Subject: 1851 Census:Whitby Twp Concesscion 9
To: Joanne and Brian mcclung <>,
Bev Gorn Arrowood <>, Herb Barge <>,
Bonny Dillen-Daku <>,
Carol Fraser <>, Bill Gray <>,


I'm including Joanne on this mailing -- she may wawnt to join our group!

The attached document is something I decided to put together after reviewing my 1861 Tax Assessment roll for Scugog -- I've added a few notes since last updated below.

The Wm. Thoompson of Whitby -- owner of the property that Joseph Thompson is on per the Assessment, got me to really looking into Whitby -- then I reviewed concession 9 and found ALL KINDS of FOLKS from our THOMPSON FAMILY HISTORY -- inlcuding Joanne's line of BUSTONs from England that merge a FEW times with our lines.

So have a look and have fun -- I'll be away until next Thursday/Friday -- and will continue with the Butson info from Joanne and then contact you all with the "goodies".


ScugogTownship -- 1861 Tax Assessment Roll

1.Rev. W. Curie, farmer, householder, age 44, owned by Abigal Bonet, Sec 1, Conc 5, Lot 21 NP, 4 ½ acres + 10 ½ acres, Value $210.

2. Joseph Reader, farmer, freeholder, age 55, Sec 1, Conc 5, Lot 22 NP, 83 acres + 20 acres, Value $2288; Sec 1 Conc 6 23, SS, 40 acres + 10 acres, Value $950; personal property $400; Total value $3638

3. F.W. Bates farmer, householder, age 32,owned by ?, Sec 1, Conc 5, lot 23 N ½, 40 acres + 57 acres, Value $750 AND householder on land owned by Demington Lundy, Sec 1, Conc 6 Lot 22 south .?., 55 acres + 15 acres; Value $1260; personal property Value $100; Total Value $2110

4. Mary Yemks, weaver, freeholder, age 39, Sec 1 Conc 5, Lot 23 N ??., 2 acres + 1 acres, Value $60

5. Levina Dillen, householder, age 65, owned by Fairbanks of Oshawa, Section 1, Conc 5, Lot 24 NP, 20 acres, Value $200. [This entry has a line drawn through it – would this be because Levina had died?] This is Carol Dillen Linden’s family.

6. William Wilson, farmer, householder, age 51, Sec 1 Conc 6, Lot 21, GP, 30 acres + 44 acres, Value $792

7. Y. S. Duffer, school teacher, freeholder, age 22, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 22 S ?arm, 4 acres, Value $160

8. Mary Hart, labour, freeholder, age 27, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 22 SP, 1 acre, Value $40

9. David Ker, labour, freeholder, age 53, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 22 SP, 1 acre, Value $75

10. Walter Bey, carpenter, freeholder, age 40, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 22 SP, 1 acres, Value $75

11. Demington Lundy, farmer, freeholder, age 29, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 22 N ?, 40 acres, Value $800; personal property Value $200; Total value $1000.

12. Elijah Gerve, labour, householder, age 29, owned by Thomas Henry, Sec 1 Conc 6, Lot 22 S, 1 acre, Value $175

13. Jacob Pichel, farmer, freeholder, age 56, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 21 NP, 3 acres, Value $40; freeholder Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 22 N ¼ 50 acres, Value $900; personal property value $200; Total value $1140

14. E. W. Gamble, farmer, freeholder, age 35, Sec 1, Con 6, Lots 22 Se P. 28 acres, Value $520; and freeholder, Sec1 Conc 6, lot 23 S ¼, 40 acres + 10 acres, Value $1000; plus Sec 1 Conc 5, Lot 24, 5 acres + 75acres $200 value; personal property $200, Total value $1920

15. Aaron Thompson, farmer, freeholder, age 25, Sec 1, Conc 6, 23 North or West 1/2, 75 acres + 25 acres, $1900 value; personal property value $200; Total value $2100

His age means he was born 1836 sooo, who does he belong to??

1851 Census: Darlington Twp., Durham Co., Ontario

Agricultural Census: lot 33, Conc 6, Darlington Twp.

Thompson Hillis, IRE, farmer, age next birthday, 34

Elizabeth, wife, Presb, Scotch Kirk, 35 [this is an error]

I. Albert Hillis, 3 [1518]

Aaron Thompson, 17 [1390] – in 1861????

John Thompson, 14 [1391]

Elizabeth Thompson, 13 [1392]

William Thompson, 10 [1393]


Need to check 1860 Census: St. Clair, St. Clair Co., Michigan for Aaron 1390 Thompson – maybe it is him in Scugog??

16. Isaac Rodman, farmer, freeholder, age 68, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 24 S 1/4, 40 acres + 10 acres, Value $650; personal property value $200; Total value $850

17. Henry Rodman, farmer, householder, owned by Isaac Rodman, age 29, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 24 S ?, 16 acres + 34 acres, Value $500.

18. William Rodman, farmer, freeholder, age 34, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot 2?, 45 acres + 55 acres, Value $1100; personal property value $200; Total value $1300.

19. Joseph Thompson, farmer, householder, age 32, owned by Wm. Thompson, Whitby, Sec 1, Conc 6, Lot?, 25 acres + 75 acres, $1100 value.

His age means he was born 1829 soooo, this is NOT Joseph 102 Thompson who married Rosanna Dillen as he died in 1859; could be brother of 13. Aaron Thompson or related to landowner Wm. Thompson of Whitby OR could be son of Henry