SDSWMA Board Minutes

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 – 11:00 CT

Conference Call Meeting

Call to Order

President Tim Kenyon called the meeting to order at 11:05 am. Board members on call were Ron Olson, Larry McManus, Karl Merbach, Mike Colman, Tim Kenyon, Mike Erickson, Jay Johnson and Executive Director (ED) Carolyn Trautman. There were no additions to the agenda.

Administrative Actions and Approvals

Motion by Larry McManus, second by Karl Merbach to approve minutes from the March 29, 2013boardmeeting, motion carried. Michael Ericksonprovided the followingfinancial report: Copies of printouts from online checking will be scanned and emailed to the Board after the meeting-from March 11-June 18, 2013: checking balance of $15,551.96and investment savings balance of $51,355.69. Motion by Larry McManus to approve the financial report as read, second by Ron Olson, motion carried. Trautman reported ascholarship fund balance as of May 31, 2013 of $38,427.48. Motion by Ron Olson to approve the scholarship financial report as read, second by Karl Merbach, motion carried. Discussion about potential scholarship award increases continued from last meeting. President Kenyon opened by stating the purpose of the discussion continues to be determining a means of injecting stability into our annual scholarship awards, maximizing what is given without jeopardizing the fund. Everyone is in agreement that the Association should give more money out in scholarship awards. The money raised and deposited to the fund is only for scholarships. The fund is nearing $40,000. All agreed $40,000 could be the “self- sustaining” point for the fund and once the fund is at $40,000, all monies above would be awarded in scholarships. The exact number would be determined in early January from the year end fund statement and communicated to the scholarship committee. Currently $2,500.00 is awarded annually. Additional discussion will be solicited during the general membership meeting at the annual conference.

Old Business

The Policy, Resolutions and Bylaws committee reviewed comments from the membership on the remaining proposed revisions to ARSD 74:05:10 (SWMP grant and loan program) and noted that the first change which repeals the provision requiring a minimum of 40% local share is superseded by 46A1-61 which states a grant may not exceed 80% of the non-federal share. DENR stated that no match is necessary and this allows more flexibility in offering funding packages to applicants of anywhere from 20-100% in grant and/or loan. This same guideline is being removed from the consolidated funding rules. 74:05:10:17 is being removed because it is redundant. If state law requires a permit, then a permit is necessary before funding can be accessed. This becomes part of the grant/loan documentation. 74:05:10:18 already exists in SDCL 34A-9. 74:05:10:19 is not needed because P&S are required as part of ARSD for sanitary and all funded projects must follow state laws and rules. 74:05:10:28 is already covered by SDCL 4-8-21 which specifies that uncommitted funds are available for four years, being carried over each year and after four years the money stays in the water and environment fund. 74:05:10:29 eliminates the Boards ability to waive the required debt coverage ratio due to financial hardship. Applicants must demonstrate 100% coverage of security pledged and this problem is generally addressed with the grant part of the funding package. A loan is not made without a demonstrated ability to pay it back. There were no other issues or questions about the remaining revisions. The committee recommended having ED contact Jim Feeney with DENR and relay the Association’s acceptance of the remaining changes with the justifications provided.

ED and Karen have been working on t-shirts with the Association logo to be handed out as gifts to workshop/training attendees as part of membership outreach and name recognition. ED updated the Board on the prices which were $5.95/shirt with XL’s and up + $1.50/ea. Three hundred shirts will be about $2000.00.

Annual Conference Committee Action Needed:

Policy, Resolutions and Bylaws Committee and Membership Committee will be working on potential bylaw changes to address a recent issue which arose with Millennium Recycling who was previously a voting industry member. Millennium chose to not renew their membership for two years and then rejoin as an affiliate member. A change to the bylaws that further defines the types of membership and associated benefits may address the issue for the future. These committees will work on drafting changes and bringing them to the General Membership for discussion and approval at the annual conference. 2012-13 Resolutions will need to be reviewed and proposed changes drafted for the annual conference.

Awards Committee:

ED will send out the nomination announcement for annual awards requesting nominations by August 15, 2013. The nominations will go to the committee. Mike E. and Larry need to get in touch with each other regarding the structure/requirements/awards for the new Solid Waste Hall of Fame.

Nominations Committee:

Bob Iverson, Larry McManus and Karen Weeldreyer have Director Terms ending in 2013, plus a nomination will be needed for the Vice President’s position. ED will work with the committee to get a slate drafted for the General Membership meeting at the Annual.

No other committee action was noted.

Next Board meeting to be in September in conjunction with the Annual Conference.

Motion by Karl Merbach to adjourn, second by Larry McManus, motion carried. Meeting adjourned ~ noon.

Respectfully submitted Carolyn Trautman, Executive Director SDSWMA