Scrubbing, Gowning, Gloving and Asepsis
Competency Tool


Scrubbing, Gowning, Gloving and Asepsis Competency Tool

The Victorian Department of Health is making this document freely available on the internet for health services to use and adapt to meet the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Each health service is responsible for all decisions on how to use this document at its health service and for any changes to the document. Health services need to review this document with respect to the local regulatory framework, processes and training requirements

The author disclaims any warranties, whether expressed or implied, including any warranty as to the quality, accuracy, or suitability of this information for any particular purpose. The author and reviewers cannot be held responsible for the continued currency of the information, for any errors or omissions, and for any consequences arising there from.

Published by Sector Performance, Quality and Rural Health, Victorian Government, Department of Health

February 2014


Scrubbing, Gowning, Gloving and Asepsis Competency Tool

Key: I – Independent S – Supervised A – Assisted M – Marginal D – Dependent(Refer‘Bondy’ Rating Scale p.5)

Note:Shaded area indicates minimum criteria to meet clinical competency

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA / ELEMENTS / Participant Performance / Standard
Preparation /
  • Dons protective eyewear & appropriate surgical mask pre scrub
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Explains the procedure to the patient/family
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Obtains appropriate consent for the procedure
/ I / S / A / M / D
Surgical scrubbing /
  • Uses appropriate surgical scrub solution
/ I / S / A / M / D /
  • Demonstrates correct initial and subsequent scrubbing technique
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Explains rationale for performing initial 5 minute surgical scrub & subsequent 3 minute scrubs
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Explains the use of surgical Alcohol RUB Solution
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Demonstrates correct surgical RUB technique as per manufacturers guidelines
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Performs initial 5 minute surgical SCRUB with surgical scrub solution prior to use of surgical RUB for subsequent cases
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Re-commences scrub / RUB if contacts any unclean surfaces
/ I / S / A / M / D
Gowning & Gloving /
  • Dries hands aseptically (if using water & scrub solution)
/ I / S / A / M / D /
  • Lets hands air dry (if used surgical Alcohol RUB)
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Demonstrates aseptic donning of surgical gown
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Explains rationale for turning surgical gown and demonstrates same
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Demonstrates aseptic re-gloving technique
/ I / S / A / M / D
Aseptic Technique /
  • Demonstrates maintaining distance of at least ½ metre from the sterile field
/ I / S / A / M / D /
  • Does not cross between two sterile fields
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Inspects sterile articles prior to use to ensure integrity of packaging
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Opens sterile bundles / trays on clean, dry surfaces and maintains sterility of contents
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Opens linen & stock without reaching over sterile field
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Observes the sterile field and advises of any breach in asepsis
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Pours sterile fluids aseptically
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Verifies item, contents and used-by date of fluids, drugs
/ I / S / A / M / D
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA / ELEMENTS / Participant Performance / Standard
Aseptic Technique cont... /
  • Establishes a sterile field using aseptic technique
/ I / S / A / M / D /
  • Verifies any chemical indicators have changed to indicate exposure to sterilization
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Utilises Aseptic Technique to create and maintain aseptic field and asepsis
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Explains why prep should be dry before draping commences
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Discusses safety issues relating to prep solutions and draping e.g. protection of patient eyes, flammability of prep solutions
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Water-proofs areas prone to strike through if using linen drapes
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Does not move drapes once placed
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Considers sharp towels clips as un-sterile once used for draping
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Places additional drapes over wet areas if using linen drapes
/ I / S / A / M / D
  • Removes drapes once drains connected and dressings have been applied
/ I / S / A / M / D

Staff member being assessed:______

Assessor:______Signed (Assessor): ______

(Please print name)

Date of Assessment: ______

Standard Achieved: (please circle one)Competent (C)Not Yet Competent(NYC)

Comments (if required):


Scrubbing, Gowning, Gloving and Asepsis Competency Tool

Action Plan

Please document the agreed education plan and completion timelines for staff assessed as not yet competent:

Staff Member Name______

Staff Member Signature______

Staff Member Ward______

Educator Name______

Educator Signature______

Proposed Completion Date______


Scrubbing, Gowning, Gloving and Asepsis Competency Tool

‘Bondy’ Rating Scale

Scale label / Score / Standard of procedure / Quality of performance / Level of assistance required
Independent / 5 / Safe
Achieved intended outcome
Behaviour is appropriate to context / Proficient
Expedient / No supporting cues required
Supervised / 4 / Safe
Achieved intended outcome
Behaviour is appropriate to context / Proficient
Reasonably expedient / Requires occasional supportive cues
Assisted / 3 / Safe
Achieved most objectives for intended outcome
Behaviour generally appropriate to context / Proficient throughout most of performance when assisted / Requires frequent verbal and occasional physical directives in addition to supportive cues
Marginal / 2 / Safe only with guidance
Not completely accurate
Incomplete achievement of intended outcome / Unskilled
Inefficient / Requires continuous verbal and frequent physical directive cues
Dependent / 1 / Unsafe
Unable to demonstrate behaviour
Lack of insight into behaviour appropriate to context / Unskilled
Unable to demonstrate behaviour/procedure / Requires continuous verbal and continuous physical directive cues

Bondy, 1983


ACORN. (2012-2013). Standards for perioperative nursing including nursing roles, guidelines and position statements. Adelaide: ACORN.

Bondy, K.N. (1984) Clinical Evaluation of student performance: the effects of criteria on accuracy and reliability. Research in Nursing and Health, 7(1), 25-33.

Bondy, K.N. (1983) Criterion-Referenced Definitions for Rating Scales in Clinical Evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education, 22(9), 376-382

Rowley, S., & Clare, S. (2011). Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT): Reducing Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) by Standardising Aseptic Technique with ANTT across Large Clinical Workforces. American Journal of Infection Control, 39(5), 90.

Standards Australia, (2003), Australian/New Zealand Standard: Cleaning, disinfecting & sterilising reusable medical & surgical instruments & equipment, & maintenance of associated environments in health care facilities. Sydney: Standards Australia.


Scrubbing, Gowning, Gloving and Asepsis Competency Tool