Item / Description
Date / Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Time / 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Location / Cochran Room, KilcawleyCenter
Role / Name
Facilitator / Marianne Anderson
Participants / Lois Catheline
Katrena Davidson
Jim Herschel
Rich Hideg
Jan Loychik
Patty Seachman
Not Present / Akhande Khan
Tom Maters
Bob McGovern
Mary Noble
Tina Weintz
Fran Wolf
Agenda Topic / Notes
Finance Team Meeting for 12/8/04 / Meeting cancelled due to Banner Finance training.
YES Website / Discussed the launching of the website and pointed out the are of “key milestones”. Told the team if they felt there were any successes to report, we would submit a short description to be included in the key milestones section.
Finance Technical Training in February / Not necessary for the functional team to attend. SCT Banner’s idea of “power users” refers to more of the technical team. Super users of report writers, FOCUS, etc.
Chart of Accounts / Katrena Davidson discussed the format General Accounting would require the university community to use when requesting a new number to be added to the chart of accounts.
Navigation in Banner / Discussed that no one should access the Banner site until the Computer Services DBA’s could set-up additional trainer security.
Data MigrationToolkit / Mentioned the meeting for the Data Migration Toolkit. No one from the finance team feels the need to attend. They want the team leader to represent the finance team.
Banner 7.0 / Pros for implementing sooner than later:
1. if the technical team is satisfied with the stability of 7.0, the team felt it would be better to learn the system once instead of starting in one environment and switching to another.
2. since we already do not know the system, what difference would it make to start in 7.0
3. if it has already been decided to send people to Summit, wouldn’t it be better that attendees had some idea of what 7.0 was like, since SCT will be showcasing that version at the Summit.
Cons for implementing sooner than later:
1. the documentation we just printed is based on 6.0. Will the functional manuals change much or will it be more on the technical side?
2. will Richard be able to train us on 7.0?
Richard’s Agenda / Passed out the Finance Self-Service training workbook that Richard will be reviewing on December 8th.
General Consulting / Passed out a list of “homework issues” that need to be discussed with Richard during general consulting on December 9th and 10th.
Progress of vendor assignment / Purchasing and Accounts Payable have met and reviewed the report run by Mary Noble. Nancy Davidson has given a report to Kathy Kish in Bursar’s Office to review the provider records. There are 600+ provider records to review. General Accounting is working on the agencies. Mary Noble has asked the vendor work team to return their completed assignment to her by Wednesday, December 22 for the merging of vendor records, provider records and agency records.
Progress of financial reports assignment / Rich Hideg has looked at some of the Banner reports. At this time, no other team member has.
Action Item / Owner / Due Date / Status
Determine naming conventions for COA elements / General Accounting / 11/30/04 / Open
Clean up legacy tables for Banner conversion (vendor, agency, persons) / Accounts Payable, Purchasing (for vendor), Grants Office and Bursar’s (for agency). / 12/31/04 / Open
Compile an inventory of existing financial reports and review Chapter 26 in User’s Guide / Finance Team / 01/17/05 / Open

AGENDA-Notes #7 to dona and Eileen.doc