ) (2 Marks)

Question 4: Write an iterative function named PRODUCT-ALL using do construct that takes an integer n as argument and returns the product of all integers from 1 to n. For example, (PRODUCT-ALL 4) returns 24.

(3 Marks)

Question 5: Write a program in LISP to compute the area of a circle using user prompts & I/O functions.

(2 Marks)

Course Code : CS-15

Course Title : Relational Database Management Systems

Assignment Number : MCA(6)-15/TMA/FINAL

Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage – 10 Marks)

Last Date of Submission : 15th October (for July session)

15th April (for January)

This is a Tutor Marked Assignment. There are five questions (equal marks) in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Answer to each part of the question should be short not exceeding 300 words unless specified and to the point. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignment given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

Question 1:

Explain the concept of transactions in the context of database management system with the help of a simple transaction program. Also explain the ACID properties of the transactions using the example(s). Show an example of deadlock that can result during execution of concurrent transactions.

Question 2:

Some database system can recover from failures. Explain with the help of an example what failure in the context of transactions in database system and how can a DBMS recover from failure.

Question 3:

Why do you need to normalise database design? “A 3NF decomposition is dependency preserving and lossless, whereas BCNF decomposition is not dependency preserving but is lossless.” Justify the statement given above with the help of an example of decomposition of database system using functional dependencies.

Question 4:

Explain the use of Audit Trials in a database system with the help of an example. Also explain the concept of statistical databases. Explain the additional data threats that exist in statistical database with the help of example(s).


Explain the various steps of execution of database query with the help of an example. (You should generate a query execution plan in your example.)

Course Code : CS-15

Course Title : Relational Database Management Systems

Assignment Number : MCA (6)-15/Project/FINAL

Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 15 Marks)

Last Dates for Submission : 31st October (for July session)

30th April (for January)

This is a Project Assignment. It consists of six questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignment given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation.

Question 1:

Consider the following relations of a business organization:

Consumers (C_code, C_name, C_phone)

Items (I_code, I_desc, I_price)

Bill_consumer (Bill_id, C_code, Bill_date)

Bill_items (Bill_id, I_code, Quantity)

(a) Write the appropriate SQL commands and relational algebraic query for the following:

(8 Marks)

(i)  Find the name of consumers who has not purchased anything in the last month. (Please note that for such consumer there will not be any bill in the last month).

(ii)  Find the total amount payable by a consumer whose name is “Rajat”.

(iii) Find the item code, item description and item price for all those items whose price is above average item price.

(iv) Find the top 20 popular items in the last year (a popular item is the one whose quantity sold is higher)

(b) Convert the algebraic queries so created in part (a) into an optimized query graph.

(10 Marks)

Question 2:

A Library maintains the database of its members and book loans using a database system having the following relations: (12 Marks)

LIBRAY_ITEM (item_id, item_title, authornames)

MEMBER (m_id, m_name, m_contactphone, m_dob)

LOAN (m_id, item_id, dateofgivingloan)

Constraints: One member can be given at most 5 library items as Loans.

(i)  Identify suitable access rights for the librarian, members and database administrator.

(ii)  Create the access matrix for (i) above.

(iii)  Write the query modification statement on the basis of access matrix created in part (ii) for the members.

Question 3:

A University offers different types of courses – Post Graduate Degrees, Under Graduate Degrees, and Certificates. All these degrees can be obtained either by full time students or part time students. To award a degree a student must successfully complete courses worth a minimum of 72 credits for the Post Graduate Degree, 96 credits for the Graduate Degree and 16 credits for the Certificate programmes. The University offers a number of subjects to its students, which may worth 2 credit points, 3 credit points and 4 credit points. To successfully complete a course a student must get a grade of ‘C’ in that subject.

(i) Prepare an E-R diagram for the University showing all entities, relationship,

specialization, aggregation and generalization.

(ii) Create the RDBMS tables and identify primary keys, foreign keys and all types of dependencies

(20 Marks)

Question 4:

Consider the following relations and some of the constraints on the relations:

VIDEOISSUELIST(video id, video title, Actors, price, dates of purchase, member id, member name date of issue)

Some of the constraints on the relations are:

·  A member can be issued at most one video

·  the present table does not take care of the number of copies of a video.

·  The number of actors of a video can be at most 3.

Clearly the relation above is not a suitable database design, now perform the following operations:

(i)  Modify the design of the relation such that it can take care of the constraints listed above.

(ii)  Identify the key of the new relations, set of FDs and the non-redundant cover of the identified FDs.

(iii)  Normalize the relation into BCNF. Is the decomposition dependency preserving?

(20 Marks)

Question 5:

Consider the following two transactions that are run concurrently. Create at least two serialisable and two non-serialisable schedules. For the serialisable schedule show the order of execution using the precedence graph: (20 Marks)

T1 T2 read-item(X); read-item(X);

X = X + N; X = X – M;

write-item(X); write-item(X);


Y = Y – N;


Question 6:

Explain the two-phase commit protocol with the help of an example. (10 Marks)