HARVEY, LOUISIANA September 16, 2007
All three of today's readings speak of God's mercy and forgiveness. The passage from Exodus tells the story of the golden calf which the Israelites created as an idol instead of offering their worship to God only. God becomes angry and decides to reject them, as they had rejected Him. Moses intercedes on behalf of his people, and God relents in His intention of punishment.
In the second reading, St. Paul describes himself as the greatest of sinners who had previously persecuted Christians. Because Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners He dealt with Paul mercifully, forgiving him. Paul is an example for those who would come to faith after him.
Today's gospel contains the good news that God rejoices over the return of even one lost soul. St. Luke recalls Jesus' parable of the shepherd leaving 99 sheep in search of the one lost sheep. When he finds it he is jubilant, puts it on his shoulders, and brings it safely home. That is just what Our Lord does when we repent of our sins, confess, and return to Him in Holy Communion. No sin is greater than God's mercy; there is nothing He will not forgive a repentant sinner. Our Lord waits, full of love and mercy, for that sinner's return.
Let us reflect on our own lives and how God's mercy has been offered to us, time and again. Perhaps we might offer our Communion in thanksgiving for God's unfathomable mercy and love which extends to all generation.
Today's Scriptures: Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14; Psalm 51; 1 Timothy 1:12-17;
Luke 15:1-32
BLESSED MOTHER'S LAMP will burn in memory of the Bartolo family deceased.
SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Lois LeBlanc requested by Rhea Roth.
ALTAR WINE is given in memory of Betty & Paul Territo.
FLOWERS: Our Blessed Mother's arrangement is given in memory of Calvin Danos requested by his wife and family.
SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Toni Savona, Pat Diez, Pam Lafont, Ann White.
4:00p.m. David & Baby Bruce
6:00p.m. Patsy Plaisance,Gary Schouest,Dominic Bartolo Jr.,For the
Conversion of Sinners,Pete Ditta,Horace Metrejean,Pete Taulli
Sr., William Taulli Jr. & JulianTaulli,Eola M. White,Doyce
Hebert, Frances "Toni" Guthrie,Domino & Conchetta
Bellipanni,Carol Hebert,Nellie Andrus,Eloise Poche Theron,
Emily Sandras,Calvin Donos,Nicole N. Wetzel,James Arbour,
Randolph Gros,Jackie Spera,Emily DiMarco,Henry R. Drury
Jr.,Loisel Bladsacker,G. Bladsacker & G. Breaux,Dolores
Biondillo,Marilyn Sazdoff Harrison
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. John Miller
7:00a.m. Tilman Theriot
7:00a.m. Edward Melancon,Hayes Trosclair,Ciro Palermo,Troy Dean
Williams II,Carlo J. Taravella,Annette Orgeron, Loisel
Bladsacker,Dolores Biondillo,In Thanksgiving, Buddy Bower
7:00a.m. Vera & Eldon Orgeron Sr.
8:30a.m. Troy Dean Williams II
7:00a.m. Tommy & Charles "Tee" Blanchard
7:00a.m. Anthony & Lena Musacarello
7:00a.m. Aubrey LeBlanc
4:00p.m. Babin-DiGiovanni Families Deceased
6:00p.m. Bert & Josephine LeBlanc,Rene & Delia Hidalgo, Eugene Jr.
& Sr., Randy & Michael LaFont,Peggy Eggleton,Frank Stagni,
Burt Gremillion,Ernie & Janet Weaver,Mary Bannon,Sam &
Eula Mae Taulli,Adams-Baye-Schouest Families Deceased,
Alton & Angelina Breaux,Floyd Rome,Rosalie Picarella,Eloise
Poche Theron,Harold West,Emily Sandras,Edmond Orgeron
Jr. Family Deceased,Randolph Gros,Jackie Spera,Emily
DiMarco,Henry R. Drury Jr.,G. Blasacker & G. Breaux
Families Deceased,Marilyn Sazdoff Harrison,In Thanksgiving
to St. Joseph
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. In Honor of St. Rosalie
4:00p.m. Heather F., Ashley F., Bryan T.
6:00p.m. Mary L., Lauren L., Kelvin C.
8:00a.m. Heather U., Linest P.
11:00a.m. Chancelor F., Lauren T., Demi B.
4:00p.m. Ginger G. Marnie L. Harry S. Josie P.
6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Leslie B., Phil R.
8:00a.m. Murphy B. Jill S. Mary L., Janet C.
11:00a.m. Ann W. Belkys V. Kathleen L., Ann W.,
Patti M., Denna C.
May the Lord bless your sacrifice.
1. Second Collection: This weekend there is a second collection for
Catholic Communications. Your contribution will help to promote
wholesome television viewing. Catholic publications, and other
media forms, that present Christian values to the entire public, but
especially our children.
2. Seminarian of the Week: Our seminarian this week is Sean Hogan,
who is a pre-novice. Please remember Sean and all seminarians in
your prayers.
3. Bingo: The St. Rosalie faculty and staff will host a pre-fair bingo this
Friday, September 21st. Everyone is invited to the cafetorium at
7:00p.m. for an evening of fun and friendship.
4. Bus Social: The next bus social to Biloxi will be Monday, October
15th. Call Laura Leaber for details 341-3143.
5. Cenacle Retreat: October 19 & 20: The theme is: God & You!
Prayer as a Personal Relationship. Discover how you can develop an
intimate, personal relationship with God through fruitful prayer. For
details call 504 887-1420, ext. 225.
6. Happy Birthday: We congratulate Mr. Jake “Keno” Territo, who
celebrated his 97th birthday on Friday, September 14th.
7. Annual Fair: September 28, 29, 30th: The biggest event of our
parish takes place in two weeks! We continue to stress the need of
volunteers. We suggest three hour shifts. If you are able to help,
please call the Parish Center (340-1962), any fair member or contact
any person listed below.
.Booth Construction: Construction begins at 8:30a.m. each day of
the week of September 24th. O.J. will be grateful for whatever amount
of time you can spare.
.Kitchen: Preparations, rolling meatballs, cleaning chickens, cutting
sausage, etc. begin on Wednesday, September 26th, 3:00p.m. Help is
also needed during all the fair hours. Call Hilton/Carol Lirette
.Sweets: This booth would be grateful for your donations of fudge,
pralines, brownies, cupcakes, etc. Let any member of the AS/WC
know how you can help. Bring your donation to the “Sweet Shop,”
located on the fair grounds. If possible, bring to the booth on
.Grand Raffle Tickets: Tickets have been distributed to the children
and mailed to registered parishioners. If you are not registered or did
not receive tickets, you can get them from an usher or from the Parish
Center. School children should return their tickets to the school for
credit. Parishioners can drop ticket stubs and money in the collection
or bring them to the Parish Center.
.Rosary Raffle: The AS/WC will again raffle a beautiful, light blue
crystal and silver rosary, which was crafted by Malcolm LeBlanc.
We are most grateful to Malcolm and Vicki for this very generous
donation. Chances are $1.00 each or 6/$5.00. Come to the Parish
Center for advance sales or come to the AS/WC booth during the fair.
.Other Booths Needing Volunteers: Kiddie Land: Mequa Pounds
347-0717; Bradd Jones 341-9756
Sports Zone and Plants: Allen/Debbie Bachot 362-1733. Novelty
Booth: Kathy Savona 340-7800,
Murphy Biondillo 348-3233 Crafts: Iris Isemann 367-3569; Ice
Cream: Toni Savona 341-8044, Pizza: Cathy Ward 341-0594
.Fair Clean-up Day: Monday, October 1st. All booths and equipment
must be picked up, the grounds, cafetorium and church must be swept
and cleaned. All this must be done in one day so that everything
is ready for the students on Tuesday, Please spare whatever time you
can give. Thank You!!!
8. R.C.I.A.: R.C.I. A. classes will be held in the Parish Center at
9:30a.m. on Sunday mornings. If you, a friend or family
member is interested in please contact Diane Haydel at 341-
Dear Parishoners,
How many times do I loose my keys… well, I don't really loose them but misplace them (it really does not make a difference, when they are not with me, they are lost….) More times than I care to remember I place something down in one place and then forget where it was placed and then get aggravated because it can't be found. St. Anthony is the person I pray to in these cases and make promises of prayers (and other things) as I search and search and search. When found, there is time for rejoicing before moving on to the next task. May people, including myself, have a second set of car keys somewhere 'just in case' we need to go somewhere in a hurry and there have been a few times that the second set has been misplaced as well. What does all of this have to do with the readings of Scripture this week? Well, one of the things that I want to take place in the heavenly kingdom (Pray God, in HIS goodness and mercy I am admitted) is to replay events in the lives of various people (not myself, I know them only too well) of interesting or important things like today's conversation with God that Moses has.
Moses has led God's people out of bondage and now, as a reluctant leader, he wants to just rest! God has informed Moses that He is so angry that He will cast gloom and destruction upon the people because they have turned away from Him. Moses, realizing that God really means what He says, begs God not to harm the very people He has chosen as His own, and so does what God wants—Moses prays and goes to God's people and calls them to conversion.
Paul today talks about how the Christian community has strengthened him in spite of all the difficulties that he has caused them. On the one hand, Paul asks for forgiveness… on the other he recognizes that it is through their prayerful support of his ministry that God's graces have been able to flow through him into the Christian faithful.
Today's Gospel is an amazing story of unconditional love of God for each one of us. God's highest of creation, humankind, is a reminder that He will do anything we ask to help us grow in holiness. As in today's Old Testament reading, God's wrath was withheld because of His love for His people. In the Gospel today we hear the love Jesus has for the people and it is another sign that God loves and forgives us. In the parable, there are two children, each have different problems. It is an exercise of free will taken to the max! Yet, it is love that overcomes all obstacles. Even when the youngest son spends everything he is given, He is forgiven. Even as the oldest son is angry and resentful, He is forgiven and called to share in holiness.
God calls us to respond to His grace. We need to be grateful to Him and call upon Him daily so that we will not be caught up in material things and that we are able to forgive others.
The Fair is coming……… thanks to those who have returned Fair tickets and volunteer forms… we still need your help—in the cafeteria to prepare food each evening before the Fair, assistance with the various booths. Don't forget to plan on walking in our Procession Sunday, Sept. 30th to honor St. Rosalie for the gifts she has gained for us before Jesus, Our Lord!
Fr. Jon D. Parks, sdb