Department of Secondary Education, SE 370-05/SE371-01
Block III Field Experience for Middle/Secondary English
Revision 2012
The Teacher as Competent Professional Educator
I. Catalog Description and Credit Hours of the Course: The Teacher Candidate will apply knowledge of professional education, an academic specialization, and the education of the exceptional child to an appropriate classroom setting. 2 hr. (SE371-01, 1hr.)
TC’s will be placed in an area school by the Supervising Teacher to observe and teach a unit to one section of high school students. The placement will involve 45 hours of observing/teaching and 15 hours of workshop (for constructing the TWS, etc. MS candidates log 30 hours in the field and may choose one discipline for writing the TWS). TC’s will keep a Professional Observation Journal and construct a complete TWS for the unit taught.
II. Prerequisites and Corequisites:
Prerequisites: Blocks I & II. (Prerequisites recommended: EN379, EN378, LI385); Corequisites:SE319
III. Purpose or Objectives of the Course:
A. Teacher Candidates will exhibit competence by applying pedagogical and content knowledge of English language arts in an appropriate field setting. (competent) MoSTEP 1.2.1, .2, .3, .5, .6, .7, .8 (see attached matrix for detail cross referencing).
C. Teacher Candidates will engage in reflective practice to inform instruction and professional growth.(reflective) MoSTEP 1.2.4.,.5., .8,. 9
D. Teacher Candidates will demonstrate dedication to caring professional behavior and dispositions which help to insure that all students learn.(caring) MOSTEP 1.2.2, 9, 10
E. Teacher Candidates will demonstrate the ability to work with diverse populations to ensure that all students learn. (diversity) MoSTEP 1.2.3
F. Teacher Candidates will demonstrate the ability to integrate technology in all facets of
teaching and learning. (technology) MoSTEP 1.2.5
G. Teacher candidates will identify, interpret, create, and communicate using printed and
written materials associated with English language arts in a variety of ways. (literacy)
MoSTEP 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.7
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to design a unit plan with assessment tools for teaching in a field middle or secondary classroom. / Measurement : Satisfactory completion of Teacher Work Sample (TWS).Students should be able to critique their field classroom observations. / Measurement : Satisfactory completion of classroom observation journal.
Students should be able to demonstrate competence in teaching a unit in a field secondary classroom. / Measurement: Satisfactory evaluations from both classroom and university supervisors.
V. Relationship of the Conceptual Framework to Standards
“Southeast Missouri State University’s Conceptual Framework is predicated on the belief that all students can learn and every child deserves dedicated teachers who have a firm grasp of content, are effectively trained, and know how to teach to high standards. An increasing emphasis on professional standards for educators reinforces the relevance of the College of Education’s vision of a competent, reflective, and caring professional as the grounding tenet of our conceptual framework as well as a commitment to proficiency in literacy, diversity, and technology. As the lists of expected achievement indicators, competencies, and dispositions issued by government and professional groups become more extensive, only a competent professional who actively reflects on his/her teaching, while maintaining a caring attitude, is and/or will be capable of meeting the intent of those standards.”
VI. Expectations of Students:
A. Successfully complete a minimum of 60 clock hours (30 hours in each area for middle school ) in an appropriate field setting gaining a variety of experiences. The Teacher Candidate will progress from passive observer to active participant over the course of the field experience.
B. Attend 15 Workshop hours for one-on-one coaching while writing the Teacher Work Sample.
C. Plan, prepare, teach, and submit a polished Teacher Work Sample with several consecutive lessons which fit into the overall instructional plan of the cooperating teacher and contribute to achieving the educational goals of the course.
D. Analyze, reflect on, and evaluate the lessons taught.
E. Submit Cooperating Teacher Formative and Summative Evaluations
F. Keep a professional journal of field experiences. Due after Block III assignment.
Questions, comments or requests regarding this course or program should be taken to me, your instructor. Unanswered questions or unresolved issues involving this class may be taken to Dr. Simin Cwick, Secondary Education Chair in Scully 245.
VII. Course Content:
A. Workshops for TWS preparation 15 hours
B. Observing and Teaching a unit in a middle or secondary classroom 60 hours
VIII. Textbook: none, but guidelines, examples, and a rubric for preparing the TWS will be supplied.
IX. Basis for Teacher Candidate Evaluation
A. Cooperating Teacher’s Formative Evaluations of Teaching (25% of grade)
B. University Supervisor’s Formative Evaluation of Teaching (25% of grade)
C. Completed professional observation journal (15%of grade)
D. TWS: (35% of grade): must be submitted to Chalk and Wire by established deadline
No score lower than a C is acceptable in this course.
X. Professional Dispositions for Teacher Education
“The Dispositions, as assessed within Teacher Education are guided by the central core of the Conceptual Framework. The beliefs and attitudes related to the areas of competence, reflection and caring, were the guiding force in establishing the 11 current dispositions assessed beginning in Block II and continuing through the graduate level. These dispositions continue to be validated by P-12 personnel, faculty, and the teaching candidates as the evaluation process evolves. An Improvement Disposition Plan (IDP) form was created to inform and remediate the candidates who did not meet or exceed the expectations of the unit. The IDP form is available for faculty to utilize during supervision of field experiences, as well as in the classroom setting.”
The following assessed dispositions are listed under the applicable Conceptual Framework Term.
Competent: -Self-initiative/Independence
Reflective: -Response to feedback
-Desire to improve teaching performance
Caring: -Tact judgment (with peers and/or instructors
-Interaction with students, peers, teachers and others
-Attitudes towards learners/Fairness
-Attitudes towards cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic diversity
-Commitment to the profession
Southeast Missouri State University
Conceptual Framework Standards
For Teacher Preparation
1. The candidates will apply content and pedagogical knowledge to teaching and learning (competent)
1.1 implement varied instructional strategies appropriate for content, skills and developmental levels being addressed / MoSTEP,,, / NCTE/NCATE 4.01.2 draw on theories of learning and child development in designing age-, content- and developmentally-appropriate strategies that actively engage students across the range of individual / MoSTEP,,,, / NCTE/NCATE 3.7.2
1.3 plan and implement a variety of pre- and post-instructional assessments that are aligned with objectives and that span the ability range of students / MoSTEP, 1.2,8.1 / NCTE/NCATE 4.10
1.4 provide feedback to students during lessons and on student work / MoSTEP,, / NCTE/NCATE 4.10
1.5 sequence instruction in a way that demonstrates understanding of the discipline being taught / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 3.0
2. The candidates will engage in reflective practice to inform instruction and professional growth (reflective)
2.1 use analysis of student learning data to make modifications to instructional decisions / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 4.102.2 use of assessment data to profile student learning and communicate information concerning student achievement / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 4.10
2.3 use of reflective practice on instruction and assessment to improve teaching / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 3.7.1
2.4 reflect critically on personal performance in order to improve / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 3.7.2
3. The candidates will demonstrate dedication to caring, professional behavior and dispositions which help to insure that all students learn. (caring)
3.1 demonstrate professionalism: punctuality, cooperation, attendance, initiative, and participation in school settings / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 2.33.2 acknowledges that students bring differing perspectives to any given topic, including social and political issues, and demonstrates respect for the rights of students to express their feelings, ideas, and differences on such topics. / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 4.4
3.3 models behaviors and attitudes that have a positive impact on student learning, / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 2.1
3.4 demonstrate high ethical standards and ethical interactions in all professional relationships / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 2.1
3.5 displays warm, responsive interactions with students, communicating a genuine liking for and interest in students’ interests and the content taught / MoSTEP / NCTE/NCATE 2.6
4. The candidates will demonstrate the ability to work with diverse populations to ensure that all students learn. (diversity)
4.1. evaluate, plan, and provide content to meet the needs of culturally and developmentally diverse student populations / MoSTEP,, / NCTE/NCATE 4.44.2 analyze assessment results to judge student progress and evaluate and improve instruction so that the needs of a diverse student population are met / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 4.10
4.3 demonstrate knowledge of and sensitivity to different cultural, emotional, developmental, and cognitive needs of students / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 4.4, 2.2
5. The candidates will demonstrate the ability to integrate technology in all facets of teaching and learning. (technology)
5.1 plan for the use of appropriate materials and resources, including technological resources that support the learning environment and experiences / MoSTEP,,,, / NCTE/NCATE 3.6.1, 4.65.2 apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 4.10
5.3 implement varied instructional strategies that use technology to maximize student learning / MoSTEP, / NCTE/NCATE 3.6.2
5.4 utilize technology to enhance productivity and professional practice / MoSTEP,,, / NCTE/NCATE 3.6
5.5 apply social, ethical, or legal standards when using technology in planning and instruction / MoSTEP,, / NCTE/NCATE 3.6
6. The candidates will identify, understand, interpret, create and communicate using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. (literacy)
6.1 deliver content that is current, sequential, accurate, and motivational, and that is appropriate for the objectives of the lesson / MoSTEP,, / NCTE/NCATE 3.26.2 plan strategies that actively engage students in research, critical thinking, problem solving and creative expression / MoSTEP,,,,, / NCTE/NCATE 3.2