Digital Device Classroom Management Plan

Parents/Guardians: Please read and initial each statement on the line provided. Also mark whether your child has a cell phone that they bring to school daily.

Cell phones, laptops, and other technology are not allowed to be out in my classroom unless specified for a particular lesson. When necessary, devices approved through the Arrowhead Device Guidelines are acceptable to use in this class. The following technology device guidelines have been established for this classroom.

______Cell phones are not an approved classroom device. This year, for the first time, I will be piloting a new system. When students enter the room they will drop off their cell phone in a hanging cell phone holder which will keep their device safe until the period is complete. Students who fail to do this will have their device confiscated if their device is seen in class. If continual infractions occur, the cell phone will be given to the office which may require a parent/guardian to come to school to reacquire the phone for a student.

Students: This is your attendance and you will be marked tardy if your phone is not in the cell phone holder. If you do not own a cell phone, your parent/guardian should check the appropriate box below.

Parent/Guardian: Please check one box below.

My son/daughter has a cell phone that they bring to school daily.

My son/daughter does not bring a cell phone to school or does not own a cell phone.

______Students should have their graphing calculator charged and with them in class everyday. Laptops are expected to be charged prior to coming to class. If needed, there are charging lockers in the library to charge your device during a study hall.

______You are responsible to have your laptop or calculator on a given day when it is needed. There are laptops available for checkout from the library if necessary.

______If laptops are not being used in class they are expected to be in backpacks or on the desk with covers closed.

______Make sure you are appropriately, respectfully, and responsibly using your devices in class as the AHS Acceptable Use Policy (signed by you and your parents) will be enforced. Examples of unacceptable behaviors with devicesinclude: texting, chatting, playing games, taking

non-approved pictures/videos/audio files, visiting unapproved sites, etc.Please reference the Acceptable Use Policyfor any questions.

Signing below indicates that I understand and agree to abide by the digital device rules and usage policy outlined for Mr. Martin’s class. Return this form signed to Mr. Martin by Friday, September 8th.

Student Name(Print):______

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______