Photo 180/181 Digital Imaging
N. David King, Instructor / NAME:______
DUE: Grade:______

IMAGING PROJECT "Simulations: Virtual Darkroom Techniques"

One complaint about digital has been that it does not offer the wealth of options available in traditional photography being a natural color medium. No part of that complaint is true. Just like color negs and transparencies digital converts a black and white image to color. And the digital editing process allows us to create a believable simulation of virtually any image ever made in a wet process and put on paper. Using standard editing techniques most photo processes can be recreated and with the addition of some filters many traditional art techniques can be simulated as well. We can even create the look of handmade/mouldmade paper with its natural deckled edge.

Subject / Any subject you wish but it should be your own photograph.
Procedure / For 180 students: following class demos I want you to choose a simulation and produce a photograph that looks like a non-standard wet darkroom print. It can be IR, posterization, tone line, lith, Orton, etc. You can download specific instruction handouts on my web site.
For 181 students, in addition to the photograph above, I want you to simulate a different edge treatment on your image. You can use something that looks like a deckle, create your own, or even simulate the look of film. This edge will be incorporated into your image and displayed as it would be from a fill frame or floating mat photo.
When completed,flatten the file, convert it to sRGB and 8-bit mode; resize it to 100 PPI and with the maximum dimension set at 1,000 pixels.
This final file should be Named/Save-As “yourname simulation final.jpg”
Also include the original un-retouched version using the same settings and size but Saved As “yourname simulation original.jpg
To Turn-in / In an 8-1/2 x11 envelope, properly labeled turn in…
  1. This project sheet
  2. A CD (or USB drive) configured with the original file and the retouched final in the root directory.
  3. If you lose the project handout be sure to include a sheet of notebook paper with the assignment and your name on it. (Of course you can download another assignment sheet if you wish.)

Grading / This project will be graded on multiple criteria. Technically, how well have you exposed the negatives and made/finished the print. Aesthetically, how well have you conveyed your intended message and story? Professionally how well have you followed the instructions?